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Joint Development


Joint development refers to public transportation projects that integrally relate to, and often co-located with, commercial, residential, mixed-use, or other non-transit development. Joint development may include partnerships for public or private development associated with any mode of transit system that is being improved through new construction, renovation, or extension.

For example, a project where a transit agency enters into a partnership with a private developer to build office space or housing on property owned by the transit agency adjacent to a transit station would be joint development.

FTA-assisted joint development refers to joint development activities that use FTA financial assistance or FTA-assisted real property or other project property. FTA supports joint development in two ways:

  1. Grant funding through its planning and capital assistance programs; and
  2. By allowing real property that was previously acquired with FTA assistance to be used for joint development.

There is no separate FTA grant program specifically for joint development. One of the primary benefits of FTA-assisted joint development is to generate program income for the transit agency through rental payments or other means.

Updated: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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