Research & Development

Characteristics of Fatal Rollover Crashes [Report]

Characteristics of Fatal Rollover Crashes [Report]

Product ID: 809 438
The objective of this study by the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA) was to examine the characteristics of passenger vehicles and their drivers involved in fatal rollover crashes.  Using data from the 1991 through 2000 NCSA's Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), the Federal Highway Administration, and the US Census Bureau trends were examined and rates of fatal rollovers per registered vehicle and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) were calculated and compared.  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 51 pages.

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Drugged Driving Expert Panel Report:

Drugged Driving Expert Panel Report:

Product ID: 811 438

In November 2008 and again in March 2009, an expert panel was convened by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration with the goal of determining whether a list could be developed to indicate which medications or classes of medications may pose a hazard to driving. There was particular interest in having the panel develop a list of safe”medications that do not impair driving. The value of the list would be to better inform patients and physicians regarding the likely effects of a drug on driving. This information could lead to better-informed prescribing practices and to more rational selection of medications by patients. 

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2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 1 (Methodologies)(Report)

2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 1 (Methodologies)(Report)

Product ID: 809 388
This report presents detailed information on survey methodology as well as copies of the questionnaires, in reference to the data collection conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc., a national survey research organization.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 149 pages.

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2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 2 (Seat Belt Report)

2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 2 (Seat Belt Report)

Product ID: 809 389
This report presents the survey findings pertaining to seat belts.  The survey employed two questionnaires, each administered to a randomly selected national sample of approximately 6,000 persons age 16 and older (with younger ages over sampled).  Interviewing began November 8, 2000 and ended January 21, 2001.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 205 pages.

Number in Stock: 59
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2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 3 Air Bags Report

2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 3 Air Bags Report

Product ID: 809 413
This report presents findings from a national survey conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc., pertaining to air bags.  Telephone surveys provide self-reported information, which can differ from information collected through direct observation.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 55 pages.

Number in Stock: 52
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2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 4 (Manual)

2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 4 (Manual)

Product ID: 809 459
This report presents findings from a national survey pertaining to crash injury and emergency medical services.   Three color, 8.5" x 11", 75 pages.

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2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 5 [Report]

2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 5 [Report]

Product ID: 809 465
This report presents findings from a national survey conducted by Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc., pertaining to crash injury and emergency medical services.  Telephone surveys provide self-reported information, which can differ from information collected through direct observation.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 127 pages.

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2001 National Survey of Drinking and Driving-Volume 1 Summary Report

2001 National Survey of Drinking and Driving-Volume 1 Summary Report

Product ID: 809 549
This report represents the sixth in a series of biennial national surveys undertaken by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) starting in 1991, and reports data from this sixth administration as well as those of the first five administrations (1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, and 1999).  The objective of these recurrent studies is to measure both current status and trends regarding the public's attitudes, knowledge, and self-reported behavior related to drinking and driving.  These data are used in supporting future NHTSA initiatives, identifying areas where improvements have been made, and identifying those areas needing further attention.  This report, Volume I:  Summary Report presents a top line summary of respondents' behaviors and attitudes on various topics related to drinking and driving including reported frequency of drinking and driving, prevention and intervention, riding with impaired drivers, designated drivers, perceptions of penalties, and knowledge of and acceptance of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels.  8.5" x 11", three color, 25 pages.

Number in Stock: 350
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2001 National Survey of Drinking and Driving-Volume 2: Methods Report

2001 National Survey of Drinking and Driving-Volume 2: Methods Report

Product ID: 809 550
This report represents the sixth in a series of biennial national surveys undertaken by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) starting in 1991, and reports data from this sixth administration as well as those of the first five administrations (1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, and 1999).  The objective of these recurrent studies is to measure both current status and trends regarding the public's attitudes, knowledge, and self-reported behavior related to drinking and driving.  These data are used in supporting future NHTSA initiatives, identifying areas where improvements have been made, and identifying those areas needing further attention.  This report, Volume II:  Methods Report describes the methods used to conduct the interviews and analyze the data.  It also contains a copy of the most recent questionnaire. 8.5" x 11", three color, 54 pages.

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2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 1 Methodology (Report)

2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 1 Methodology (Report)

Product ID: 809 788
The Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey is a national telephone survey on occupant protection issues conducted every 2 - 3 years. It is composed of two questionnaires, each administered to a randomly selected sample of about 6,000 persons age 16 and older.  This series of volumes presents results from the 2003 survey.  Volume 1 presents the survey methodology and the questionnaires.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 152 pages.

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2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 2 Safety Belt Report

2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 2 Safety Belt Report

Product ID: 809 789
 The Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey is a national telephone survey on occupant protection issues conducted every 2 - 3 years. It is composed of two questionnaires, each administered to a randomly selected sample of about 6,000 persons age 16 and older.  This series of volumes presents results from the 2003 survey.  Volume 2 summarizes data concerning attitudes, knowledge, and self-reported behavior regarding safety belts.  Topical areas include frequency of belt use, reasons for use and non-use, attitudes concerning the utility of safety belts, and attitudes and knowledge regarding safety belt laws and enforcement. Three color, 8.5" x 11", 207 pages.

Number in Stock: 331
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2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 3 Air Bag Report

2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 3 Air Bag Report

Product ID: 809 856
The Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (MVOSS) is national telephone survey on occupant protection issues conducted every two-to-three years.  It is composed of two questionnaires, each administered to a randomly selected sample of about 6,000 people 16 and older.  This series of volumes presents results from the 2003 survey.  Volume 3 summarizes data concerning attitudes and knowledge regarding air bags.  8.5" x 11", two color, 52 pages.

Number in Stock: 396
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2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 4

2003 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 4

Product ID: 809 857
The Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (MVOSS) is a national telephone survey on occupant protection issues conducted every two-to-three years.  It is composed of two questionnaires, each administered to a randomly selected sample of about 6,000 people 16 and older.  This series of volumes presents results from the 2003 survey.  Volume 3 summarizes data concerning crash injury experience, as well as attitudes and knowledge regarding EMS issues.  8.5" x 11", two color, 52 pages. 8.5" x 11", two color, 90 pages.

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2006 National Labor Day Impaired Driving Enforcement Crackdown:

2006 National Labor Day Impaired Driving Enforcement Crackdown:

Product ID: 811 039/7P0373
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administrations 2006 Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest. Labor Day holiday campaign had three main components: 1) DWI enforcement, 2) public awareness efforts, and 3) evaluation. The campaign used the previously successful high visibility enforcement model. Eighteen nights of enforcement focused on apprehending intoxicated drivers.  Forty-eight States reported over 40,000 DWI arrests. National random sample telephone surveys conducted prior to and just after the campaign found that the media effort increased awareness but indicated no self-reported changes in drinking driving behavior.

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2006 Seat Belt Use Estimate for Native American Tribal Reservation (Report)

2006 Seat Belt Use Estimate for Native American Tribal Reservation (Report)

Product ID: 810 967
This study updates a 2004 project sponsored by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Indian Highway Safety Program, which developed a methodology to measure and a baseline tribal reservation seat belt use rate. Between September and December 2006, seat belt use was observed on 15 reservations and in March 2007 on one reservation. For the tribal reservations subject to tribal law and tribal traffic law enforcement, excluding the Navajo Nation, the overall seat belt use rate was 61.8%. When results from the 2004 study are compared to the present study, there was a statistically significant increase in seat belt use. There was a very high variation in belt use across reservations, ranging from a low of 27.7% to a high of 87.8%. Nine tribal reservations had primary seat belt laws; in them, 73.1% of vehicle occupants were belted. By comparison, three tribal reservations had secondary belt laws; they averaged 59.3% belt use. For the four tribal reservations with no belt use law of any kind, only 37.2% of the vehicle occupants were belted. 

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2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 1 (Methodology Report)

2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 1 (Methodology Report)

Product ID: 810 974
These are the first two report volumes from NHTSA's large-sample national telephone survey, conducted in 2007, addressing occupant protection issues.  NHTSA has conducted the survey periodically since 1994.  Volume 1 presents the methodology and questionnaires.  Volume 2 summarizes results pertaining to use of seat belts, and presents trends over time.

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2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 2 (Seat Belt Report)

2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey - Volume 2 (Seat Belt Report)

Product ID: 810 975
These are the first two report volumes from NHTSA's large-sample national telephone survey, conducted in 2007, addressing occupant protection issues.  NHTSA has conducted the survey periodically since 1994.  Volume 1 presents the methodology and questionnaires.  Volume 2 summarizes results pertaining to use of seat belts, and presents trends over time.

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2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (Report)

2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (Report)

Product ID: 810 976
This is the third report volume from NHTSA's large-sample national telephone survey, conducted in 2007, addressing occupant protection issues.  NHTSA has conducted the survey periodically since 1994.  Volume 3 presents the survey results pertaining to air bags.  It explores preferences, perceived utility, and concerns that the public has regarding air bags.
IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY:  The report shows broad public support for air bags, and a general awareness that air bags are not a substitute for seat belts.  But the data also suggest that some people are confused about the presence and location of air bags in their vehicles.  Moreover, drivers were less likely to report that their vehicles had warning labels about air bags if the vehicle was purchased used as opposed to new.  These points to gaps in how the public is being informed about air bags.

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2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey Volume-4(Report)

2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey Volume-4(Report)

Product ID: 810 977
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This is the fourth report volume from NHTSA's large-sample national telephone survey, conducted in 2007, addressing occupant protection issues.  Volume 4 presents the survey results pertaining to crash injury experience, use of the EMS system, and cell phone use while driving. IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY: The report provides data to consider when making strategic decisions about allocating health care resources.  It shows the percentage of adults injured in a crash, and the demand they placed on EMS and other health care systems for immediate and follow-up treatment.  This includes data showing hospitalization less often needed when a seat belt was worn.  The report also shows the extent of public use of the 9-1-1 emergency call system.  Other data describe the level of confidence in the EMS system, and how this varies across groups.  In addition, data on cell phone use describe the magnitude of this driver distraction behavior.

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2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey Volume-5 Child Safety Seat (Report)

2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey Volume-5 Child Safety Seat (Report)

Product ID: 810 978

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2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers: Alcohol Results (Report)

2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers: Alcohol Results (Report)

Product ID: 811 248

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2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers: Drug Results (Report)

2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers: Drug Results (Report)

Product ID: 811 249

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2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers: Methodology (Report)

2007 National Roadside Survey of Alcohol and Drug Use by Drivers: Methodology (Report)

Product ID: 811 237

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2012 National Survey on Distracted Driving Attitudes and Behaviors

2012 National Survey on Distracted Driving Attitudes and Behaviors

Product ID: 811 729

The 2012 National Survey on Distracted Driving Attitudes and Behaviors (NSDDAB) is the second in a series of surveys on distracted driving that have provided data to help further the understanding of driving behavior and to contribute to the development of countermeasures and interventions to reduce distracted driving on the Nation’s roadways. Like the previous 2010 study, this survey yields national estimates of behavior and attitudes toward distracted driving in the United States. 

A Field Test of Rational Speed Limits in Gulfport, Mississippi

A Field Test of Rational Speed Limits in Gulfport, Mississippi

Product ID: 810 849

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A Pilot Study to Test Multiple Medication Usage and Driver Functioning (Report)

A Pilot Study to Test Multiple Medication Usage and Driver Functioning (Report)

Product ID: 810 980
This study explored the relationship between older drivers who take multiple medications, (polypharmacy) and their driving functioning. A patient-level administrative claims database containing prescription information and E-codes identifying the incidence of motor vehicle injuries was mined, yielding combinations of drugs that became inclusion criteria in a field study of driver performance among 44 older adults (ages 57 to 89; mean: 79). Driving performance evaluations by an occupational therapist/certified driving rehabilitation specialist, a brake response time measure, and functional screening measures were conducted for the study sample, whose drug profiles were documented through a brown bag review by a licensed pharmacist. The relationship between medication usage and each of these outcome measures was examined in descriptive data summaries and regression analyses. The driving evaluations were carried out in a dual-brake vehicle also equipped with speed sensor (OBD-2), GPS logger, and two miniature video cameras (drivers face and forward road views) plus digital recorder. A sub-sample allowed the same instrumentation package to be installed in their private cars for a week of independent driving; this supported an analysis of within-subject variability in driving behavior during a formal driving evaluation versus independent driving.

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A Review of the Literature on the effects of Low doses of Alcohol on Driving- Related Skills (Report

A Review of the Literature on the effects of Low doses of Alcohol on Driving- Related Skills (Report

Product ID: 809 028
This literature review found that alcohol impairs driving skills with any significant departure from zero BAC, and that all drivers can be expected to experience impairment in some driving-related skills by BACs of .08% or less. 8.5" x 11", black and white, 59 pages. 

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Achieving a High Seat Belt Use Rate (Report)

Achieving a High Seat Belt Use Rate (Report)

Product ID: 809 244
In 1997, President Clinton initiated the Buckle Up America Campaign.  The goal of the campaign is to increase seat belt use to 90 percent by 2005.  This report summarizes recent advances in achieving and publicizing high-visibility enforcement.  Publicity and enforcement strategies are available now that will enable communities to reach the 90 percent belt use goal.  Full color, 8.5" x 11", 24 pages.

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Advanced Countermeasures for Multiple Impairments, Vehicle Safety Research Note

Advanced Countermeasures for Multiple Impairments, Vehicle Safety Research Note

Product ID: 811 887
Drowsy driving is a significant contributor to death and injury crashes on our Nation’s highways, accounting for more than 80,000 crashes and 850 fatalities per year. Prior research using data from the 100-car naturalistic study found that drowsy driving contributed to 22 percent to 24 percent of crashes and near-crashes observed. The rate of drowsy driving and the severity of the resultant crashes give clear cause for concern and research continues to be needed to help reduce the number of lives lost due to drowsy driving. Algorithms similar to those used to successfully detect alcohol impairment using lane position and steering could be implemented in vehicle-based safety systems to detect impairment from drowsiness.

Advanced Restraint Systems (ARS)

Advanced Restraint Systems (ARS)

Product ID: 811 794A

This report presents a summary of the work performed during the Advanced Restraint Systems (ARS) project. The primary objective of this effort was to evaluate the potential benefit of using pre-crash information associated with two unique crash configurations (one vehicle-to-vehicle scenario and one vehicle-to-object scenario) to tailor an advanced restraint system to the occupant and crash type. The project work encompassed the Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) analysis of these two crash modes, as well as the identification, development, integration and physical evaluation of a prototype advanced restraints system within a targeted baseline vehicle environment. For each mode, injury assessments were made for the small, mid-size, and large driver and passenger occupants in either a combination of CAE and vehicle testing or with solely CAE analysis. With three different occupants and two crash modes at two different speeds, 24 different “load cases,” 12 for the driver and 12 for the passenger, were studied. This project was conducted by the Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership (CAMP) ARS Consortium (Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Mercedes-Benz).


Advanced Restraint Systems (ARS) Final Report Appendices

Advanced Restraint Systems (ARS) Final Report Appendices

Product ID: 811 794B


This report presents a summary of the work performed during the Advanced Restraint Systems (ARS) project. The primary objective of this effort was to evaluate the potential benefit of using pre-crash information associated with two unique crash configurations (one vehicle-to-vehicle scenario and one vehicle-to-object scenario) to tailor an advanced restraint system to the occupant and crash type. The project work encompassed the CAE analysis of these two crash modes, as well as the identification, development, integration and physical evaluation of a prototype advanced restraints system within a targeted baseline vehicle environment. For each mode, injury assessments were made for the small, mid-size and large driver and passenger occupants in either a combination of CAE and vehicle testing or with solely CAE analysis. With 3 different occupants and 2 crash modes at 2 different speeds, 24 different “load cases,” 12 for the driver and 12 for the passenger, were studied. This project was conducted by the Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership (CAMP) ARS Consortium (Ford Motor Company, General Motors and Mercedes-Benz).

Age of Drinking Onset and Unintentional Injury Involvement after Drinking (Report)

Age of Drinking Onset and Unintentional Injury Involvement after Drinking (Report)

Product ID: 809 189
This report provides the results of a study analyzing whether individuals who begin alcohol use at younger ages report a higher rate of unintentional injuries while under the influence of alcohol.  Injury data from a 1992 study conducted by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) was analyzed to determine whether the unintentional injury rate for those people who began alcohol use before age 14 was higher than the rate for those who started drinking alcohol at age 21 or older. Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 20 pages.

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Age of Drinking Onset, Driving After Drinking, and Involvement (Report)

Age of Drinking Onset, Driving After Drinking, and Involvement (Report)

Product ID: 809 188
This report presents the results of a national study examining whether individuals who begin drinking alcohol at younger ages have a greater likelihood of impaired driving and alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes during their lives. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) surveyed 42,862 respondents about their drinking behavior and traffic crash history. Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 16 pages.

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Aggressive Driving Enforcement: Evaluations of Two Demonstration Programs (Report)

Aggressive Driving Enforcement: Evaluations of Two Demonstration Programs (Report)

Product ID: 809 707
This report presents the results of a study that evaluated the effects of two aggressive driving enforcement programs in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Tucson, Arizona.  8.5" x 11", Two color, 46 pages.

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Alcohol and Highway Safety 2001; A Review of the State of Knowledge

Alcohol and Highway Safety 2001; A Review of the State of Knowledge

Product ID: 809 383
This report discusses the history of the alcohol crash problem and the latest theories and research results available on this topic. It also includes recent research findings on the effects of enforcement, adjudication/sanctioning, general deterrence measures, and statistics from new data bases. The publication identifies research needs and new directions for alcohol programs.  8.5" x 11", Three color, 207 pages.

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Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes- Comparisons among Countries (Report)

Alcohol Involvement in Fatal Crashes- Comparisons among Countries (Report)

Product ID: 809 355
This report describes the different definitions of key elements in the measurement of alcohol involvement crashes in 20 different countries.   Specifically, countries differ in the definitions of alcohol involvement (e.g., driver only, driver and pedestrian(s), over legal BAC, fatality (e.g., 30 days following a crash, eight days, 12 months), time limits on alcohol testing (e.g., at the scene of the crash, a few hours after), percent of drivers tested, and use of autopsy reports which are used for official statistics in some countries, but not others.  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 32 pages.

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An Evaluation of Checkpoint Tennessee: Tennessee's Statewide Sobriety Checkpoint Program

An Evaluation of Checkpoint Tennessee: Tennessee's Statewide Sobriety Checkpoint Program

Product ID: 808 841
This report evaluates the results of Checkpoint Tennessee, a sobriety checkpoint program initiated in 1994 by the Tennessee Highway Patrol.  The traffic safety impact of dramatically increasing the number of sobriety checkpoints conducted throughout the state was analyzed, and results indicate a 20.4 percent reduction in alcohol-related crashes.  This significant decrease was achieved with relatively low implementation costs.  8.5" x 11", two color, 65 pages.

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An Evaluation of the Three Georgia DUI Courts

An Evaluation of the Three Georgia DUI Courts

Product ID: 811 450

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An Examination of Washington State's Vehicle Impoundment Law for Motorcycle Endorsements

An Examination of Washington State's Vehicle Impoundment Law for Motorcycle Endorsements

Product ID: 811 698

An impact Evaluation of Underage Drinking Prevention Projects (Report)

An impact Evaluation of Underage Drinking Prevention Projects (Report)

Product ID: 809 670
This report presents the results of an impact evaluation of four community-based underage drinking prevention projects stimulated by technical assistance coordinated by the National Association of Governors' Highway Association with funding provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The four programs studied were located in:  Chesterfield County, Virginia; Omaha, Nebraska; Salt Lake County, Utah; and Travis County, Texas.  The impact evaluation focused on the effect of the programs on proxy measures of alcohol-related crashes among youth.  8.5" x 11", three color, 26 pages.

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Analysis of Capital Beltway Crashes: Years 1993 - 1996 (Report)

Analysis of Capital Beltway Crashes: Years 1993 - 1996 (Report)

Product ID: 808 852
This report provides an analysis of the type, frequency and cause of all crash events occurring on Washington, DC.'s Capital Beltway, from 1993 to 1996. A total of 4,956 usable hard-copy crash reports were provided by Maryland and Virginia law enforcement officials. These reports were coded and statistically analyzed to determine that overall, total crashes, injury/fatal crashes and alcohol-related crashes as a proportion of total crashes decreased during this period. Crash type distribution remained consistent. Graphs, tables and crosstabs of raw data are included in several appendices. Three color, 8.5" x 11", 53 pages.

Number in Stock: 557
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Analysis of Rear Underride in Fatal Truck Crashes

Analysis of Rear Underride in Fatal Truck Crashes

Product ID: 811 652

This study was conducted by the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) to collect and analyze crash data on rear underride in fatal truck crashes in 2008. The underride data was collected as a supplement to the 2008 Trucks Involved in Fatal Accidents (TIFA) survey, which in turn supplements NHTSA’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System file. Data was collected on the rear geometry of the rear-most unit of all trucks in the 2008 TIFA file. In addition, for all collisions in which the rear of the truck was struck, data was collected on the extent of underride, damage to the underride guard, if any, and whether the collision was offset. In addition, international rear underride protection standards were surveyed and summarized.


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Analysis of the Impact of Increased Speed Limit on Interstates and on Highways in Louisiana

Analysis of the Impact of Increased Speed Limit on Interstates and on Highways in Louisiana

Product ID: 809 367
A law was passed in mid-year 1997, raising the speed limit on rural interstate highways to 70 MPH.  Therefore, 1996 and 1998 were compared.  Dependent variables were fatality count, and injury severity.  Factors controlled were for road type, speed limit, vehicle type, time of day, weather and gender.  Fatal crashes increased by 37% on interstates while fatal crashes in Louisiana as a whole increased by less that 1% during the same period.  Fatal crashes on rural interstates increased by 2 crashes per month after the speed limits were raised in August, 1997.  8.5" x11", two color, 30 pages.

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Analyzing the First Years of the Click It or Ticket Mobilizations(Report)

Analyzing the First Years of the Click It or Ticket Mobilizations(Report)

Product ID: 811 232
The Click It or Ticket (CIOT) seat belt enforcement programs conducted between 2000 and 2006 were important factors in increasing seat belt use nationwide and in virtually all States. This was the case for observed seat belt use, seat belt use in fatalities, and self-reported seat belt use.  As enforcement programs continued across the country and belt use increased, public awareness and attitudes changed as well, with growing support for primary belt laws and belt enforcement.  Among state with secondary seat belt enforcement laws, where an officer must first stop a vehicle for some other violation before issuing a seat belt citation, the States that increased seat belt use the most had greater levels of enforcement. Primary law States (where an officer can issue a belt citation upon observing an unbelted motorist like all other traffic laws) had substantially higher seat belt use and higher levels of enforcement than secondary States. States that converted from secondary to primary laws during the period showed the greatest increase in belt use.

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Antihistamines and Driving-Related Behavior- A Review of the Evidence for Impairment (Report )

Antihistamines and Driving-Related Behavior- A Review of the Evidence for Impairment (Report )

Product ID: 809 714
This report presents information about the review of the scientific literature concerning the effects of antihistamines on driving-related skills. After reviewing all pertinent publications from 1998 and earlier, a total of 130 publications were found to meet the criteria for inclusion in the data summaries.  A database was created with study results being indexed, and summarized, by specific drug, dose, dosing schedule and H1-antagonist generation as well as by behavioral area or subjective measure.  Full color, 8.5" x 11", 88 pages.

Number in Stock: 96
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Art of Appropriate Evaluation (Booklet)

Art of Appropriate Evaluation (Booklet)

Product ID: 811 061
First released in 1999, The Art of Appropriate Evaluation has been one of NHTSAs most popular publications.  NHTSA has prepared a revised and updated version of the guide.  The document is intended for project managers who oversee evaluations of traffic safety programs at the State or local levels but who do not have an evaluation background.  The guide gives an overview of the steps involved in producing an evaluation appropriate to the project, whether conducted in-house or by an independent evaluator.
IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY:  Traffic safety evaluation is an applied science that works within the constraints of State and local program implementation. Without evaluation it is difficult to know the extent to which a program affects traffic safety. Managers of State and local traffic safety programs who understand the importance of evaluation and who follow the steps highlighted in The Art of Appropriate Evaluation will be able to document and continue to implement their successful programs.

Number in Stock: 296
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Assessing the Feasibility of Vehicle-based Sensors to Detect Drowsy Driving

Assessing the Feasibility of Vehicle-based Sensors to Detect Drowsy Driving

Product ID: 811 886

Drowsy driving is a significant contributor to death and injury crashes on our Nation’s highways, accounting for more than 80,000 crashes and 850 fatalities per year. The successful detection of drowsiness is a crucial step in implementing mitigation strategies to reduce the cost to society of drowsy driving. Building upon prior research in detecting impairment from alcohol and distraction, the goal of this research was to determine the extent to which alcohol impairment algorithms could detect drowsiness and distinguish it from alcohol impairment. Data were collected from seventy-two participants during daytime (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.), early night (10 p.m. – 2 a.m.), and late night (2 a.m. - 6 a.m.) sessions to provide data for algorithm testing and refinement. Driving data indicated a complex relationship between driving performance and conditions associated with drowsiness: compared to daytime session, driving performance improved during the early night session, before degrading during the late night session. This non-linear relationship between continuous time awake, subjective assessments of drowsiness and driving performance has the potential to complicate the early detection of drowsiness. Drowsiness, as indicated by unintended lane departures, occurred in all sessions and demonstrated a transient nature. Algorithms based on lane position and steering wheel data, which can be obtained inexpensively, were best at predicting drowsiness related lane departures. Alcohol detection algorithms were not successful in detecting drowsiness but could be retrained to do so. Rather than one algorithm being generalized to detect multiple impairments, these results indicate that specialized algorithms might co-exist and allow one to detect and differentiate alcohol and drowsy-impaired driving. These findings provide a better understanding of the relationship between impairment from alcohol and drowsiness and lay the foundation for detecting and differentiating among impairment from alcohol, drowsiness, fatigue and drugs.

Basis of Design for Advanced Crash Avoidance Technology Test Course Features

Basis of Design for Advanced Crash Avoidance Technology Test Course Features

Product ID: 811 988

The primary objective of the work described in this report was to determine the facility design characteristics for an advanced crash-avoidance technology test course including feasibility, estimated costs, and an implementation plan. In recent years, light- and heavy-vehicle manufacturers have introduced as OEM equipment technologies that can warn/mitigate/prevent crashes . These technologies have the potential to save lives, prevent injuries, and provide safety benefits to the public. Objective test procedures for these emerging technologies should be developed using test facilities, motion systems, and targets that can simulate a real-world environment and not interfere with vehicle sensing technologies. Effective evaluation of emerging technologies should be performed on facilities where researchers can safely and efficiently develop and conduct tests for light and heavy vehicles. These facilities would allow for research activities and unbiased assessment of advanced vehicle technologies. The content of this report was developed through a review of literature relating to vehicle crash statistics, existing and emerging test procedures for advanced crash-avoidance technology, and through a review of tests performed using existing facilities. The resulting test course includes prototypes for straight parallel lanes, intersecting lanes, and curved parallel lanes.

Booster Seat Law Enforcement (Report)

Booster Seat Law Enforcement (Report)

Product ID: 811 247

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Case Studies of Ignition Interlock Programs (Report)

Case Studies of Ignition Interlock Programs (Report)

Product ID: 811 594
Under a contract with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Acclaro Research Solutions, Inc. prepared this program guide of case studies. The guide profiles the work of six States and their use of ignition interlocks as part of an overall strategy to combat alcohol-impaired driving.

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Cell Phone Filter/Blocker Technology Field Test

Cell Phone Filter/Blocker Technology Field Test

Product ID: 811 863

Forty-four participants each received a cell phone filtering/blocking application on their employer-provided cell phones for 9 weeks. During the first and last 3 weeks, cell phone activity including calling, text messaging and application use was simply recorded in the background. During the middle 3 weeks, the cell phone filtering/blocking software was active, meaning that anytime the application sensed that the phone was moving faster than the pre-set speed threshold, all phone activity was blocked. Two different custom applications were designed for this study, one a software-only solution, and one a combination of hardware and software.

Objective data on participants’ phone use behavior and subjective data (from a questionnaire) on participants’ acceptance were collected. Additionally, the impact on an organization attempting to implement a similar program employing cell phone filtering/blocking was examined.

Characteristics and Conditions of Teenage Safety Belt Use (Report)

Characteristics and Conditions of Teenage Safety Belt Use (Report)

Product ID: 808 676
This report documents observed safety belt use among 7,384 vehicle occupants age 15 to 19 in Texas, Virginia, Idaho and Mississippi.  Belt use ranged from a low of 19.5 percent in Mississippi to 57.6 percent in Virginia.  Focus groups among teens in this study provided patterns of safety belt use, reasons for nonuse, and effective approaches to increase belt use in this age group.  93 pages.

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Child Pedestrian Safety Education (Report)

Child Pedestrian Safety Education (Report)

Product ID: 811 190

Psychological theories of learning and updated child development theories are not often used when developing child pedestrian education programs.  Interventions based on relevant theories might be more effective in increasing safe pedestrian behaviors in young children.  This report reviews the literature on child pedestrian education and discusses possible programs that may be more effective in keeping child pedestrians safe. 

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Class 8 Straight Truck and Class 7 School Bus, Brake Performance Improvement Study

Product ID: 811 790

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A Class 7 school bus and Class 8 straight truck were tested by NHTSA VRTC to evaluate relative braking performance and stability levels of various high-output foundation brake configurations. An abbreviated FMVSS No. 121 test sequence was conducted, with additional tests being performed for research purposes.

Each vehicle was tested with three brake configurations:

(1) standard S-cam drums (baseline) on all wheel positions; (2) hybrid – Air-disc brakes on the steer axle and S-cam drums on the drive axles; and 3) air disc brakes on all wheel positions. The vehicles were tested at two load conditions, a Lightly Loaded Vehicle Weight (LLVW) and Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR).

Each vehicle-brake-load combination met the current FMVSS No. 121 standard service brake stops on a dry surface from 60 mph. At LLVW, both vehicles exhibited reductions in stopping distance when the S-cam brakes were replaced with either hybrid or all disc configuration brakes, but the difference between the two change types was negligible at this load. However at GVWR, the benefits of disc brakes at all wheel positions were clearly seen. The disc brake configuration showed shorter stopping distances of 20 and 22 percent for the straight truck and the bus, respectively, where the hybrid brake configurations only produced stopping distances that were 10 percent shorter than S-cam brakes for both trucks.

Click It or Ticket Mobilization Evaluation (Report)

Click It or Ticket Mobilization Evaluation (Report)

Product ID: 809 694 / 7P0289

Click it or Ticket is an intense, short duration seatbelt paid advertising and high visibility enforcement program.  The National Occupant Protection Use Survey recorded the national usage rate at 79 percent, a 4 percent increase over 2002.  National telephone surveys conducted just before and just after the May campaign indicated substantial increases in the number of drivers who had recently seen or heard of police enforcement of seat belt use and thought that police are writing more tickets.  It was concluded that a highly publicized national program of belt use enforcement can increase the number of people who buckle up. 8.5" x 11", full color, 53 pages.

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Compendium of Traffic Safety Research Projects 1985-2013

Compendium of Traffic Safety Research Projects 1985-2013

Product ID: 811 847

Through many name changes, from the Office of Program Development and Evaluation, the Office of Research and Evaluation, to the current, Office of Behavioral Safety Research, our focus has remained on improving the safety of drivers, occupants, pedestrians, and all road users. This office conducts studies, evaluations and projects that include laboratory research, field studies, national surveys, and analyses of observational and archival data. Our work over the past decades has significantly enhanced law enforcement strategies, strengthened community traffic safety programs, informed policy decisions, examined emerging issues, and helped to decrease lives lost to motor vehicle crashes.

This compendium contains brief summaries of research on alcohol-involved driving, drug-involved driving, occupant protection (e.g., seat belts, and child safety seats), speed and other unsafe driving behaviors, motorcyclist safety, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, older driver safety, novice and young driver safety, fatigue and distraction, and emergency medical services.

This document updates previous versions, both by adding entries since the previous version was released in 1996, and also adding two additional early years – 1985 and 1986. A new feature is that most of the entries in the electronic version of this document include hyperlinks directly to the listed reports.

Configurations of EMS Systems: A Pilot Study (Report)

Configurations of EMS Systems: A Pilot Study (Report)

Product ID: 810 911
The purpose of this study was to create a typology for classifying the configurations of EMS systems. The results indicate that EMS systems vary significantly, depending on factors such as the size, demographics, geography, and the communities they serve.

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Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices

Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices

Product ID: 811 081

"Countermeasures That Work" assists State Highway Safety Offices to select science-based traffic safety countermeasures for major highway safety problem areas.  The guide describes major strategies relevant to highway safety offices; summarizes their use, effectiveness, costs and implementation time; and, provides references to research summaries and individual studies. Countermeasures on child passenger safety were added to the seat belt chapter.

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Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices

Countermeasures That Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices

Product ID: 811 258
"Countermeasures That Work" assists State Highway Safety Offices to select science-based traffic safety countermeasures for major highway safety problem areas.  The guide describes major strategies relevant to highway safety offices; summarizes their use, effectiveness, costs and implementation time; and, provides references to research summaries and individual studies. Countermeasures on child passenger safety were added to the seat belt chapter.

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Countermeasures that Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices

Countermeasures that Work: A Highway Safety Countermeasure Guide for State Highway Safety Offices

Product ID: 811 727

The guide is a basic reference to assist State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) in selecting effective, evidencebased countermeasures for traffic safety problem areas.

The guide:
describes major strategies and countermeasures that are relevant to SHSOs;
summarizes strategy/countermeasure use, effectiveness, costs, and implementation time; and
provides references to the most important research summaries and individual studies.

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Daytime and Nighttime Seat Belt Use at Selected Sites in New Mexico (Report)

Daytime and Nighttime Seat Belt Use at Selected Sites in New Mexico (Report)

Product ID: 810 705
 Surveys of belt use were conducted at 108 observation sites across New Mexico during both daytime and nighttime hours.  Belt use at night measured 6.2 percentage points lower than daytime.  Belt use was related to sex, vehicle type, road type, and population density.

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Daytime and Nighttime Seat Belt Use by Fatally Injured Passenger Vehicle Occupants(Report)

Daytime and Nighttime Seat Belt Use by Fatally Injured Passenger Vehicle Occupants(Report)

Product ID: 811 281

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Depiction of Priority Light Vehicle Pre-Crash Scenarios for Safety Applications

Depiction of Priority Light Vehicle Pre-Crash Scenarios for Safety Applications

Product ID: 811 732

A template of pre-crash scenarios is presented to depict national crash statistics and kinematic information of time-to-collision for the design of appropriate crash countermeasures based on vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. This template serves the development of functional requirements, performance specifications, test procedures, and benefits estimation for potential light-vehicle V2V safety applications. A set of ten pre-crash scenarios is suggested as a priority list to be addressed by V2V technology for light vehicles (i.e., passenger cars, vans and minivans, sport utility vehicles, and light pickup trucks with gross vehicle weight ratings of 10,000 pounds or less). This report presents the time-to-collision equations as well as the crash statistics for each of the ten priority scenarios based on data available in the General Estimates System, National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Survey, and Event Data Recorder databases.

Determination of Characteristics of Fatally Injured Drivers (Report)

Determination of Characteristics of Fatally Injured Drivers (Report)

Product ID: 809 380
To date, comprehensive analyses of data that link the circumstances of fatal crashes with detailed information on the background and previous behavior of drivers in those crashes have been lacking.  This report fills some of those gaps using analyses of national-level data.  To help remedy this deficit, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) provided investigators with a linked database in which background ("follow back") information from next-of-kin of drivers killed in crashes was combined with information on the same drivers and crashes, available from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS).  The availability of data from all these NHTSA sources provided an opportunity to perform three sets of analyses in relation FARS data.  8.5" x 11", three color, 36 pages.

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Development and Evaluation of a Comprehensive Program

Development and Evaluation of a Comprehensive Program

Product ID: 809 396
This report describes the development of a program to reduce drinking on a college campus.  The ultimate goal of the program is to reduce motor vehicle crashes resulting from driving after drinking, as well as other health and social problems that result from alcohol consumption by young persons in a university environment.  8.5" x 11", black and white, 47 pages.

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Development and Evaluation Of a PC-Based Attention Maintenance Training Program

Product ID: 811 252

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Distraction Effects of Manual Number and Text Entry While Driving

Distraction Effects of Manual Number and Text Entry While Driving

Product ID: 811 510

An experiment was conducted to assess the distraction potential of secondary tasks performed using in-vehicle systems (radio tuning, destination entry) and portable phones (10-digit dialing, selecting contacts, text messaging) while driving.
One hundred participants, ages 25-64, completed a single session in which they drove a low-fidelity (PC-based) simulator while performing the secondary tasks. The phone tasks were performed with two smart phones, one with a touch screen interface (iPhone) and one with a hard button interface (Blackberry). The Dynamic Following and Detection (DFD) driving protocol, which combines car-following with target detection, in which drivers responded to simple visual targets presented in the simulated roadway display, was used. Each combination of primary (driving) and secondary task was performed during a single 3-minute drive. Driving performance metrics included: lane position variability, car-following delay, target-detection accuracy and target detection
response time.

Drinking and Driving in the United States: The 1996 National Roadside Survey (Report)

Drinking and Driving in the United States: The 1996 National Roadside Survey (Report)

Product ID: 809 019
This report presents the results of the 1996 National Roadside Survey, conducted to determine the proportion of drivers exposed to involvement in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes. The survey consisted of interviewing and breath testing more than 6,000 motorists between September and November of 1996. Analysis of this data helped to calculate the relative risk of crash involvement at various blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels, and measured impaired driving trends over time. Survey data was compared with data collected in two previous roadside surveys, performed in 1973 and 1986. Black and white, 8.5" x 11', 37 pages. 

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Driver Behavior During, Visual-Manual Secondary Task Performance: Occlusion Method Versus Simulated

Driver Behavior During, Visual-Manual Secondary Task Performance: Occlusion Method Versus Simulated

Product ID: 811 726

An experiment was conducted to assess proposed acceptance criteria of NHTSA’s Visual-Manual Driver Distraction Guidelines. Seventy two participants, ages 18-75 (3 age groups, balanced gender), performed secondary tasks (radio tuning, destination entry, 7-digit phone dialing, and 10-digit phone dialing) in two protocols: (1) driving a low-fidelity simulator; and (2) wearing occlusion goggles. Secondary tasks were performed using the integrated in-vehicle information and communication system of a 2010 Toyota Prius V. The Dynamic Following and Detection (DFD) driving simulator protocol combines car following with detection of visual targets presented in the roadway display during a single 3-minute drive. Performance metrics included: total eyes-off-road time (TEORT), mean glance duration, proportion of long glances, standard deviation of lane position (SDLP), car following delay, target detection accuracy (proportion correct), and target detection response time. The occlusion protocol required participants to perform 5 instances of each secondary task while wearing occlusion goggles that switched every 1.5 seconds between open and closed (occluded) states (as defined in ISO 16673). Total shutter open time (TSOT) was the performance metric.

Driver Characteristics and Impairment at Various BACs (Report)

Driver Characteristics and Impairment at Various BACs (Report)

Product ID: 809 075

This report documents an experiment conducted to determine the extent to which alcohol impairment at various Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) levels impacts the driving skills of individuals of different ages, gender and drinking practice characteristics. A driving simulator was used to measure the skills of 168 subjects representative of the general driving population. Tables and graphs illustrate raw data, performance index and impairment scores for all test subjects. Two color, 8.5" x 11", 67 pages.

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Driving with Visual Field Loss: an Exploratory Simulation Study (Report)

Driving with Visual Field Loss: an Exploratory Simulation Study (Report)

Product ID: 811 062
"Countermeasures That Work" assists State Highway Safety Offices to select science-based traffic safety countermeasures for major highway safety problem areas.  The guide describes major strategies relevant to highway safety offices; summarizes their use, effectiveness, costs and implementation time; and, provides references to research summaries and individual studies. Countermeasures on child passenger safety were added to the Seat Belt chapter.

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Effect of Realistic Vehicle Seats, Cushion Length, and Lap Belt Geometry on Child ATD Kinematics

Effect of Realistic Vehicle Seats, Cushion Length, and Lap Belt Geometry on Child ATD Kinematics

Product ID: 811 869

This series of sled tests examined the effect of using real vehicle seats on child anthropomorphic test dummy (ATD) performance. Cushion length was varied from production length of 450 mm to a shorter length of 350 mm. Lap belt geometry was set to rear, mid, and forward anchorage locations that span the range of allowable lap belt angles found in real vehicles. Six tests were each performed with the standard Hybrid III 6YO (6-year-old) and 10YO (10-year-old) ATDs. One additional test was performed using a booster seat with the 6YO. An updated version of the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) seating procedure was used to position the ATDs. The updated version positioned the ATD hips further forward with longer seat cushions to reflect the effect of cushion length on posture that has been measured with child volunteers. ATD kinematics were evaluated using peak head excursion, peak knee excursion, the difference between peak head and peak knee excursion, and the minimum torso angle.

Effectiveness of Rear Seat Head Restraint Non-Use Position Discomfort Indicators

Effectiveness of Rear Seat Head Restraint Non-Use Position Discomfort Indicators

Product ID: 811 514

An experiment was conducted to compare the effectiveness of head restraints modified to increase the likelihood of eliciting uninstructed adjustments from a non-use to a deployed position among naïve users.  Fifty-nine participants aged 18-46 years experienced one of three head restraint conditions.  The first condition consisted of an unmodified, original equipment (OE) second- row head restraint from a 2009 Ford Flex, which was compliant to specifications in the United Nations’ Global Technical Regulation (GTR) No. 7 intended to provide distinct physical cues to alert occupants to the need to adjust the head restraint.   The second condition consisted of an OE head restraint modified to be longer vertically, which also met the GTR specifications.  Lastly, a thicker head restraint producing a torso angle change of 10 degrees from the seat back (10 degrees), one of multiple compliance options allowed in FMVSS No. 202, was examined.


Effectiveness of the May 2005 Rural Demonstration Program and the Click It or Ticket Mobilization (R

Effectiveness of the May 2005 Rural Demonstration Program and the Click It or Ticket Mobilization (R

Product ID: 810 753
Just prior to the May 2005 Click It or Ticket  mobilization, NHTSA's Great Lakes Region implemented a Rural Demonstration Program (RDP) to increase seat belt use in rural areas.  Paid media notified rural residents that police would enforce seat belt laws. In three States (Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio), enforcement was included during this phase; however, in the remaining three States (Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin), only paid media was implemented. All States intensified enforcement during CIOT. In targeted rural areas, awareness of seat belt messages increased most during the RDP, while awareness of enforcement-related messages and activities increased most during CIOT.  During the RDP, States that had intensified enforcement experienced significant increases in usage in their rural targeted areas.  Generally, usage did not increase unless enforcement was present.  During CIOT, States that had intensified enforcement during RDP showed substantially greater overall statewide gains than States that had not intensified enforcement during RDP

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Effects of Low Doses of Alcohol on Driving Related Skills: A Review of the Evidence (Manual)

Effects of Low Doses of Alcohol on Driving Related Skills: A Review of the Evidence (Manual)

Product ID: 807 280
Explores the evidence of alcohol's effects on reaction time, information processing capabilities, concentrated attention, divided attention performance, visual function, perception, and psychomotor performance.  Proves that impairment is significant at a BAC of .05 percent.  l02 pages. 

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Effects of Practice on Interference From an Auditory Task While Driving: A Simulation Study (Report)

Effects of Practice on Interference From an Auditory Task While Driving: A Simulation Study (Report)

Product ID: 809 826
Experimental research on the effects of cellular phone conversations on driving indicates that the phone task interferes with many driving-related functions, especially with older drivers.  The present study was designed to better simulate real driving conditions by providing a simulated driving task with repeated experiences of simulated driving and talking and two different phone tasks with different proximities to real conversations.  8.5" x 11", black and white, 49 pages.

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Enhanced Sanctions for Higher BACs: Evaluation of Minnesota High BAC Laws [Report]

Enhanced Sanctions for Higher BACs: Evaluation of Minnesota High BAC Laws [Report]

Product ID: 809 677

This research study examined Minnesota's enhanced sanctions for drivers convicted with blood alcohol concentrations of .20 or higher.  8.5" x 11", two color, 56 pages.

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Evaluating Older Drivers’ Skills

Evaluating Older Drivers’ Skills

Product ID: 811 773

Research has demonstrated that older drivers pose a higher risk of involvement in fatal crashes at intersections than younger drivers. Age-triggered restrictions are problematic as research shows that the majority of older people have unimpaired driving performance. Thus, it has become important to be able to identify which drivers are at risk of crashes and apply driving limitations based on this risk (instead of age alone). The objective of this project was to review the report from the 2003 University of Florida Consensus Conference as well as other important documents on similar topics, and to interview experts to obtain information about the strengths and weaknesses of these specialist-administered screening and assessment tools, self-screening instruments and training methods. This report will help to guide future research by highlighting tools and methods commonly used by clinicians that have not yet been adequately evaluated and those which may already be recommended for use. The goal was not to reach consensus but to provide a rich background from the literature combined with expert opinions in an attempt to guide decisions and research goals related to these evaluation tools.

Evaluating Transdermal Alcohol Measuring Devices (Report)

Evaluating Transdermal Alcohol Measuring Devices (Report)

Product ID: 810 875


This study evaluated two types of electrochemical sensing technologies that quantitatively detect ethyl alcohol vapor through the skin (transdermal).  Transdermal alcohol concentration measuring devices use a new technology that has the potential for monitoring whether persons who are prohibited from drinking have consumed alcohol.  The study evaluated the accuracy and precision of two devices, based on transdermal alcohol sensor technology, the Giner, Inc., Wrist Transdermal Alcohol Sensor, and the Alcohol Monitoring Systems Secure Remote Alcohol Monitor.  The two devices, in different stages of development and were designed to be used with different populations, offer different strengths and weaknesses.

I  While the technology requires improvement, transdermal alcohol concentration measuring devices do have potential for monitoring whether persons who are prohibited from drinking have consumed alcohol.  Thus, these types of devices may provide another tool for courts, probation services, and treatment providers to aid in monitoring such persons to reduce alcohol-related traffic crashes.


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Evaluation and Compliance of Passenger Restrictions in a Graduated Driver Licensing Program

Evaluation and Compliance of Passenger Restrictions in a Graduated Driver Licensing Program

Product ID: 810 781
This report presents the results from the May 2005 National Click It or Ticket Mobilization to increase seat belt use. Approximately $33 million was spent on advertising high-visibility enforcement messages nationwide during the Click It or Ticket mobilization.  Law enforcement across the Nation issued more than 727,000 seat belt tickets during a two-week enforcement phase. This was an increase compared to what was reported in previous years. Belt use increased in 35 of 47 States and territories. 

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Evaluation of a County Enforcement Program With a Primary Seat Belt Ordinance: St. Louis County, Mis

Evaluation of a County Enforcement Program With a Primary Seat Belt Ordinance: St. Louis County, Mis

Product ID: 811 292

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Evaluation of a Full-Time Ride Service Program: Aspen, Colorado's Tipsy Taxi Service (Report)

Evaluation of a Full-Time Ride Service Program: Aspen, Colorado's Tipsy Taxi Service (Report)

Product ID: 809 155

This report documents an analysis of Aspen, Colorado's Tipsy Taxi ride service program -initiated in 1983 to provide a free ride home to people who were too intoxicated to drive. It is self-sustaining through community donations, and operates year-round, 24 hours a day. The study examines the program's deterrent effect on alcohol-related traffic crashes. Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 36 pages. 

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Evaluation of a Rural Demonstration Program to Increase Seat Belt Use in the Great Lakes Region(Repo

Evaluation of a Rural Demonstration Program to Increase Seat Belt Use in the Great Lakes Region(Repo

Product ID: 811 084
Six States in the Great Lakes Region (Region 5) participated in a Rural Demonstration Program to increase seat belt use in rural areas and among high-risk occupants, such as young males and occupants of pickup trucks. These efforts preceded statewide Click It or Ticket mobilizations in 2005 and 2006. Results from telephone surveys showed large and significant increases in awareness of program efforts, including special enforcement. These results also suggested that the 2006 program had higher baseline rates of awareness and slightly less change associated with it than the 2005 effort. In addition to significant overall increases in all States, there were significant increases among key high-risk groups, including males, younger people, and occupants of pickup trucks. Two-year increases among these groups averaged 11 to 12 percentage points. Trends in seat belt usage, both observed and among crash victims, showed continued increases during the period of the RDP/CIOT mobilizations.

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Evaluation of CIB System Susceptibility to Non-Threatening Driving Scenarios on the Test Track

Evaluation of CIB System Susceptibility to Non-Threatening Driving Scenarios on the Test Track

Product ID: 811 795

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The objectives of the research described in this report were twofold: evaluate whether crash imminent braking (CIB) false positives can be consistently observed on the test track using maneuvers representative of real-world driving scenarios, and to assess the practicality of accurately and repeatably performing these maneuvers. To satisfy these objectives, five later model light vehicles were evaluated using eight test maneuvers performed at two test speeds. Six of the scenarios were identified during CIB research conducted by the Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership (CAMP) Crash-Imminent Braking Consortium.

Evaluation of Click it or Ticket Model Programs (Report)

Evaluation of Click it or Ticket Model Programs (Report)

Product ID: 809 498
Click It or Ticket (CIOT) is an intense, short duration, seat belt enforcement program which relies heavily on paid media to reach all motorists.  Ten states that implemented CIOT during May 2002 were compared with four states that conducted belt use enforcement but with limited specific paid advertisement placement and four states that conducted enforcement but without specific paid advertisement placement.  This report presents the results of surveys in CIOT states.  8.5" x 11", full color, 43 pages.

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Evaluation of Laboratory Tire Tread and Sidewall Strength (Plunger Energy) Test Methods

Evaluation of Laboratory Tire Tread and Sidewall Strength (Plunger Energy) Test Methods

Product ID: 811 795

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Under the TREAD Act, NHTSA was assigned the task of revising and updating the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) for tires. This effort included research to support a possible update or replacement of the tire strength test contained in the FMVSS Nos. 109 and 119. The tire strength test was designed in the 1960s to evaluate the strength of the reinforcing materials in bias-ply tires and their resistance to road hazards. In this test, a steel plunger is forced perpendicular to the tread of a mounted and inflated tire until the tire ruptures (with the resulting air loss), or the plunger is stopped by reaching the rim. The plunger penetration distance and the force test points are then used to calculate an average breaking energy that must exceed the required “minimum breaking energy.” For modern radial tires, which have flexible sidewalls and high-strength steel belt packages, the vast majority of plunger strength tests “bottom-out” on the rim before rupturing the tire.

Evaluation of Louisiana's Safety Belt Law Change to Primary Enforcement (Report)

Evaluation of Louisiana's Safety Belt Law Change to Primary Enforcement (Report)

Product ID: 808 620
Laws that permit belt use enforcement only after a stop for another violation are termed secondary enforcement laws; laws that permit enforcement of belt use violations alone are termed primary enforcement laws.  On November 1, 1995, Louisiana became the second state to implement an uninterrupted change from secondary to primary belt law enforcement.  The present results, combined with results obtained earlier in California, suggest that a secondary enforcement state can achieve a substantial increase in belt use by changing to primary enforcement.  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 45 pages.

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Evaluation of Lower BAC Limits for Convicted OUI Offenders in Maine (Report)

Evaluation of Lower BAC Limits for Convicted OUI Offenders in Maine (Report)

Product ID: 809 827
This research study examined the impact of Maine's lower BAC (initially .05, then further reduced to .00 BAC) for drivers previously convicted of OUI (operating under the influence).  8.5" x 11", three color, 34 pages.

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Evaluation of Maryland, Oklahoma, and the District of Columbia's Seat Belt Law Change to Primary Enf

Evaluation of Maryland, Oklahoma, and the District of Columbia's Seat Belt Law Change to Primary Enf

Product ID: 809 213

In 1997 Maryland, Oklahoma, and the District of Columbia upgraded their seat belt laws from secondary to primary enforcement.  The objective of this study was to evaluate the change from secondary to primary enforcement in Maryland, Oklahoma, and DC with respect to observed belt use rates, driver reactions, law enforcement practices, citations issued and race. The belt use rate went up in study locations with the implementation of a primary enforcement seat belt law.  Four color, 8.5" x 11", 35 pages.

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Evaluation of Motorcycle Helmet Law Repeal in Arkansas and Texas (Report)

Evaluation of Motorcycle Helmet Law Repeal in Arkansas and Texas (Report)

Product ID: 809 131

This report examines the change in motorcycle helmet use resulting from the 1997 repeal of mandatory helmet laws for motorcycle riders in Arkansas and Texas. Prior to repeal of the law, statewide surveys indicated that helmet use was 97 percent; after repeal, use dropped to between 52 and 66 percent. Corresponding increases in head injuries and fatalities were also observed after repeal of mandatory helmet legislation in these States. Three color, 8.5" x 11", 58 pages.

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Evaluation of NHTSA's Region IV Click It or Ticket Campaign, May 2001(Report)

Evaluation of NHTSA's Region IV Click It or Ticket Campaign, May 2001(Report)

Product ID: 809 404

This final report presents findings from the evaluation of the Click It or Ticket occupant protection selective traffic enforcement program, conducted May 2001, across the eight southeastern most States.  The program was the first time ever that a Click It or Ticket or occupant protection selective traffic enforcement program has been implemented across such a wide region of the country.  8.5" x 11", three color, 34 pages.

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Evaluation of Oregon's Graduated Driver Licensing Program ( Fact Sheet)

Evaluation of Oregon's Graduated Driver Licensing Program ( Fact Sheet)

Product ID: 810 830
This report describes the evaluation of Oregon's Graduated Driver Licensing Program that was modified in 2000. 

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Evaluation of PC-Based Novice Driver Risk Awareness ( Fact Sheet)

Evaluation of PC-Based Novice Driver Risk Awareness ( Fact Sheet)

Product ID: 810 926
The report documents the results of several research studies that evaluated the effectiveness of a PC-Based Novice Driver Risk Awareness Training Program. The results of four studies indicate that novice drivers ability to detect potential roadway risks benefits from a training program. A fifth study indicates that novice drivers are significantly more willing than more experienced drivers to look away from the forward roadway to complete an in-vehicle task.

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Evaluation of Seven Publicized Enforcement Demonstration Programs to Reduce Impaired Driving[Report]

Evaluation of Seven Publicized Enforcement Demonstration Programs to Reduce Impaired Driving[Report]

Product ID: 810 941

Between 2000 and 2003, NHTSA funded seven alcohol demonstration programs designed to reduce impaired driving through well-publicized and highly visible enforcement. These demonstration programs were not specifically designed to be research evaluation studies; instead, they were designed to reduce drinking-and-driving behavior and ultimately alcohol related crashes. The states varied widely in their enforcement methods, media methods, and their paid and earned media budgets and messages.

Four of the programs were conducted statewide or nearly statewide. Paid advertising was used in Georgia, Indiana and Michigan.  In GA, TN, IN, and PA sobriety checkpoints were conducted throughout the data collection period. In LA checkpoints were permitted part way through data collection and in Texas and Michigan, checkpoints were not permitted.  The number and types of enforcement activities varied considerably from State to State.  Georgia reported using 2,837 checkpoints. Pennsylvania used checkpoints, mobile awareness patrols, and roving patrols yielding more than 1,100 roadside enforcement actions, while Tennessee used a combination of checkpoints (535), enforcement roadblocks (approximately 270), and saturation patrols (270).  Michigan used 1,122 saturation and routine patrols and in Indiana more than 3,800 patrol hours were reported.  The number of DUI or DWI arrests varied considerably, typically varying from a few hundred to a few thousand. 


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Evaluation of the Buckle Up in Your Truck Program [Report]

Evaluation of the Buckle Up in Your Truck Program [Report]

Product ID: 811 131

In 2006 and 2007, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska participated in a program called Buckle Up in Your Truck, which consisted of a two-week, high-visibility, seat belt enforcement effort that preceded the National May (CIOT)mobilization each year. Paid media and intensified enforcement were the two key components and focused on young male occupants of pickup trucks while enforcement focused on all unbuckled vehicle occupants. Both components were followed by CIOT. An average of 5 cents per capita was spent on paid media during each phase of BUIYT and CIOT, achieving about 350 gross rating points in each of 18 media markets for each week of the program. The citation rate, averaged across the states, was 15 to 17 citations per 10,000 population. The public awareness of general messages to buckle up (80%) was greater than the public awareness of ongoing enforcement efforts (68%).  Awareness of messages to BUIYT reached levels of just under 40 percent. Observed seat belt usage increased in all four states and in all vehicle types. Two-year increases in pickup trucks ranged from 3 to 14 percentage points (an average of 8 points). These results were similar to those of previous BUIYT efforts, combined with CIOT, in NHTSA Regions 4 and 6.


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Evaluation of the Checkpoint Strikeforce Program [Report]

Evaluation of the Checkpoint Strikeforce Program [Report]

Product ID: 811 056
This research report examined the Checkpoint Strikeforce program in Region 3. This is a concentrated multiState enforcement campaign coupled with an intensive media campaign. The states and DC made a serious commitment to conducting at least one checkpoint each week throughout the program periods. We obtained information from the States and DC on law enforcement and communications activity, examined public awareness surveys, and analyzed fatality crash data.

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Evaluation of the DUI Court Program in Maricopa County Arizona

Evaluation of the DUI Court Program in Maricopa County Arizona

Product ID: 811 302

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Evaluation of the May 2005 Click It or Ticket Mobilization ( Fact Sheet)

Evaluation of the May 2005 Click It or Ticket Mobilization ( Fact Sheet)

Product ID: 810 778
This report presents the results from the May 2005 National Click It or Ticket Mobilization to increase seat belt use. Approximately $33 million was spent on advertising high-visibility enforcement messages nationwide during the Click It or Ticket mobilization.  Law enforcement across the Nation issued more than 727,000 seat belt tickets during a two-week enforcement phase. This was an increase compared to what was reported in previous years. Belt use increased in 35 of 47 States and territories. 

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Evaluation of the May 2007 Click It or Ticket Mobilization [Report]

Evaluation of the May 2007 Click It or Ticket Mobilization [Report]

Product ID: 811 239

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Evaluation of the New Mexico Ignition Interlock Program

Evaluation of the New Mexico Ignition Interlock Program

Product ID: 811 410

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Evaluation of the Reinstatement of the Universal Motorcycle Helmet Law in Louisiana
( Fact Sheet)

Evaluation of the Reinstatement of the Universal Motorcycle Helmet Law in Louisiana ( Fact Sheet)

Product ID: 810 956

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Evaluation of the Repeal of Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Kentucky and Louisiana (Report)

Evaluation of the Repeal of Motorcycle Helmet Laws in Kentucky and Louisiana (Report)

Product ID: 809 530
The 1998 universal motorcycle helmet law repeal in Kentucky and the 1999 repeal in Louisiana produced similar effects.  Observed helmet use dropped from nearly full compliance under the laws to the 50 percent range without the laws.  Motorcyclist fatalities increased in the near term by sizeable amounts - by over 50 percent in Kentucky and by 100 percent in Louisiana.  The increase in fatalities in Kentucky and Louisiana were probably due to increased exposure.  The experience in Kentucky and Louisiana is similar to the experience in Arkansas and Texas, two other states that repealed universal laws recently (1997).  This leaves little doubt that such repeals have demonstrable negative safety consequences.  8.5" x 11", two color, 45 pages.

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Evaluation of the Repeal of the All-Rider Motorcycle Helmet Law in Florida (Report)

Evaluation of the Repeal of the All-Rider Motorcycle Helmet Law in Florida (Report)

Product ID: 809 849

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Evaluation of the Safety Benefits of Legacy Safe Routes to School Programs

Evaluation of the Safety Benefits of Legacy Safe Routes to School Programs

Product ID: 811 013
This study was a preliminary crash-based investigation of Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs created prior to SAFETEA-LU.  Pedestrian and bicycle crashes among elementary school children ages 4 to 12 were compared with younger children, older children, and same-aged passengers involved in crashes.  The results indicate that SRTS programs were at least benign with respect to crashes.

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Evaluation of Use and Lose Laws (Report)

Evaluation of Use and Lose Laws (Report)

Product ID: 809 285
The term "Use and Lose" describes laws that authorize driver licensing actions against persons found to be using or in possession of illicit drugs, and against young persons found to be drinking, purchasing  or in possession of alcoholic beverages.  The objective of this study was to assess the highway safety effects of "Use and Lose" in Missouri and Pennsylvania in terms of subsequent motor vehicle crashes and violations of underage persons arrested for alcohol/drug violations.  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 28 Pages.

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Examination of DWI Conviction Rate Procedures (Report)

Examination of DWI Conviction Rate Procedures (Report)

Product ID: 808 970
This study examined how various jurisdictions across the country compute their DWI conviction rates.  Although it seems like there would be an obvious and standardized method, in reality various methods are used, making comparisons between jurisdictions difficult.  The objective of this study was to document if different formulas are used, determine the positives and negatives of different approaches, and recommend a conviction rate formula.  8.5" x 11", three color, 64 pages.

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Examining the Effectiveness of Utah's Law Allowing for Telephonic Testimony (Report)

Examining the Effectiveness of Utah's Law Allowing for Telephonic Testimony (Report)

Product ID: 809 602
This study reviews and examines how Utah enacted a law to use telephonic testimony at ALR hearings and how it's helped alleviate some of the jurisdiction processes that were cumbersome and ineffective.  8.5" x 11", three color, 80 pages.
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Experimental Testing of Designated Driver Cues (Report)

Experimental Testing of Designated Driver Cues (Report)

Product ID: 809 178
This report discusses a study conducted to determine which factors might interfere with the actual use of a designated driver. The study took place at a border crossing from California into Mexico, where thousands of Americans travel into Tijuana each weekend to drink alcohol. Incentives were provided to those who agreed to check in as they left Tijuana, and submit to breath testing and questions regarding designated drivers. Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 28 pages.

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Feasibility for an EMS Workforce Safety and health Surveillance System (Report)

Feasibility for an EMS Workforce Safety and health Surveillance System (Report)

Product ID: 810 756

The report is a qualitative study and presents the findings of a consensus process that resulted in an agreement of EMS and data system stakeholders on the utility of existing data systems, and a set of elements and characteristics of the surveillance system.  It also contains a literature review of EMS workforce illness and injury.

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Feasibility of Collecting Traffic Safety Data from Law Enforcement Agencies

Feasibility of Collecting Traffic Safety Data from Law Enforcement Agencies

Product ID: 811 447

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Federal Automated Vehicle Policy

Product ID: 812 329
For DOT, the excitement around highly automated vehicles (HAVs) starts with safety. Two numbers exemplify the need. First, 35,092 people died on U.S. roadways in 2015 alone. Second, 94 percent of crashes can be tied to a human choice or error.2 An important promise of HAVs is to address and mitigate that overwhelming majority of crashes. Whether through technology that corrects for human mistakes, or through technology that takes over the full driving responsibility, automated driving innovations could dramatically decrease the number of crashes tied to human choices and behavior. HAVs also hold a learning advantage over humans. While a human driver may repeat the same mistakes as millions before them, an HAV can benefit from the data and experience drawn from thousands of other vehicles on the road. DOT is also encouraged about the potential for HAV systems to use other complementary sensor technologies such as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) capabilities to improve system performance. These sensor technologies have their own potential to reduce the number and severity of crashes, and the inclusion of V2V and V2I capabilities could augment the safety and performance of HAV systems.

The benefits don’t stop with safety. Innovations have the potential to transform personal mobility and open doors to people and communities—people with disabilities, aging populations, communities where car ownership is prohibitively expensive, or those who prefer not to drive or own a car—that today have limited or impractical options. Cities will reconsider how space is utilized and how public transit is provided. Infrastructure capacity could be increased without pouring a single new truck load of concrete. HAVs may also have the potential to save energy and reduce air pollution from transportation through efficiency and by supporting vehicle electrification.

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Field Test of On-Site Drug Detection Devices [Report]

Field Test of On-Site Drug Detection Devices [Report]

Product ID: 809 192

This report contains the findings of a study conducting a field evaluation of five on-site drug screening devices used by police officers to detect drug-impaired drivers. The tests were conducted in Nassau County, New York, and Houston, Texas, on 800 motorists suspected of impaired driving. Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 66 pages.

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Further Analysis of Drivers Licensed with Medical Conditions in Utah (Report)

Further Analysis of Drivers Licensed with Medical Conditions in Utah (Report)

Product ID: 809 211
This report discusses a study comparing the citation and crash rates of Utah's licensed drivers with medical conditions, with that of comparable non-restricted drivers. Motorists with medical conditions in Utah are restricted by functional ability category and level. Crash and citation data for drivers reporting one, two, or more medical conditions, were individually analyzed, to determine their relative risk compared to unrestricted drivers. Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 105 pages.

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Graduated Driver Licensing in Georgia(The Impact of the Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act)

Graduated Driver Licensing in Georgia(The Impact of the Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act)

Product ID: 810 715
This study examined the effects of Georgia's Graduated Licensing Law on fatal crashes among 16 year-old drivers.  After the first five and one-half years following the enactment of Georgia's GDL law, (known as the Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TADRA) fatal crashes of 16 year old drivers were 36.8 percent lower than during the five and one-half years prior to enactment.
This finding suggests that TADRA was effective in reducing fatal crashes among 16 year-old drivers.

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Guidelines to Observe and Estimate Statewide Seat Belt Use at Night (Report)

Guidelines to Observe and Estimate Statewide Seat Belt Use at Night (Report)

Product ID: 811 288

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Highway Safety in Black/African American Communities: Issues and Strategies

Highway Safety in Black/African American Communities: Issues and Strategies

Product ID: 809 649

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Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Fuel System Integrity Research

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Fuel System Integrity Research

Product ID: 811 553

The purpose of the project report is to document the manner in which Battelle applied its subject matter expertise, experience, and facilities to complete Task Order 4, Electrical Isolation TestProcedure Development and Verification under the NHTSA Hydrogen Vehicle Fuel SystemSafety Program. The report describes the discrete steps and results that led to the developmentand verification of the test procedure and all supporting research.

Identification and Referral of Impaired Drivers through Emergency Department Protocols (Report)

Identification and Referral of Impaired Drivers through Emergency Department Protocols (Report)

Product ID: 809 412
This report discusses the investigation conducted to determine whether an emergency department (ED) intervention protocol could identify and refer patients with alcohol abuse or alcohol dependency (AA/AD) and result in more patients receiving treatment and evaluation for substance abuse.  Of patients treated in emergency departments following motor vehicle crashes , 15-20 % are at high risk for AA/AD, and are likely to drive after drinking.  In order to intervene with patients at high risk in the ED, a reliable and quick screening procedure and a method of intervening must be available.  An ED protocol for screening and intervention for patients at high risk of AA/AD increases the likelihood of receiving definitive treatment for AA/AD.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 26 pages.

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Identification of Alcohol-Pedestrian Crash Programs among Selected Racial/Ethnic Groups

Identification of Alcohol-Pedestrian Crash Programs among Selected Racial/Ethnic Groups

Product ID: 808 641
This report documents a study that examined racial/ethnic patterns of involvement in fatal crashes, then conducted focus groups among at-risk minority groups to determine cultural factors which might affect the alcohol-pedestrian problem, and how to combat it.  Results were analyzed for cultural patterns of alcohol use, likely countermeasures and comments or suggestions.  157 pages.

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Identifying Countermeasure Strategies to Increase Safety of Older Pedestrians

Identifying Countermeasure Strategies to Increase Safety of Older Pedestrians

Product ID: 811 798

The increase in the older population as well as its increased frailty has led the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to conduct research initiatives examining the safety and mobility of older adults. Although older adults are struck less frequently than children, they are more likely to die after being struck due to frailty or physical complications. With that in mind, NHTSA is interested in developing effective countermeasure strategies that can be strategically targeted towards the prevention and mitigation of crashes involving older pedestrians. The objective of this project was to identify appropriate countermeasures that will reduce older pedestrians’ exposure to injuries and fatal crashes. This involved exploring countermeasures within the area of transportation as well as in other fields such as public health and education with the intention of identifying strategies that can be implemented to increase older pedestrian safety. Additionally, experts in the fields of aging, occupational therapy, transportation safety, traffic engineering, aging and ophthalmology, gerontology, and older pedestrian safety were contacted. These individuals provided contextual information to help explain the dynamics behind older adults’ involvement in pedestrian crashes as well as insights into what strategies might be effective in communicating with older adults to effect change in their walking behavior.

Please Note - This product can only be obtained by downloading it.

Identifying Information That Promotes Belt-Positioning Booster Use Volume 2(Report)

Identifying Information That Promotes Belt-Positioning Booster Use Volume 2(Report)

Product ID: 811 019
Two reports that present the results, and supporting materials, for a study exploring ways to increase child booster seat use.  The study focused on identifying reasons for non-use of belt-positioning boosters by children of parents with a high school education or less, and obtained parent reactions to interventions that addressed the reasons for non-use.

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Identifying Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Booster Seat Laws [Report]

Identifying Strategies to Improve the Effectiveness of Booster Seat Laws [Report]

Product ID: 810 969

This report examines factors related to the use and nonuse of booster seats in order to identify strategies to improve the effectiveness of booster seat laws, and summarizes results from a number of project activities. These include::

 An inventory of changes in state child occupant-protection laws since 2002.
 A literature review on the use and nonuse of booster seats.
 An observational survey of booster seat use before and after enactment of a booster seat law in Wisconsin.
 Focus groups with parents and caregivers to assess attitudes, knowledge, understanding, and use of booster seat laws.
 Focus groups with law enforcement officers to assess their attitudes, knowledge, and enforcement of booster seat laws.
 A brainstorming session with experts and law enforcement officers on the challenges facing booster seat enforcement.     

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Identifying Strategies To Reduce The Percentage Of Unrestrained Young Children (Report)

Identifying Strategies To Reduce The Percentage Of Unrestrained Young Children (Report)

Product ID: 811 076
Results of a study to identify solutions to the problem of unrestrained children 5 to 7 years old riding in motor vehicles. It included a literature review, discussions with key informants, a brainstorming session with experts, and focus groups with adults observed transporting unrestrained children. Barriers to restraint use are described, current intervention approaches identified, and recommended strategies provided.

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Incidence and Role of Drugs in Fatally Injured Drivers (Final Report)

Incidence and Role of Drugs in Fatally Injured Drivers (Final Report)

Product ID: 808 065
This report describes a study in which blood samples obtained from 1,882 motorists fatally injured in traffic crashes were analyzed for the presence of alcohol and/or 43 other drugs, to determine their causal role in the crashes. Coroner and medical examiner reports were also examined, along with Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data and police reports. Responsibility analysis was conducted to assess the impairment effects of alcohol and other drug combinations. Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 234 pages.

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Increasing Seat Belt Use Among 8-15 Year Olds-Volume 1 (Report)

Increasing Seat Belt Use Among 8-15 Year Olds-Volume 1 (Report)

Product ID: 810 965
The results of a study designed to identify the best approaches for increasing seat belt use among 8-15 year olds.  The summary report and appendices describe the factors underlying non-use of belts by children 8-15, and relate the reactions of children and parents to intervention approaches generated from that information.
IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY:  This is one of the few traffic safety studies that collected information directly from children on what would work best to get children their age to always wear seat belts.  It provides guidance to program professionals regarding targeting strategies, channels of communication, and program elements.

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Increasing Seat Belt Use Among 8-15 Year Olds-Volume 2 (Report)

Increasing Seat Belt Use Among 8-15 Year Olds-Volume 2 (Report)

Product ID: 810 966
The results of a study designed to identify the best approaches for increasing seat belt use among 8-15 year olds.  The summary report and appendices describe the factors underlying non-use of belts by children 8-15, and relate the reactions of children and parents to intervention approaches generated from that information.
IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY:  This is one of the few traffic safety studies that collected information directly from children on what would work best to get children their age to always wear seat belts.  It provides guidance to program professionals regarding targeting strategies, channels of communication, and program elements.

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Innovative Seat Belt Demonstration Programs (Report)

Innovative Seat Belt Demonstration Programs (Report)

Product ID: 811 080
This report summarizes the activities and results of State-level demonstration projects supported by NHTSA.  The demonstration projects were intended to increase seat belt use statewide in low belt use States through innovative approaches.  The States covered by this report are Kentucky, Mississippi, North Dakota, and Wyoming.  Two of the States transitioned from secondary to primary seat belt laws during the project.

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Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems (IVBSS)

Product ID: 811 516

This report presents the methodology and results of the independent evaluation of a prototype integrated crash warning system forlight vehicles as part of the Integrated Vehicle-Based Safety Systems initiative of the United States Department of Transportation’s Intelligent Transportation System program. The system integrates rear-end crash, curve-speed warning, lane change crash, and lane departure warning functions. The goals of the independent evaluation are to assess the safety impact, gauge driver
acceptance, and characterize the capability of the integrated safety system. The evaluation is based on naturalistic driving data collected from a field operational test using 108 subjects who drove 16 passenger vehicles equipped with a prototype integrated safety system and a data
acquisition system. The test subjects accumulated over 213,000 miles during a 12-month period throughout parts of southeast Michigan. For each driver, the test period was divided into a 12 day baseline condition with the system disabled and a 28 day treatment condition with the system enabled to compare the effect of the system on driving performance. The results of the analysis suggest that driving with the integrated safety system improves driver behavior and increases driver safety, that drivers feel that the system provides a safety benefit, and that the system alerts had a high degree of accuracy. This report delineates the methodology of the different analyses and discusses their results.


Intelligent Cruise Control First Operational Test- Final Report-Volumes I,II,III(CD-ROM)

Intelligent Cruise Control First Operational Test- Final Report-Volumes I,II,III(CD-ROM)

Product ID: 808 849
This document reports on a cooperative agreement between NHTSA and UMTRI entitled Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC) Field Operational Test (FOT).  The main goal of the work is to characterize safety and comfort issues that are fundamental to human interactions with an automatic, but driver-supervised, headway-keeping system.  PDF Format.
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Interoperability Issues for Commercial Vehicle Safety Applications

Interoperability Issues for Commercial Vehicle Safety Applications

Product ID: 811 674

A connected-vehicles program has been undertaken by the U.S. Department of Transportation and its partners, with the goal of exploring and possibly enabling a new generation of technology to address highway transportation safety, mobility, and environmental challenges. This program has been underway for several years, and one area of intensive work has been the development of enabling devices, to be installed onboard vehicles, which use wireless technology to communicate with nearby vehicles and the infrastructure. This can be achieved through 5.9 GHz dedicated short-range communications (DSRC). Such technologies represent highly capable, low-cost alternatives or complements to vehicle-based crash avoidance systems.


Investigation of Opportunities for Light-Weighting Vehicles Using Advanced Plastics and Composites

Investigation of Opportunities for Light-Weighting Vehicles Using Advanced Plastics and Composites

Product ID: 811 692
As part of implementing the Plastics and Composite Intensive Vehicle (PCIV) safety roadmap, the National Crash Analysis Center of the George Washington University undertook this research project to investigate opportunities for light-weight vehicles using advanced plastics and composites. The primary goal of this research project was to identify and evaluate the safety benefits of structural plastics and composites applications in future lighter, more fuel efficient, and environmentally sustainable vehicles. The research objectives of this project were (1) to evaluate the current state of modeling and simulation tools for predicting impact response of composite materials in automotive structures, (2) to investigate weight reduction opportunities in a current vehicle, and (3) to evaluate the impact of weight reduction on crashworthiness.

Laboratory Tire Bead Unseating - Evaluation of New Equipment, Pressures and

Laboratory Tire Bead Unseating - Evaluation of New Equipment, Pressures and "A" Dimension from ASTM

Product ID: 811 735

Under the TREAD Act, NHTSA was assigned the task of revising and updating the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) for tires. Part of this effort included research to support a possible update or replacement of the FMVSS No. 109 Tubeless Tire Bead Unseating Resistance test. In the current FMVSS test, a profiled metal “block” is located perpendicular to the sidewall of a mounted and inflated tire, then force is applied until the bead component (region where the tire meets the rim) unseats with the resulting air loss or the specified minimum force value is achieved. The objective of the test is to evaluate the ability of the tubeless tire’s bead to remain seated on the rim and retain tire inflation pressure when the tire is subjected to high lateral forces such as during severe turning maneuvers, curb scrubbing, or negotiating deep ruts in the roadway. Since introduction of the FMVSS No. 109 in 1967, there has been a steady introduction of larger wheel diameters and smaller tire sidewall aspect ratios. For tires with rim codes above 18 (e.g., P345/30R18), the bead unseating blocks in the current Federal standard can contact the rim or slide down the tread during tests (especially for low aspect ratio tires). To account for these issues, an ASTM task group working to develop a new standard test method for bead unseat testing (ASTM F2663-07a) proposed using the original FMVSS No. 109 equipment and two larger-radius bead-unseating blocks with a new method for positioning the block on the tire sidewall.

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Legislative History of Recent Primary Safety Belt Laws [Report]

Legislative History of Recent Primary Safety Belt Laws [Report]

Product ID: 808 833
This report documents a study conducted by NHTSA to identify strategies that supported or opposed new legislative provisions and the barriers encountered in modifying existing safety belt laws.  Legislative analyses were developed for six jurisdictions that have updated secondary seat belt laws to primary laws.  These are California, Louisiana, Georgia, Maryland, Oklahoma, and the District of Columbia.  Full color, 8.5" x 11", 73 pages.

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Light Vehicle Crash Avoidance Needs and Countermeasure Profiles for Safety Applications

Light Vehicle Crash Avoidance Needs and Countermeasure Profiles for Safety Applications

Product ID: 811 733

This report discusses light-vehicle crash countermeasure profiles and functions for five target pre-crash scenario groups based on vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. Target pre-crash scenario groups include rear-end, lane change, opposite direction, junction crossing, and left turn across path from opposite direction (LTAP/OD) crashes involving at least one light vehicle (e.g., passenger car, van, minivan, sport utility vehicle, or light pickup truck with a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less). There are 10 pre-crash scenarios in these groups to be addressed by V2V-based crash countermeasures. Kinematic equations are presented for the time-to-collision and avoidance maneuvers to identify information needs for these crash countermeasures. Information needs are translated into countermeasure functional requirements based on relevant safety applications devised in two prior research projects dealing with cooperative V2V communications and autonomous vehicle-based sensing systems. This report identifies two target pre-crash scenarios that would require new safety applications not developed in prior projects, including the LTAP/OD and “opposite direction/no vehicle maneuver” pre-crash scenarios.

Lower BAC Limits for Youths: Evaluation of the Maryland .02 Law (Technical Summary) (Report)

Lower BAC Limits for Youths: Evaluation of the Maryland .02 Law (Technical Summary) (Report)

Product ID: 807 859
The report is a technical summary of a study that was to determine the effects of special drinking driving sanctions aimed at youthful drivers under the age of 21 years.  This purpose was accomplished by focusing on a Maryland law which restricts driving by those under 21 to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) less than 0.02% rather than the 0.10% prevailing limit for older drivers.  It was concluded that this special sanction for youth was effective and this effectiveness was significantly potentiated by a public service program which emphasizes the possible penalties for violation of the regulation.  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 4 pages.

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Lower BAC Limits for Youths: Evaluation of the Maryland .02 Law (Technical Summary) [Final Report]

Lower BAC Limits for Youths: Evaluation of the Maryland .02 Law (Technical Summary) [Final Report]

Product ID: 807 860

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of special drinking driving sanctions aimed at youthful drivers under the age of 21.  This purpose was accomplished by focusing on a Maryland law which restricts driving by those under 21 to a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) less than 0.02 %rather than the 0.10% prevailing limit for older drivers.  It was concluded that this special sanction for youth was effective and this effectiveness was significantly potentiated by a public service program which emphasizes the possible penalties for violation of the regulation.  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 125 pages.

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Maine's Seat Belt Law Change (from Secondary to Primary Enforcement) [Report]

Maine's Seat Belt Law Change (from Secondary to Primary Enforcement) [Report]

Product ID: 811 259

Number in Stock: 134
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Marijuana and Actual Driving Performance (Report)

Marijuana and Actual Driving Performance (Report)

Product ID: 808 078
This report examines the effects of marijuana smoking on actual driving performance.  It presents the results of several field studies.  When used alone, marijuana produces a moderate degree of driving impairment which is related to the active chemical THC, dose.  The impairment is manifested primarily in the difficulty in maintaining a steady position on the road.  133 pages.
Number in Stock: 79
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Marijuana, Alcohol and Actual Driving Performance (Report)

Marijuana, Alcohol and Actual Driving Performance (Report)

Product ID: 808 939
This report describes a study to measure the individual and combined effects of marijuana and alcohol on actual driving performance.  Test subjects ranged in age from 20 to 28 years old, and driving tests were performed on real roads in normal traffic.  8.5" x 11", black and white, 43 pages.

Number in Stock: 308
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May 2006 Click It or Ticket Seat Belt Mobilization Evaluation: Final Report [Report]

May 2006 Click It or Ticket Seat Belt Mobilization Evaluation: Final Report [Report]

Product ID: 810 979

This study evaluated NHTSAs 2006 National (CIOT)mobilization. This intense, short-duration, seat belt publicity and enforcement mobilization cost approximately $27 million for paid advertising that delivered an enforcement based message urging people to wear a seat belt or risk getting a citation.  Between May 22 and June 4, 2006, law enforcement agencies issued more than 697,000 seat belt citations. Public awareness of the media message was high.  Seat belt use increased in 37 of 50 States and Territories.  The number of States reporting increases in statewide seat belt use and the amount of increase has been shrinking each succeeding year since national mobilizations began in 2002.  In 2006, paid publicity decreased from levels between 2002 through 2005. The number of seat belt citations issued by law enforcement agencies also decreased in 2006.  The National Occupant Protection Usage Survey indicated the nationwide seat belt use rate did not improve between 2005 and 2006.  This report also includes results from other NHTSA demonstration programs that are searching for productive modifications to the typical CIOT process.


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Medical Conditions and Driving (Report)

Medical Conditions and Driving (Report)

Product ID: 809 690

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Misuse of Child Restraints (Report)

Misuse of Child Restraints (Report)

Product ID: 809 671
The purpose of this study was to obtain a measure of the current level of misuse of child restraint systems (CRSs) among the general public.  The project focused specifically on forms of misuse that can be expected to raise the risk of injury.  CRS use and critical misuse data were collected in the Fall of 2002.  Overall critical misuse was 72.6 percent. Recommendations are provided for periodic monitoring of CRS misuse, research needs and enforcement education.  8.5" x 11", two color, 55 pages.

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Model Driver Screening and Evaluation Program-Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Administrators (Report)

Model Driver Screening and Evaluation Program-Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Administrators (Report)

Product ID: 809 581
Guidelines for Motor Vehicle Administrators - this report describes the findings of a pilot project in the State of Maryland and includes suggestions for the licensing authorities to include in their assessments of drivers who are referred to the authority for medical reasons. 8.5" x 11", two color, 79 pages.

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Model Driver Screening and Evaluation Program-Volume 1:

Model Driver Screening and Evaluation Program-Volume 1:

Product ID: 809 582
This technical report describes the screening tests that were used in a pilot project in the State of Maryland to determine which tests can predict future crashes, as well as the procedures that were in place to deliver the screening tests.  The study resulted in the description of a set of functional domains that, if there is a deficit, put drivers at increased risk of crashes.  Volume 1 is an executive summary, with Volume 2 being the detailed technical report.  8.5 x 11, 2 color, 79 pages.

Number in Stock: 199
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Model Driver Screening and Evaluation Program-Volume II:

Model Driver Screening and Evaluation Program-Volume II:

Product ID: 809 583
This technical report describes the screening tests that were used in a pilot project in the State of Maryland to determine which tests can predict future crashes, as well as the procedures that were in place to deliver the screening tests.  The study resulted in the description of a set of functional domains that, if there is a deficit, put drivers at increased risk of crashes.   Volume 2 is a detailed technical report.  8.5 X 11, 2 color, 79 pages.

Number in Stock: 190
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Motivations for Speeding, Volume I: Summary Report

Motivations for Speeding, Volume I: Summary Report

Product ID: 811 658

This is Volume I of a three-volume report. It contains the results of a study that examined the speeding behavior of drivers in their own vehicles over the course of three to four weeks of naturalistic driving in urban (Seattle, Washington) and rural (College Station, Texas) settings. The purpose of this research was to (1) identify the reasons why drivers speed, (2) model the relative roles of situational, demographic, and personality factors in predicting travel speeds, (3) classify speeders, and (4) identify interventions, countermeasures, and strategies for reducing speeding behaviors.


Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (Report)

Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey (Report)

Product ID: 808 334
This report presents findings from the first Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) conducted this survey to collect critical information needed by the agency to develop and implement effective safety countermeasures to improve traffic safety.  Some results of this survey are:  safety belt use is on the rise and most children are placed in safety seats when they are very young (under age two), but that use of car seat declines precipitously as the child grows larger. Black and white, 8.5" x 11",146 pages.

Number in Stock: 43
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Motorcoach Side Glazing Retention Research

Motorcoach Side Glazing Retention Research

In 2003, NHTSA and Transport Canada entered into a joint research program conducted by Martec Limited that focused on preventing unrestrained occupant ejections during motorcoach rollovers by improving standard window glazing and retention. Through computer simulation the Martec study (MS) determined that the impact velocity of an occupant striking the glazing was as much as 21.6 km/h (13.4 mph). Results from this research aided in the development of a dynamic test device of 26 kg (57 lb) mass that represents the torso of the 50th percentile adult male side impact dummy (US-SID).

A section of a Motor Coach Industries (MCI) 1993 102D motorcoach was used by the Vehicle Research and Test Center (VRTC) to conduct impact tests at the center of the window and near the latch at different impact speeds. In center impacts, no windows with tempered glass broke and no windows opened under the MS impact conditions (26 kg at 21.6 km/h). In near-latch impacts, all latches opened when struck at the MS conditions. Testing was expanded to other motorcoach manufacturers

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Motorcoach Side Glazing Retention Research

Motorcoach Side Glazing Retention Research

Product ID: 811 862

In 2003, NHTSA and Transport Canada entered into a joint research program conducted by Martec Limited that focused on preventing unrestrained occupant ejections during motorcoach rollovers by improving standard window glazing and retention. Through computer simulation the Martec study (MS) determined that the impact velocity of an occupant striking the glazing was as much as 21.6 km/h (13.4 mph). Results from this research aided in the development of a dynamic test device of 26 kg (57 lb) mass that represents the torso of the 50th percentile adult male side impact dummy (US-SID).

National Child Safety Seat Distribution Program Evaluation (Report)

National Child Safety Seat Distribution Program Evaluation (Report)

Product ID: 808 869
This report evaluates the effectiveness of the National Child Safety Seat Distribution Program (NCSS), a campaign developed to distribute 8 million child safety seats to low-income children nationwide.  The program was primarily conducted through medical and day care facilities, and was successful in assessing parent need, distributing safety seats, and training seat recipients.  Two color, 8.5" x 11", 74 pages.

Number in Stock: 214
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National Evaluation of Graduated Driver Licensing Programs(Booklet)

National Evaluation of Graduated Driver Licensing Programs(Booklet)

Product ID: 810 614

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National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes & Behavior - Volume 1 (Summary) (Report)

National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes & Behavior - Volume 1 (Summary) (Report)

Product ID: 810 971
Three reports that present detailed results from a national telephone survey conducted in 2002 on pedestrian and bicyclist issues.  The reported results include overall walking and bicycling behavior, origin-destination information, feelings of safety, access and use of applicable public facilities, and satisfaction with how the community is set up for walking and bicycling.

Number in Stock: 117
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National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes & Behavior-Volume 2 (Findings) (Report)

National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes & Behavior-Volume 2 (Findings) (Report)

Product ID: 810 972
Three reports that present detailed results from a national telephone survey conducted in 2002 on pedestrian and bicyclist issues.  The reported results include overall walking and bicycling behavior, origin-destination information, feelings of safety, access and use of applicable public facilities, and satisfaction with how the community is set up for walking and bicycling.

Number in Stock: 161
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National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes & Behavior-Volume 3 (Methods) (Report)

National Survey of Bicyclist and Pedestrian Attitudes & Behavior-Volume 3 (Methods) (Report)

Product ID: 810 973
Three reports that present detailed results from a national telephone survey conducted in 2002 on pedestrian and bicyclist issues.  The reported results include overall walking and bicycling behavior, origin-destination information, feelings of safety, access and use of applicable public facilities, and satisfaction with how the community is set up for walking and bicycling.

Number in Stock: 207
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National Survey of Distracted and Drowsy Driving Attitudes and Behavior: 2002 Volume 1 (Report)

National Survey of Distracted and Drowsy Driving Attitudes and Behavior: 2002 Volume 1 (Report)

Product ID: 809 566

This report presents the findings on distracted driving (including cell phone use) and drowsy driving.  The data comes from a pair of studies undertaken by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to better understand drivers' behaviors and attitudes regarding speeding, unsafe driving, distracted and drowsy driving.  This report, Volume 1: Findings National Highway Survey of Distracted and Drway Driving gives respondent's behaviors and attitudes on distracted and drowsy driving.  8.5" x 11", three color, 61 pages.

Number in Stock: 245
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National Survey of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behaviors: 2008

National Survey of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behaviors: 2008

Product ID: 811 344

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National Survey of Speeding and Other Unsafe Driving Actions

National Survey of Speeding and Other Unsafe Driving Actions

Product ID: 808 750
This report documents a National Survey of Speeding and Other Unsafe Driving Actions, conducted in 1997. This telephone survey was administered to a random sample of 6,000 respondents ages 16 and over, nationwide. Two questionnaires were administered, to measure attitudes on speeding and speed limits, unsafe and aggressive driving, experience with enforcement and crash experience. The report is presented in three volumes:  Volume 1: Methodology; Volume 2: Driver Attitudes and Behavior; and Volume 3: Countermeasures. Full color, 8.5" x 11", 323 pages.
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National Survey of Speeding and Unsafe Driving Attitudes and Behavior: 2002 Volume 2 (Report)

National Survey of Speeding and Unsafe Driving Attitudes and Behavior: 2002 Volume 2 (Report)

Product ID: 809 730
This report presents findings from a survey of speeding and unsafe driving attitudes and behaviors.  The data come from a pair of studies undertaken by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to better understand drivers' behaviors and attitudes regarding speeding, unsafe driving, distracted and drowsy driving.  Volume II presents data on American driver's reported behaviors and attitudes surrounding speeding and other unsafe and aggressive driving behaviors.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 79 pages.

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National Traffic Speeds Survey II 2009 (Report)

National Traffic Speeds Survey II 2009 (Report)

Product ID: 811 638
This report summarizes a national survey of traffic speeds conducted in 2009 and provides a comparison of 2009 speed data to speed data from the 2007 survey.  Mean, median, 85th and 95th percentile speeds are reported by road type, vehicle type, road topography, level of urbanization, and time of day.

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NHTSA Tire Aging Test Development Project Phase 2 - Evaluation of Laboratory Tire Aging Methods

NHTSA Tire Aging Test Development Project Phase 2 - Evaluation of Laboratory Tire Aging Methods

Product ID: 811 885

As a result of the TREAD Act of 2000, NHTSA initiated an effort to develop a laboratory-based accelerated service life test for light vehicle tires (often referred to as a “tire aging test”). It is believed that if such a test method was successful, then light vehicle tires could eventually be required to meet standards that would make them more resistant to operational degradation and possibly reduce their failure rate during normal highway service. The first phase of test development examined how six tire models changed during service by measuring their roadwheel performance levels and material properties after varying lengths of service and accumulated mileages in Phoenix, Arizona. This report documents the second phase of test development in which new tires of the models collected from service in Phoenix were subjected to one of three laboratory aging test methods and compared to the results of the service-aged tires. Two of the laboratory tire aging methods evaluated were combined roadwheel aging and durability tests that were fully developed when provided by tire manufacturers for evaluation. The third was a tire oven aging method undergoing development by a vehicle manufacturer that would significantly accelerate the degradation of the tire materials prior to a structural evaluation, such as a post-oven roadwheel durability test.

NHTSA’s Behavioral Safety Research, Updated Annotated Bibliography 1985 – 2013, Traffic Tech

NHTSA’s Behavioral Safety Research, Updated Annotated Bibliography 1985 – 2013, Traffic Tech

Product ID: 811 848

Through many name changes, from the Office of Program Development and Evaluation, the Office of Research and Evaluation, to the current Office of Behavioral Safety Research, our focus has remained on improving the safety of drivers, occupants, pedestrians, and road users. Our studies include laboratory research, field studies, national surveys, and analyses of observational and archival data. Our work over the past decades has significantly enhanced law enforcement strategies, strengthened community traffic safety programs, informed policy decisions, examined emerging issues, and helped to decrease lives lost to motor vehicle crashes.

This compendium covers more than 25 years of research, and updates previous editions, now containing brief summaries of over 500 studies published by this office from 1985 to 2013.­2013.pdf

Objective Tests for Forward-Looking Pedestrian Crash Avoidance / Mitigation Systems: Annual Report

Objective Tests for Forward-Looking Pedestrian Crash Avoidance / Mitigation Systems: Annual Report

Product ID: 811 793

This report summarizes the first year of activities for the Objective Tests for Forward Looking Pedestrian Crash Avoidance/Mitigation (PCAM) Systems Project. The principal activities described in the report include the definition of pedestrian crash scenarios, identification of requirements for test equipment and pedestrian mannequins, and test equipment fabrication. Coordination activities with other PCAM-related programs in the European Union are also summarized in the report. The project was initiated in May 2011 and is scheduled to conclude in June 2013.


Occupant Protection Issuer Among Older Drivers and Passengers: Volume 2 Appendices(Report)

Occupant Protection Issuer Among Older Drivers and Passengers: Volume 2 Appendices(Report)

Product ID: 810 939
The results of a study designed to identify what can be done to increase seat belt use among adults 65 and older.  It involved a literature review, discussions with experts, data analyses, focus groups, and a human factors study.  A number of recommendations were made based on the results.
IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY:  Rapid growth in the older adult population, and the trend of extending driving into later years, portend major increases in crash fatalities and injuries for that population unless action is taken.  One important step would be to increase their belt usage.  This report identifies problem issues in doing so, and recommends approaches on how to overcome the obstacles.

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Occupant Protection Special Traffic Enforcement Program Evaluation

Occupant Protection Special Traffic Enforcement Program Evaluation

Product ID: 808 884
This report describes the implementation and results achieved by Occupant Protection Special Traffic Enforcement Programs (OPsTEP), periods of highly visible seat belt law enforcement combined with extensive support from the media.  Reports submitted by 20 states are presented.  8.5" x 11", three color, 30 pages.

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Occupant Restraint Use in 2012: Results from the National Occupant Protection Use Survey Controlled

Occupant Restraint Use in 2012: Results from the National Occupant Protection Use Survey Controlled

Product ID: 811 872

This report presents results from the 2012 National Occupanst Protection Use Survey (NOPUS) Controlled Inter-section Study. NOPUS is the only nationwide probability-based occupant restraint use survey. The National Center for Statistics and Analysis of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration conducts this survey annually. The 2012 NOPUS found that male seat belt use increased significantly (up to 84 percent in 2012 from 81 percent in 2011) and that female seat belt use increased significantly (up to 88 percent in 2012 from 86 percent in 2011). Seat belt use among occupants age 25-69 years old increased significantly (up to 87 percent in 2012 from 84 percent in 2011). Restraint use for children in vans and SUVs decreased significantly down to 94 percent in 2012 from 97 percent in 2011. Seat belt use in rear seats stood at 75 percent in 2012.

Open Container Laws & Alcohol Involved Crashes: some Preliminary Data ( Report)

Open Container Laws & Alcohol Involved Crashes: some Preliminary Data ( Report)

Product ID: 809 426
This report presents the results of a study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( NHTSA) to assess the highway safety effects of laws that prohibit open containers of alcoholic beverages to be located in the passenger compartment of motor vehicles operated on public roadways. These laws are commonly referred to as "Open Container Laws".  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 14 pages.

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Operation of Inspection Stations for Child Restraint Use (Manual)

Operation of Inspection Stations for Child Restraint Use (Manual)

Product ID: 809 604
Inspection stations are locations where parents and caregivers can go to receive one-on-one tutorial instruction on the proper use and installation of child restraints.  The objective of this project was to identify and describe the characteristics of model child safety seat inspections so that safety professionals can make better strategic and resource allocation decisions for implementation of inspection stations.  8.5" x 11", three color, 205 pages.

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Patterns of Misuse of Child Safety Seats (Report)

Patterns of Misuse of Child Safety Seats (Report)

Product ID: 808 440
This project addressed the patterns of child safety seat (CSS) misuse in the nation and reported on the most appropriate techniques to accurately and efficiently collect data on this issue.  CSS use and misuse observations were collected for approximately 5,900 young children in over 4,000 vehicles in four states:  Mississippi, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Washington.  This report includes recommendations for data collection techniques and promoting proper CSS use.  80 pages.

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Pedal Application Errors

Pedal Application Errors

Product ID: 811 597

This project examined the prevalence of pedal application errors and the driver, vehicle, roadway and/or environmental characteristics associated with pedal misapplication crashes based on a literature review, analysis of news media reports, a panel of driver rehabilitation specialists, analysis of multiple crash databases, and case studies. An analysis of crashes attributed to pedal-related vehicle equipment malfunction, rather than to a driver error, was also carried out based on a media scan.

Pedestrian Roadway Fatalities (Report)

Pedestrian Roadway Fatalities (Report)

Product ID: 809 456
The National Center for Statistics and Analysis published a study whose objective was to examine the pedestrian fatalities in motor vehicle crashes.  In 2001, pedestrian fatalities accounted for about 12 percent of all fatalities and 85 percent of all non-occupant fatalities in motor vehicle crashes. Pedestrian fatalities in single vehicle crashes accounted for over 90 percent of the pedestrian fatalities from all fatal motor vehicle crashes. With such a high percentage of pedestrian fatalities from single vehicle crashes, this report was written to provide insight into the possible causes for these pedestrian fatalities.  The analyses point to possible interventions that will save lives across the country.  8.5" x 11", three color, 56 pages.

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Preventing Drowsy Driving Among Shift Workers (Employer Administrator's Guide) (Manual)

Preventing Drowsy Driving Among Shift Workers (Employer Administrator's Guide) (Manual)

Product ID: 809 081 (pull from B-H-6 first)
This handbook was developed for use by employer administrators, to assist them in creating and implementing educational programs and training to address the issue of drowsy driving among shift workers. The guide includes step-by-step suggestions for implementing a workplace program, a training presentation provided on an enclosed diskette in Powerpoint format, and samples of a site implementation plan, pre- and post-evaluation form, and final report. A listing of additional resources is also provided. Two color, 8.5" x 11", 48 pages.

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Problems and Solutions in DWI Enforcement Systems (Report)

Problems and Solutions in DWI Enforcement Systems (Report)

Product ID: 808 666
This report documents a study that seeks to identify how some alcohol-impaired drivers slip through the cracks in our criminal justice system.  The study determines the point at which this occurs, and suggests ways to close legal loopholes that allow offenders to slip through.

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Racial and Ethnic Group Comparisons - National Survey of Drinking and Driving ( Report)

Racial and Ethnic Group Comparisons - National Survey of Drinking and Driving ( Report)

Product ID: 809 071
This report uses data from previous NHTSA surveys on drinking and driving attitudes and behaviors and analyzes the data for several ethnic groups. 8.5" x 11", three color, 71 pages.

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Radar Measurements of NHTSA's Surrogate Vehicle SS_V

Radar Measurements of NHTSA's Surrogate Vehicle SS_V

Product ID: 811 817

This product is for download only

NHTSA seeks to objectively quantify the performance of forward-looking advanced technologies such as Crash Imminent Braking (CIB) and Dynamic Brake Support (DBS) on the test track. Since these evaluations are expected to
result in collisions between the subject vehicle (SV) and a principal other vehicle (POV) positioned directly in front of it, safety necessitates that the POV be a surrogate. However, to insure the tests will provide an accurate assessment of
the SV’s CIB and/or DBS capabilities, the surrogate must present as realistic. One way “realism” must be quantified involves a surrogate’s radar return characteristics.

The tests described in this report were performed to assess the radar return characteristics of NHTSA’s Strikeable Surrogate Vehicle (SS_V), a test target visually similar to a small hatchback. This work was performed by Michigan
Tech Research Institute (MTRI) and the University of Michigan’s Transportation Research Institute (UMTRI) on August 5, 2012 and October 11, 2012 under US DOT/NHTSA contracts DTNH22-12-P-0158 and DTNH22-12-P-01638,

Reducing Impaired-Driving Recidivism Using Advanced Vehicle-Based Alcohol Detection Systems (Report)

Reducing Impaired-Driving Recidivism Using Advanced Vehicle-Based Alcohol Detection Systems (Report)

Product ID: 810 876
This report to the Congress presents the findings of a study examining the vehicle-based alcohol detection systems to reduce the incidence of alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes and fatalities. It provides a thorough review of the different technologies that are in use or have been proposed for measuring the presence of alcohol in drivers. 

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Refusal of Intoxication Testing: A Report to Congress

Refusal of Intoxication Testing: A Report to Congress

Product ID: 811 098
This Report to Congress describes missing BAC information for both drivers arrested for impaired driving and drivers involved in fatal or serious injury crashes. Various laws governing impaired driving and the role of BAC test information under those laws are reviewed including an overview of the DWI arrest process. The results of several recent studies on the breath test refusals include breath test refusal rates in 2005 and a comparison to rates in 2001 and 1987; the effect of refusals on prosecution and adjudication of DWI cases; and a description of a promising strategy to decrease refusals via search warrants for blood draws. The report concludes with recommendations that would decrease BAC test refusals.

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Relative Frequency of Unsafe Driving Acts in Serious Traffic Crashes(The Summary Technical Report)

Relative Frequency of Unsafe Driving Acts in Serious Traffic Crashes(The Summary Technical Report)

Product ID: 809 205
This study was conducted to determine the specific driver behaviors and unsafe driving acts (UDAs) that lead to crashes, and the situational driver and vehicle characteristics associated with these behaviors.  This study confirms other research showing driver inattention, driver impairment, unsafe vehicle speeds, and driver fatigue are important factors in serious crashes.  It also provides a unique insight into driver information failures and unsafe driving acts that lead to crashes under certain conditions.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 28 pages.

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Relative Risk of Fatal Crash Involvement by BAC. Age and Gender (Report)

Relative Risk of Fatal Crash Involvement by BAC. Age and Gender (Report)

Product ID: 809 050
This study examines relative risk of fatal crash involvement by combining crash data with exposure data from the 1996 National Roadside Survey.  The relative risk of involvement in a fatal passenger vehicle-crash increased steadily with increasing driver BAC in every age and sex group.  8.5" x 11", black and white, 31 pages.

Number in Stock: 80
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Risk-Taking Behavior and Traffic Safety Symposium Proceedings (Report)

Risk-Taking Behavior and Traffic Safety Symposium Proceedings (Report)

Product ID: 809 033
This book presents the results of a symposium held in Chatham, Massachusetts, on October 19-22, 1997, as a need to address risk-taking behavior by drivers as potentially the most cost effective way of bringing about further improvements in traffic safety.  Over 80 traffic safety policymakers, researchers, and practioners attended, and presented their views, learned from others, and discussed the issues and potential solutions at great length.  This book contains the papers and discussions presented at the symposium.  Hardcover, two color, 8.5" x 11", 275 pages.

Number in Stock: 271
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Robustness of the Horizontal Gaze Test (Report)

Robustness of the Horizontal Gaze Test (Report)

Product ID: 810 831
These series of studies examined the effect of procedural variations in administration of the Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus (HGN) test of the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST).  In the first experiment, stimulus speed, elevation and distance were varied from the participants' faces.  In the second experiment, participants received the HGN test in a standing, seated or lying position.  The third experiment investigated the occurrence of HGN signs in people with monocular vision.  The overall results reveal that the HGN test is valid in both standard and varied testing procedures.

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Safe Mobility for Older People: Notebook (Report)

Safe Mobility for Older People: Notebook (Report)

Product ID: 808 853
This report analyzes the relationships between the enactment of key alcohol safety laws and the number of impaired drivers in fatal crashes.  Three major alcohol safety laws are evaluated including Administrative License Revocation, .10 BAC illegal per se laws and .08 BAC illegal per se laws.  Data was collected from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) for the years 1982 through 1997.  8.5" x 11", black and white, 477 pages

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Safety Impact of Permitting Right Turn on Red (Report)

Safety Impact of Permitting Right Turn on Red (Report)

Product ID: 808 200
This report presents the results of a study of the impact of permitting right and left turns on red lights.  It contains a summary of the current status of State implementation of laws to allow left and right turns at red lights, a review of previous research, and results of data analysis of the safety impact of permitting right turns on red.  Two color, 8.5" x 11", 47 pages.

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Sensitivity Analysis on the Response of 6-Year Child in Automotive Crashes

Sensitivity Analysis on the Response of 6-Year Child in Automotive Crashes

Product ID: 811 860

Prior studies have shown that child anthropometric test devices (ATDs) could benefit from improved biofidelity. Defining child ATD biofidelity based on traditional biomechanical testing methods can be ethically and technically (e.g., scaling) difficult. Therefore, this project explored a modeling approach for defining biofidelity test conditions/responses that could be applied towards new frontal child ATD development. This project used new knowledge from child-focused biomechanical and anthropometry studies as input in efforts to update,
parameterize, and optimize a Hybrid III 6-year-old-based numerical model that was then applied in defining new biofidelity targets for a 6-year-old frontal ATD.

State of Knowledge of Alcohol-Impaired Driving

State of Knowledge of Alcohol-Impaired Driving

Product ID: 809 027
This report reviews the scientific literature since 1990 about drivers who have been convicted more than once on DWI.  The report covers the role of such drivers in alcohol-related crashes, their characteristics, and the nature and effectiveness of countermeasures designed to reduce their alcohol-crash involvement.  8.5" x 11", two color, 50 pages.

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State of Knowledge of Drug-Impaired Driving (Report )

State of Knowledge of Drug-Impaired Driving (Report )

Product ID: 809 642
This report examines the current state of knowledge of drug-impaired driving.  The report covers a broad range of related research, including the detection and measurement of drugs in drivers, experimental research on the effect of drugs on the performance driving-related tasks, drug prevalence in various populations of drivers, drug-crash risk, and countermeasures for drug-impaired driving.  The review covers scientific literature published since 1980.  8.5" x 11", three color, 120 pages.

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Support for NHTSA Visual-Manual Guidelines: Expert Review of the Visual Occlusion Method

Support for NHTSA Visual-Manual Guidelines: Expert Review of the Visual Occlusion Method

Product ID: 811 763

The occlusion method is one of the verification test alternatives allowedunder the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers guidelines to manage visual demand of certain in-vehicle devices. Since the time those guidelines were published, additional research has become available on the advantages, disadvantages, and considerations of using the occlusion method in this context. The current investigation reviewed this additional research and then asked several occlusion experts about their opinions regarding topics such as method parameter values, test settings, validity, and usefulness of results. Experts’ answers were summarized and suggested that there is consensus about some aspects of the occlusion method and disagreement over other aspects. These findings are discussed in the context of including the occlusion method as a test alternative in future versions of visual-manual device design guidelines.

Taxonomy of Older Drivers Behaviors and Crash Risk Appendix D (Report)VOL: 1

Product ID: 811 468C
This report describes potential increases in risky driving that may result from age-related functional changes. A discussion of countermeasures explores ways older drivers may reduce this risk. Appendix D, a separate volume, reviews the literature on effects of aging, medical conditions and medications on driver performance and on effective countermeasures.

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Taxonomy of Older Drivers Behaviors and Crash Risk(Report)VOL: 2

Product ID: 811 468A

This report describes potential increases in risky driving that may result from age-related functional changes. A discussion of countermeasures explores ways older drivers may reduce this risk. Appendix D, a separate volume, reviews the literature on effects of aging, medical conditions and medications on driver performance and on effective countermeasures.


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Technology Applications for Traffic Safety Programs: A Primer(Manual)

Product ID: 810 040
This document explores how emerging digital and communications technology can advance safety on the Nation’s highways. The range of technology described in this report is available or will be available in the near future to improve traffic safety. As new traffic safety applications become widespread and implementation costs decrease, there could be a network of advanced systems that improve traffic safety by providing information and services to drivers, traffic operations agencies, emergency services personnel, and law enforcement professionals. Discussions in this report include a general overview of traffic safety technology; the use of technology to reach traffic safety goals using the framework of the “Four E’s” of engineering, enforcement, education, and EMS; and the technical and non-technical challenges for these technology applications.

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Teen Driver Crashes: A Report to Congress (Report)

Teen Driver Crashes: A Report to Congress (Report)

Product ID: 811 005
This report summarizes what is known about the major causes of teen driver crashes.  It reviews the available evidence about what has been shown to be effective in reducing teen driver crashes, including a discussion of graduated driver licensing for novice drivers, and makes a number of recommendations regarding suggested graduated driver licensing program requirements and other ways to reduce teen driver crashes. It concludes with recommendations for improving teen driver safety.

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Test Track Lateral Stability Performance of Motorcoaches Equipped with Electronic Stability Control

Test Track Lateral Stability Performance of Motorcoaches Equipped with Electronic Stability Control

Product ID: 811 633

The research detailed in this report supports The Motorcoach Safety Action Plan released by the Department of Transportation (DOT) on November 16, 2009 and ongoing safety research by DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Electronic stability control (ESC), a crash avoidance technology was identified in the plan as a potential motorcoach safety enhancement designed to improve stability in rollover and loss-of-control scenarios. The research described in this report was performed by the NHTSA’s Vehicle Research and Test Center (VRTC) from 2008-2010.

The 2011 National Survey of the Use of Booster Seats

The 2011 National Survey of the Use of Booster Seats

Product ID: 811 718

This technical report presents results from the 2011 National Survey of the Use of Booster Seats (NSUBS). NSUBS is the only probability-based nationwide child restraint use survey in the United States that observes restraint use and interviews adult occupants to collect race, ethnicity and other data. NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics and Analysis conducts the NSUBS. The 2011 NSUBS found that 47 percent of 4- to 7-year-old children were restrained in booster seats in 2011 as compared to 41 percent in 2009. Restraint use for all children under 13 increased to 91 percent in 2011. Although there were some indications of premature graduation to restraint types that are not appropriate for children’s age, height, and weight, we see significant improvements in use of appropriate restraint types among children of various categories in 2011 as compared to 2009.

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The Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System (CODES) and

Product ID: 811 181

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The Effect of Passengers on Teen Driver Behavior (Report)

The Effect of Passengers on Teen Driver Behavior (Report)

Product ID: 811 540
A number of studies have shown that passengers substantially increase the risk of crashes for young, novice drivers. This increased risk may result from distractions that young passengers create for drivers. Alternatively, the presence of passengers may increase the likelihood of teenage drivers engaging in explicitly risky behaviors, for example, by actively encouraging drivers to take risks. A better understanding of how transporting peers contributes to young driver increased crash risk will help develop strategies to reduce this risk. NHTSA analyzed data collected through an earlier naturalistic driving study (Goodwin, Foss, Margolis, & Waller, 2010). Over a 6-month study period, event-based data recorders collected 24,085 driving clips, of which 4,466 were selected for analysis. The sample included 52 drivers: 38 newly licensed teens and 14 high-school-age siblings.

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The Effect of Sight Distance Training on the Visual Scanning of Motorcycle Riders

The Effect of Sight Distance Training on the Visual Scanning of Motorcycle Riders

Product ID: 811 689

Very little is known about the effect of motorcycle rider training on visual scanning and sight distance techniques in naturalistic riding situations. This study collected naturalistic data from a mix of novice and experienced motorcycle riders on a closed course and an open course. A custom data acquisition system was developed that monitored the motorcycle rider’s head motions, visual behavior, motorcycle speed, GPS location, and motorcycle pitch, yaw, and roll. A portable eye tracker system actively tracked visual behavior and gaze movement of the motorcycle rider as he or she rode over a closed course and an open road course at two 6-month intervals. There were three groups of riders. One group of beginner riders had recently received their motorcycle endorsement and completed the Team Oregon Basic Rider Training course (beginner-trained). A second group of beginner riders had recently received their motorcycle endorsement but had not enrolled in any type of motorcycle rider training program (beginner-untrained). The third group consisted of experienced riders with a minimum of 5 years and 15,000 miles of riding experience (experienced).

The Impact of Hand-held and Hands-free Cell Phone Use on Driving Performance and Safety Critical Eve

The Impact of Hand-held and Hands-free Cell Phone Use on Driving Performance and Safety Critical Eve

Product ID: 811 757

This study investigated the effects of distraction from the use of three types of cell phones: (1) hand-held (HH), (2) portable handsfree (PHF), and (3) integrated hands-free (IHF). Through a naturalistic driving study (NDS), 204 drivers were continuously recorded for an average of 31 days. Only drivers who reported talking on a cell phone while driving at least once per day were recruited. A key feature was that drivers provided their cell phone records for analysis, making this the first NDS to date to combine call and text records with continuous naturalistic driving data. Results show that drivers talked on a cell phone 10.6
percent of the time the vehicle was in operation (28% of all calls and 10% of all text messages occurred while the vehicle was being operated). Talking on a cell phone, of any type, while driving was not associated with an increased safety-critical event (SCE) risk. SCEs comprised crashes, near-crashes, and crash-relevant conflicts. Visual-manual (VM) subtasks performed on an HH cell phone, however, were associated with an increased SCE risk. HH cell phone use in general was thus found to be associated with an increased SCE risk. In contrast, PHF and IHF cell phone use, absent of any VM HH cell phone subtasks, were not found to be associated with an increased SCE risk. However, VM HH cell phone subtasks were frequently observed during hands-free cell phone use. Driver performance when using a cell phone was also investigated through a within-subject comparison. VM HH cell phone subtasks were found to significantly increase the percentage of time drivers took their eyes off the forward roadway, while talking on an HH cell phone significantly decreased the percentage of time drivers took their eyes off the forward roadway. The effects of cell phone use on vehicle control were less pronounced.

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The NHTSA and NCSDR Program to Combat Drowsy Driving (Report)

The NHTSA and NCSDR Program to Combat Drowsy Driving (Report)

Product ID: 808 918
In 1996, NHTSA and National Center on Sleep Disorders Research (NCSDR) embarked on a congressionally mandated effort to develop educational countermeasures to the effects of fatigue, sleep disorders, and inattention on highway safety.  This is a Report to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees describing the collaborative effort that led to the production of program materials for shift workers and high school students. 8.5" x 11", three color, 39 pages.

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Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks on Washington State (Report)

Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks on Washington State (Report)

Product ID: 810 603
In 2004, Congress directed the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to work together to educate the drivers of passenger vehicles on how to share the road safely with commercial motor vehicles.  Washington State was selected to pilot this project because of a successful local program developed by the Washington State Patrol called Step Up and RIDE, where a trooper riding in a commercial motor vehicle observed unsafe driving behaviors and radioed other troopers, who then stopped and ticketed the driver. Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks combined the Step Up and RIDE program with high visibility enforcement directed at unsafe driving by any vehicle around commercial motor vehicles. The evaluation results provide a consistent picture of the effectiveness of the TACT pilot project.  Success was demonstrated at every step messages were received and understood, knowledge was changed in the intended direction, self reported behavior improved, and observed behavior confirmed the self reports

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Tractor Semitrailer Stability Objective Performance Test Research - Yaw Stability

Tractor Semitrailer Stability Objective Performance Test Research - Yaw Stability

Product ID: 811 734

This report documents the results from heavy-vehicle stability control (SC) system testing conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Vehicle Research and Test Center (VRTC) in 2008 and 2009. Tractor semitrailer SC research was conducted in three phases. Phase I (2006-2007) focused on understanding how heavy-vehicle stability control systems performed on the test track. Phase II (2007-2008) focused on the development of a dynamic test maneuver to challenge a tractor semitrailers roll propensity. This report documents Phase III research focused on the test track development of objective performance test maneuvers to challenge tractor semitrailers yaw stability.


Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory

Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory

Product ID: 811 644

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:The Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory provides information on the contents, capabilities, and data quality of an effective traffic records system. It describes an ideal system that supports high-quality decisions leading to cost effective improvements in highway and traffic safety.  It includes assessment questions that qualified independent assessors will use to rate the capabilities of a State’s traffic records system.

IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY: The Traffic Records Program Assessment Advisory provides guidance to States on the collection, management, and analysis of data used to inform highway and traffic safety decision-making.  States need timely, accurate, complete, and uniform traffic records to identify and prioritize traffic safety issues and to choose appropriate counter measures and evaluate their effectiveness.

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Traffic Safety Performance Measures for States and Federal Agencies (Report)

Traffic Safety Performance Measures for States and Federal Agencies (Report)

Product ID: 811 025

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) have agreed on a minimum set of performance measures to be used by States and federal agencies in the development and implementation of behavioral highway safety plans and programs. An expert panel from NHTSA, State Highway Safety Offices, academic and research organizations, and other key groups assisted in developing the measures.

The initial minimum set contains 14 measures: ten core outcome measures, one core behavior measure, and three activity measures. The measures cover the major areas common to State strategic highway safety plans and use existing data systems. States will set goals for and report progress on each of the 11 core outcome and behavior measures annually beginning with their 2010 Highway Safety Plans and Annual Reports. States will report the activity measures annually beginning with their 2010 Highway Safety Plans and Annual Reports. States should define and use additional performance measures for their other high-priority highway safety areas as appropriate.

NHTSA will use the core measures as an integral part of its reporting to the Congress, the public, and others.


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Traffic Tech: Breath Test Refusals and DWI Prosecution

Traffic Tech: Breath Test Refusals and DWI Prosecution

Product ID: 811 653

Traffic Tech: National Traffic Speeds Survey II: 2009

Traffic Tech: National Traffic Speeds Survey II: 2009

Product ID: 811 647

Transdermal Alcohol Monitoring: Case Studies

Transdermal Alcohol Monitoring: Case Studies

Product ID: 811 603

The objectives of this project were to determine how extensively transdermal alcohol-monitoring devices are used and to document examples of strong and innovative programs through case studies that can be used by agencies at the State and local levels considering the use of these devices to monitor offenders.

Trend Analysis of Traffic Law Enforcement in the United States(Report)

Product ID: 809 269
This report summarizes the findings from a study of traffic law enforcement trends in eleven selected jurisdictions across the country.  This study was designed to use objective measures of enforcement activity, such as numbers of traffic citations issued, to address the question of what actual trends were in traffic law enforcement activity over the past decade, and to supplement that information with input gathered from law enforcement personnel.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 92 pages.

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Trend and Pattern Analysis of Highway Crash Fatality By Month and Day (Report)

Trend and Pattern Analysis of Highway Crash Fatality By Month and Day (Report)

Product ID: 809 855

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Unconscious Motivator and Situational Safety Belts Use (Report)

Unconscious Motivator and Situational Safety Belts Use (Report)

Product ID: 810 650
This report contains the results of a literature review and expert panel meeting that explored whether unconscious defense mechanisms can be overcome to encourage the full time use of safety belts.  The first phase of the study was a review of the theoretical literature on anxiety, risk perceptions, and fatalism in response to safety threats.  In the second phase, a group of eight experts in various fields met to discuss these issues and to make recommendations to overcome these unconscious barriers.

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Update of Vehicle Sanction Laws and their Application (Volume 1-Summary)

Update of Vehicle Sanction Laws and their Application (Volume 1-Summary)

Product ID: 811 028A&B
Because of the substantial number of driving while intoxicated (DWI) offenders driving illegally with suspended licenses and the limited enforcement resources available to deal with the problem, many States and the Federal government have begun to enact legislation directed at the vehicles owned by offenders to limit their illicit driving. Such policies fall into three broad categories: (1) programs that require special plates on the vehicles of DWI offenders and/or confiscate the vehicle plates and vehicle registration; (2) devices installed in the vehicle that prevent its operation if the driver has been drinking (alcohol ignition interlock); and (3) programs that impound, immobilize, confiscate or forfeit the vehicle. This study updates as of the end of 2004 a 1992 NHTSA study of vehicle sanctions.  The 1992 study reported that 32 States had laws providing for various vehicle sanctions; however, in most of these States these sanctions were rarely used.  This current study updates that effort with a contemporary overview of vehicle sanction laws and their application as of December 2004.  It goes beyond the earlier study by reporting on information from other countries, incorporating a review of ignition interlock devices (not considered in the earlier study) and providing a more recent list of vehicle sanctions on a State-by-State basis.

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USDOT Connected Vehicle Research Program Vehicle-to-Vehicle Safety Application Research Plan

USDOT Connected Vehicle Research Program Vehicle-to-Vehicle Safety Application Research Plan

Product ID: 811 373

The connected-vehicle research program is a major initiative under USDOT’s Connect Vehicle Research Program and includes both vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure research activities. The goal of the Vehicle-to-Vehicle Safety Application Research Plan is to describe the research needed to support this decision. The objectives of the research plan are to determine if vehicle-to-vehicle communication safety applications meet a safety need, are practicable technologically and economically, have objectively measurable compliance, have driver acceptance, and are effective. This research plan only reflects the V2V communication research portion of the connected-vehicles program. The research plan provides background, vision, goals and objects, and an overview, as well as a detailed roadmap and summary descriptions of the major research tracks that make up the V2V safety application research activities.

Use of Warrants to Reduce Breath Test Refusals: Experiences From North Carolina

Use of Warrants to Reduce Breath Test Refusals: Experiences From North Carolina

Product ID: 811 461

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Using Smart Card Technology to Prevent Sales of Alcohol to Underage Persons (Report)

Using Smart Card Technology to Prevent Sales of Alcohol to Underage Persons (Report)

Product ID: 809 321
This project was implemented to evaluate the utility and effectiveness of the MinorChecker system, a system that provides retailers and servers of alcohol with the ability to quickly and easily determine the age of a potential customer as well as the authenticity of the identification by simply swiping the driver's license through a card reader.  It was hypothesized that the implementation of an education/awareness campaign on underage drinking combined with the MinorChecker would serve to reduce the availability of alcohol to those under 21 years of age by increasing the frequency and efficiency with which licensees checked the IDs of patrons.  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 46 pages.

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Visual Search and Urban City Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana and Alcohol (Report)

Visual Search and Urban City Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana and Alcohol (Report)

Product ID: 809 020
This report describes a study to determine the effects of low doses of marijuana and alcohol on visual search capacity and general driving proficiency in a fixed route city driving test. Test subjects were administered various combinations of the substances, and/or placebo, then took the driving test 15 minutes later. An eye movement recording system measured visual search frequency, and a licensed driving instructor rated their driving proficiency. Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 56 pages.

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Zero Tolerance for Youth: Four States Expetience (Report)

Zero Tolerance for Youth: Four States Expetience (Report)

Product ID: 809 053
This study examined the effectiveness of zero tolerance laws in four states (Florida, Maine, Texas and Oregon).  It also examined any problems in implementing or enforcing the law in those states.  8.5" x 11", three color, 81 pages.

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Zone Guide For Pedestrian Safety (Booklet)

Zone Guide For Pedestrian Safety (Booklet)

Product ID: 808 742

 The need to make the nation's roadways safer for walkers, has prompted public officials to seek out and create new ideas in a variety of areas--engineering, enforcement, legislation, training, and public education.  However, with the scarcity of funds, communities can efficiently concentrate pedestrian safety improvements by carefully selecting where they are applied.  To do this, they need to be able to identify small land areas (or zones) where these improvements will reach a large number of the pedestrians whose crash risk is to be reduced.  This guide describes what zoning is and explains how to design and use pedestrian safety zones to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of pedestrian safety programs.  Black and white, 8.5" x 11", 14 pages.