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For Contractors

The Best Practices Procurment Manual and Third-Party Procurement Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are both excellent resources for what is expected or required of contractors.  Definitions, resources, and helpful advice are provided.


By law, recipients using FTA funds to award contracts must award those contracts to "responsible" contractors only.  A contractor's responsibility must be determined by considering, among other factors, the integrity of the contractor.  One of the ways a recipient can check the integrity of a prospective contractor is to determine if the contractor has been excluded by the Federal Government from receiving contracts.  Each FTA recipient agrees to review the Excluded Parties Listing System before entering into any third party subagreement, lease, third party contract, or other arrangement; additionally, each recipient must assure FTA that its subrecipients, lessees, third party contractors, and other participants at any tier will do the same.  Read more about Ethics.

Updated: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
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