Welcome to The CMTS


Welcome to the Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) website. The CMTS is a Federal Cabinet-level, inter-departmental committee chaired by the Secretary of Transportation.

The purpose of the CMTS is to create a partnership of Federal departments and agencies with responsibility for the Marine Transportation System (MTS). The job of the CMTS is to ensure the development and implementation of national MTS policies that are consistent with national needs and to report to the President its views and recommendations for improving the MTS.

The MTS is essential to the American economy; it supports millions of American jobs, facilitates trade, moves people and goods, and provides a safe, secure, cost-effective, and energy-efficient transportation alternative. But because much of the system’s infrastructure is aging and constrained by capacity limitations, the CMTS is working to ensure that the MTS continues to meet the present and future needs of our nation... keep reading »

Bulletin Board
16 Dec

Announcing the Launch of the Maritime Topic on Data.gov

The CMTS Maritime Data IAT, in conjunction with the Data.gov program office, is proud to announce the launch of the Maritime Topic on Data.gov. The Maritime Topic provides the Federal maritime community with a central location to archive and share datasets related to marine transportation. It includes an inventory of publicly available maritime datasets that are accessible through Data.gov as well as blog posts that allow agencies to highlight recent developments in the maritime data community. ... view more »
23 Nov

CMTS-TRB 4th Biennial R&D Conference Summary Now Available

The CMTS collaborated with the Transportation Research Board (TRB) to hold its fourth biennial research and development conference, “From Sail to Satellite: Delivering Solutions for Tomorrow’s Marine Transportation System,” at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC, on June 21-23, 2016. The forum examined emerging and innovative technologies and practices in marine transportation and waterways management. ... view more »
16 Nov

Updated MTS-Related Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) List Available

The CMTS has updated the list of MTS-Related Federal Advisory Committees (FACs), including the committee managers or Designated Federal Officer (DFO) contacts. There are currently 39 FACs that either deal with MTS-related issues or can impact the MTS under the Departments of Commerce, Transportation, Homeland Security, and Defense and other agencies. ... view more »
24 Oct

Public Comment Requested on CMTS Report: “Recommendations and Criteria for Using Federal Public-Private Partnerships to Support Critical U.S. Infrastructure”

The Secretary of Transportation directed the CMTS to complete three items under the National Strategy for the Arctic Region (NSAR) Implementation Plan (2014) related to the U.S. Arctic maritime domain. The draft report, "Recommendations and Criteria for Using Federal Public-Private Partnerships to Support Critical U.S. Arctic Infrastructure,” is intended to address the CMTS’s third and final action under the NSAR Implementation Plan: Develop recommendations for pursuing Federal public-private partnerships in support of prior needs assessment and prioritization activities. This draft is now available for a 30-day public comment period. ... view more »
11 Oct

Actions and Accomplishments of the CMTS: July 1, 2015–June 30, 2016

We are pleased to provide the CMTS Annual Report for July 2015 through June 2016 under the Coordinating Board leadership of VADM Manson K. Brown, USCG (Ret.) for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ... view more »
11 May

Infrastructure Week 2016: Marine Transportation System #InfrastructureMatters

Infrastructure Week (May 16-23, 2016) is a collaborative effort by businesses, civic groups, organizations, and other infrastructure stakeholders to bring awareness to the importance of infrastructure in our nation. Through events, advocacy, webinars, and social media taking place around the country, participants will bring attention to infrastructure. Infrastructure Week is the largest, most diverse, non-partisan coalition of organizations dedicated to strengthening America by rebuilding our infrastructure. See how you can be involved at http://infrastructureweek.org/. ... view more »
9 May

NOW AVAILABLE! The CMTS report, "A Ten-Year Prioritization of Infrastructure Needs in the U.S. Arctic"

The CMTS report, "A Ten-Year Prioritization of Infrastructure Needs in the U.S. Arctic," presents a framework to address Arctic infrastructure gaps. It identifies critical requirements for a safe and secure U.S. Arctic Marine Transportation System (MTS) to be implemented over the next decade. There are 43 recommendations covering five core MTS components (waterways management, physical infrastructure, information infrastructure, response services, and vessel operations). These components, if integrated over time, support the establishment of a stronger, more resilient U.S. Arctic MTS. ... view more »
7 Jan

Assessing Marine Transportation System (MTS) Resilience

There are numerous interpretations and applications of the term "resilience" as it relates to the Marine Transportation System (MTS) and to the individual Federal agencies working with the MTS. The U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS) MTS Resilience Integrated Action Team (Resilience IAT) reviewed the range of factors impacting MTS resilience. A summary report, "U.S. Federal Activities Analyzing Marine Transportation System Resilience," identifies and categorizes MTS resilience factors and pinpoints the priority environmental and non-environmental resilience factors for Resilience IAT member agencies. ... view more »
U.S. Federal Activities Analyzing Marine Transportation System Resilience
11 Dec

Actions & Accomplishments of the CMTS: July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015

We are pleased to provide the CMTS Annual Report for July 2014 through June 2015. Under the Coordinating Board leadership of Major General John Peabody, Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations for the US Army Corps of Engineers, the CMTS completed the first of three reports in support of the National Strategy for the Arctic Region, “10-Year Projection of Maritime Activity in the U.S. Arctic”; and it established two new interagency teams—the Maritime Data Integrated Action Team and the MTS Resilience Integrated Action Team. The CMTS continues to make great strides to support an active interagency partnership to support the MTS.
Actions & Accomplishments of the CMTS: July 1, 2014–June 30, 2015
1 Dec

CMTS 10th Anniversary Leadership Roundtable: Reflecting Forward

The CMTS 10th Anniversary Roundtable: Reflecting Forward, held on Friday, November 20, 2015, at the Department of Transportation Headquarters, was attended by nearly 80 marine transportation system (MTS) partners and stakeholders. Two panels of past and present leaders of the CMTS discussed the Committee’s origins, its accomplishments over the past 10 years, and the future needs of the MTS. They also kicked off enhanced stakeholder engagement under the 2015-2016 CMTS work plan.
CMTS 10th Anniversary Roundtable: Reflecting Forward
18 Nov

CMTS Webinar on Public-Private Partnerships in the U.S. Arctic

The CMTS was tasked by DOT Secretary Foxx to complete three tasks in the National Strategy on the Arctic Region Implementation Plan under Line of Effort 1. As part of the response to task three (1.1.3), the CMTS is hosting a webinar and conference call on Wednesday, November 18, 2015, 4:00-5:30 pm (EST), to learn of existing or planned infrastructure public-private partnerships (P3) related to the marine transportation system and to receive recommendations and ideas regarding the use of P3s. ... view more »
CMTS Webinar: Public-Private Partnerships and the Federal Arctic MTS
26 Oct

Updated Federal Funding Handbook for Marine Transportation System Infrastructure

The US Committee on the Marine Transportation System (CMTS), in conjunction with the White House Build America Initiative, has developed a Handbook of Federal Funding Sources for Marine Transportation System (MTS)-Related Investments. ... view more »
Federal Funding Handbook for Marine Transportation System Infrastructure
25 Oct

The Cotton Club Public-Private Partnership Roundtable Proceedings Published

In May 2015, several representatives of the CMTS Coordinating Board met with the DC-based Cotton Club to share lessons learned and best practices for implementing public-private partnerships for infrastructure, particularly for MTS-related investments. The Cotton Club is a chartered organization comprised of the transportation and trade attachés from the embassies in Washington, DC, particularly from Western Europe and Asia. For additional information, contact Ms. Pat Mutschler at pat.mutschler@cmts.gov.
The Cotton Club Public-Private Partnership Roundtable Proceedings
25 Oct

Compendium of Public-Private-Partnership (P3) Authorities for Infrastructure Investment Published

The Compendium of Public-Private-Partnership (P3) Authorities for Infrastructure Investment, developed by Mr. Mike Smitsky of the MARAD Office of Counsel on behalf of the CMTS, is a collection of the statutory citations and language for P3 investments within eight Federal Departments. The compendium addresses some of the commonalities and differences among the various authorities and highlights some of the foundational information for developing an understanding of how the US Federal Government enters into various types of P3 relationships.
Compendium of Federal Public-Private Partnership Authorities for Infrastructure Investments
23 Jun

MG John Peabody Turns Over CMTS Coordinating Board Chairmanship to the Secretary of Commerce

The Sub-Cabinet CMTS Coordinating Board provides high-level policy and work plan guidance. At the Board’s June 23, 2015, meeting, Board chair Major General John Peabody, US Army Corps of Engineers, turned over the gavel to the Department of Commerce after reporting on the achievements of the CMTS during his term. Among many activities, the CMTS completed the “Ten-Year Projection of Maritime Activity in the US Arctic” report to the White House, proof-of-concept for a joint Notice to Mariners, a summary report on MTS performance measures, establishment of a maritime data team and an MTS resilience team, and an update of the Federal MTS Funding Handbook. An annual report for the 2014-15 term will be issued at the next Coordinating Board meeting. For more information on the CMTS Coordinating Board, contact Helen.Brohl@cmts.gov. ... view more »
15 Jun

CMTS Hosts Speaker Series on the Build America Transportation Investment Center

On June 4, 2015, the CMTS hosted a Speaker Series on the Build America Transportation Investment Center (BATIC). The BATIC is a one-stop shop for state and local governments, public and private developers, and investors seeking to utilize innovative financing and public-private partnerships to deliver transportation projects. ... view more »
6 Jun

Marine Transportation System Performance Measures Executive Summary

The CMTS has released the Marine Transportation System (MTS) Performance Measures 2015 Executive Summary, which summarizes an initial group of MTS performance measures developed from publicly available data sources and presented together for the first time. Each performance measure is accompanied by a graphic showing historical change or current status of the measure. The categories included are economic benefits, capacity and reliability, safety and security, environmental stewardship, and resilience. An interpretation of the measures in category is provided at the end of each section.
CMTS Marine Transportation System Performance Measures 2015 Executive Summary
24 Apr

CMTS Hosts Second Military to Mariner Federal Workshop

The CMTS held a second Military to Mariner Federal Workshop on April 24, 2015, at DOT Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Workshop participants included senior officials from the Department of Transportation, Department of Defense, Department of Labor, Maritime Administration, Military Sealift Command, U.S. Transportation Command, U.S. Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Army, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and U.S. Navy. ... view more »
27 Mar

Obama Administration Report Includes Summary of CMTS Efforts in Support of Arctic Policy Development

A summary of CMTS efforts in support of Arctic policy development was included in the Obama Administration report highlighting progress made by the Federal government in the Arctic during 2014. ... view more »
National Strategy for the Arctic Region Implementation Report
2 Mar

CMTS Releases Report: “Innovative Technologies for a Resilient Marine Transportation System”

The CMTS has issued the summary report of the biennial Marine Transportation System (MTS) research conference, “Innovative Technologies for a Resilient Marine Transportation System,” held with the Transportation Research Board on June 24-26, 2014. ... view more »
Innovative Technologies for a Resilient Marine Transportation System
24 Feb

CMTS Webinar: Federal Arctic MTS Activities Update

Over 60 participants joined the CMTS webinar Federal Arctic MTS Activities Update. Presentations were provided by Mr. Eric Cooper, Director, Arctic Region Policy, National Security Council, White House, regarding the recent Presidential Executive Order on the Arctic; CAPT John Mauger, Chief, Office of Design and Engineering Standards, USCG, regarding the IMO Polar Code; and Dr. Alyson Azzara, ICCT, and Mr. Gary Magnuson, CMTS, regarding the CMTS Ten-Year Projection of Maritime Activity in the US Arctic. View the presentations by CAPT Mauger and the CMTS by clicking the links below. ... view more »
26 Jan

CMTS Releases Report: “A 10-Year Projection of Maritime Activity in the U.S. Arctic Region”

CMTS has completed the report, “A 10-Year Projection of Maritime Activity in the U.S. Arctic Region,” which provides estimates of vessel traffic (numbers of vessels and transits) based on modeling of current vessel activity patterns, growth potential, and vessel projection scenarios, including diversion from other routes, and oil and gas development. The report also completes the first milestone of the National Strategy for the Arctic Region (NSAR) 2014 Implementation Plan, which is intended to guide Federal activities related to the construction, maintenance, and improvement of marine transportation Arctic infrastructure. ... view more »
5 Dec

CMTS Maritime Energy Task Team (METT)

The CMTS Maritime Energy Task Team (METT) was established in December 2013 as an interagency forum for exchanging information and offering opportunities for interagency collaboration to examine a number of promising fuel efficiency measures and technologies and to address the challenges of retrofitting and the availability of fuel infrastructure. ... view more »
23 Oct

Dr. Julie Rosati Speaks to the CMTS on Resilience

Thursday, October 23, 2014, proved to be a very educational morning at the US Committee for the Marine Transportation System (CMTS). We had the honor of hearing Dr. Julie Rosati speak on “MTS Resilience: What is Resilience and How to Put it into Practice.” ... view more »
Dr. Julie Rosati Speaks to the CMTS on MTS Resilience
2 Oct

2013-2014 CMTS Annual Report Now Available

This report represents the accomplishments of the CMTS under the Chairmanship of the USCG. ... view more »
2013-2014 CMTS Annual Report
1 Jul

U.S. Coast Guard "Future of Navigation/21st Century Waterways—Listening Session Feedback" Survey

The U.S. Coast Guard has published its "Future of Navigation/21st Century Waterways—Listening Session Feedback" survey, and it is now available for input. ... view more »
17 Jun

CMTS Adopts S-100 as Preferred Data Framework

The Coordinating Board of the U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System adopted the International Hydrographic Organization’s S-100 Universal Hydrographic Data Model as its preferred data framework for the dissemination and exchange of digital marine safety information and related MTS data collection requirements. ... view more »
CMTS Coordinating Board Resolution on the Adoption of the S-100 Marine Data Framework
12 Dec

CMTS Annual Report

Mr. Dave Murk, past chair of the CMTS Coordinating Board, issued the summary report for his term: July 2012-June 2013. ... view more »
CMTS Summary Report: July 2012-June 2013
30 Jul

CMTS U.S. Arctic Marine Transportation System Report

CMTS U.S. Arctic Marine Transportation System Report Submitted by CMTS Chair Foxx to President Obama ... view more »
CMTS U S Arctic MTS Report
1 Feb

CMTS Compendium Published

CMTS Publishes Compendium of Federal Programs in the Marine Transportation System ... view more »
20 Dec

CMTS Authorized by Congress

On December 20, 2012, President Obama signed into law the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2012 (Pub. L. No. 112-213). With this action, the CMTS is officially recognized by Congress and is authorized in law, giving our interagency Partnership new authority, new responsibilities, and new opportunities ... view more »
CMTS Authorizing Language
The CMTS is a Federal interagency coordinating committee directed by Congress and charter to improve the coordination of and make recommendations with regard to Federal policies that impact the MTS.