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Secretary Foxx, Chairman Shuster take to Twitter…together

This Wednesday, Secretary Foxx and House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster will jointly host a Twitter town hall on reauthorizing U.S. surface transportation; strengthening the Nation's highways, bridges, and transit infrastructure; and the future of transportation in America.

Now, this is not just the first time the U.S. Transportation Secretary and the House T&I Committee Chair will cohost an event like this; it's actually the first time that any sitting Cabinet Secretary and House Committee Chair have cohosted such an event. Ever.

It's no wonder that Washington Post reporter Ashley Halsey wrote, "In an era when Twitter is omnipotent, tweeting a digital meeting harbors far greater significance as a display of rare bipartisan camaraderie in pursuit of a common goal."

Construction photo of Mackinac Bridge
Secretary Foxx and Chairman Shuster building a bridge of their own?

NHTSA to host Twitter chat on safe driving for St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick’s Day celebrates the rich history and culture of the Irish. Regrettably, it is also a day when many make the dangerous choice of driving after they’ve been drinking.

From 2008 to 2012, drunk driving claimed 268 lives on St. Patrick’s Day alone—an average of 54 deaths on each St. Patrick’s Day in the past five years.

Graphic advising against drinking and driving on St. Patrick's Day

Whether you’re planning an extended St. Patrick’s Day celebratory weekend, or just an outing with friends and family on Monday, plan ahead for a sober ride home.

And on Wednesday, March 12, at 3pm ET, we’ll be on Twitter -- @NHTSAgov – sharing stats, tips, and ways to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day without drinking and driving. To have the most impact in this fight to save lives, we need YOU to join us...

Advertising air fares on social media sites - October 3, 2011

This notice is intended to give guidance to airlines and other sellers of air transportation on how additional taxes, fees, and restrictions that are currently permitted to be listed separately from a fare quotation may be disclosed in advertisements on Twitter, Facebook, and other online social media sites. This guidance will be used by the Office of Aviation Enforcement and Proceedings in its compliance and enforcement activities associated with 14 CFR 399.84, the Department’s full fare advertising rule, and 49 U.S.C. § 41712, which prohibits unfair and deceptive practices, until January 24, 2012, when, as discussed below, a new rule becomes effective.

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