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Safe Communities Concepts and Strategies
There have been many requests for articles written by local Safe Communities coordinators, injury prevention practitioners, and other traffic safety specialist between the years of 1997 and 2002. The concepts and strategies presented are just as valid today as when they were written. All concept and strategies files are available on CD. Contact the Resource Center for your free copy.

  • An Introduction to the Safe Communities Model
  • A Checklist of Elements for Safe Communities Coalitions
  • A Quick Guide to Help You Get Going
  • An Overview of the Data You Need and Where to Get It
  • Finding Out the Costs in your Community
  • How to Measure Your Effectiveness
  • Identifying Partners & Pulling Together a Coalition
  • Getting Community Input & Involvement
  • The Role of Prevention, Acute Care and Rehabilitation
  • How to Get Funding
  • Where We've Been & How to Get to Where We Want to Be
  • Partnering with Hospitals & Trauma Centers
  • What's in It for Hospitals
  • Partnering with Public Health
  • Partnering with Doctors & Nurses
  • Health Care Providers in a Safe Community
  • Health & Safety Organization Partnerships
  • Partnering with EMS
  • Partnering with the Military
  • What's in It for the Military
  • Partnering with the Private Sector
  • What's in It for Businesses
  • Partnering with Transportation Experts
  • Partnering in Small Towns & in Rural Areas
Community Traffic Safety Assessment Toolkit
The Community Traffic Safety Assessment Toolkit is designed to assist coalitions in collecting and analyzing injury and crash data for their jurisdictions. It focuses on helping the community rank their injuries to determine the top 3 problems, as well as target populations that should be addressed. The easy-to-use Guide walks communities through the process of creating a community profile; building fatal injury, non-fatal injury, and medical cost templates; analyzing contributing factors by demographics; as well as location mapping by zip code. Because of the size of these files, it is recommended that you download them using high speed Internet access or contact the Service Center for a CD.
Coalition Time Line: Steps in Building a Traffic Safety Coalition
A helpful time line checklist for Safe Communities coordinators to assist a coalition in organizing and scheduling the vital components need to successfully manage a community-based injury prevention program. Community Coalition Assessment Guidelines
NHTSA Rocky Mountain Region developed this Technical Assistance Assessment Team approach that permits State highway safety offices, State health departments and other agencies to support the technical evaluation of existing or proposed Safe Communities coalitions. The program was successfully pilot tested in 1998 in North Dakota. The Safe Communities Coalition Assessment Guidelines document is available in MS Word format upon request by e-mailing the Service Center.

Community Traffic Safety Marketing Presentations -
The "Safe Communities: Getting Started" Power Point presentation is designed to serve as an orientation tool for new coalitions and potential coalition members by giving them a basic understanding of the Safe Communities model of injury prevention and control. Special emphasis is placed on the leading contributor to unintentional injuries and deaths -- motor vehicle crashes. The Notes section of this presentation gives presenters basic guidance and talking points for each of the slides. Presenters are encouraged to modify this presentation to fit necessary time constraints, add your own insights, and customize the presentation to reflect the injury problems and concerns in the State, county or community where the talk is being given to make it more relevant to the local audience.
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U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
1-800-424-9153 (TTY)