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Wisconsin Safe Communities Coalition meeting - keeping member engaged.

Funding Opportunities, Guidelines and Resource Databases
Not knowing exactly where to start a search for funding is a problem for many coalitions. According to the Foundation Center, the percent of grant dollars given to health care ranks second, right after education. With millions of dollars available for health funding (including injury prevention) and many private foundations, corporate grant makers and public charities giving, it pays to know how to begin a search for funding.

According to "Where to Begin the Search for Funding: What Grantseekers Need to Know," you should start locally. Try to match missions with a foundation, train your board and coalition members to be effective fundraisers, and use outcome evaluation to sustain funding.

The following are Web sites that have many free or low cost resources to assist grantseekers and non-profit organizations: icon
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Injury Prevention & Control: Funded Programs, Activities & Research offers funding opportunities by programs, State and Territories. allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies.

Idealist search for grantseekers

Idealist is not a grantmaking organization; however, they provide a search platform that allows grantseekers to search a database to connect funders for partnerships.

National Institutes of Health

The NIH web site offers extensive information on funding opportunities and links to the many Institutes and Centers that make-up NIH.
Regional Associations of Grantmakets
Regional Associations of Grantsmakers (RAGs) provide current listings of foundations in specific geographic areas and offer grantseekers other resources.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundations
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is the nation's largest philanthropy devoted solely to the public's health, awarded in 2012 nearly $360 million in grants in seven program areas.
Small Business Administration
The Small Business Administration provides information on grants for scientific research and development, as well as assist small business with planning and sustainability strategies.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

The Chronicle of Philanthropy is a newspaper available in print and online format for charity leaders, fundraisers, grant makers, and other organizations involved in the philanthropic enterprise worldwide.

The Walmart Foundation

Walmart and the Walmart Foundation gives to thousands of organizations that serve their mission or through inspiring volunteer efforts of Walmart associates.

W. K. Kellogg Foundation

W. K. Kellogg Foundation grant applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed at headquarters in Battle Creek, Michigan.
This web page is a work-in-progress and more information and links to resources will be added as they are identified. If your community traffic safety coalition has a success story on fundraising or sustainability you would be willing to share with others, please e-mail details to the Resource Center.
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Diverse Community

Multicultural Outreach

Communities are successful when everyone is included in taking ownership of the injury problem solution. Click the link below to see a listing of minority groups involved in traffic safety.

NHTSA and Diverse Communities


U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
1-800-424-9153 (TTY)