Audit Reports


Actions Needed to Ensure Accurate Executive Order 13520 Reporting

Project ID: 


On November 7, 2011, we issued our report on DOT's Executive Order 13520 Reporting.  We found DOT's September 2010 report to OIG did not accurately account for high-dollar overpayments and recoveries, or meet reporting requirements for high-priority programs and high-dollar overpayments. The January 2011 report also did not meet reporting requirements for high-dollar overpayments. While DOT intended to ensure transparency, both reports included improper payment amounts that did not need to be reported.  We did not identify any high-dollar overpayments that should have been reported, and actual payment recoveries were understated in the report. We made a recommendation to assist the Department in its preparation of quarterly reports on high dollar improper payments.  DOT concurred with our recommendation and provided appropriate planned actions and timeframes.