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About OST-R

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology (OST-R) is part of the Office of the Secretary of Transportation (OST). It comprises all of the program offices, statistics and research activities previously administered by the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA). In January 2014, the U.S. Congress transferred all RITA programs into OST in order to provide opportunities for increased research collaboration and coordination, while upholding the integrity and impartiality of transportation statistical data. This helps to ensure that research activities and budgetary resources across the Department are fully aligned with the Department’s strategic goals and key interest areas.  

The mission of OST-R is to transform transportation by expanding the base of knowledge to make America’s transportation system safer, more competitive and sustainable.
To do this, we:

  • Advance innovation, technology development, and breakthrough knowledge
  • Conduct research and facilitate multimodal research collaboration
  • Foster technology transfer through partnerships within the Department and with other partners
  • Provide useful information and statistics to decision-makers as they debate policies
  • Develop a highly skilled interdisciplinary transportation workforce for the nation

OST-R is a dynamic, world-class transportation resource with broad technical and institutional expertise not replicated elsewhere.