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U.S. Department of Transportation

5.0 References and Resources

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Planning for Operations Resources

Armstrong, April, "TIM Focus State Initiative: Program-Level Performance Measurement Workshops" Presentation on National Transportation Operations Coalition Seminar Talking Operations Webinar, February 22, 2006. Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

Basore, Lt. Brian and Lt. Paul Behm, "Kansas Speedway Traffic Management," Presentation, 2007. Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

Gibson, J. and Scherer, W. (W. Gibson, ed.), How to Do Systems Analysis, "Chapter 3: Goal Development," (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, 2007).

Missouri Department of Transportation, "MoDOT Tracker" Website. Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Research Applications Laboratory, "L. Surface Transportation Weather" Website. Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

National Traffic Incident Management Coalition, "Benefits of Traffic Incident Management," 2006. Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

National Transportation Operations Coalition, 2007 National Traffic Signal Report Card – Technical Report. Available at:, last accessed February 25, 2010.

National Transportation Operations Coalition, Performance Measurement Initiative – Final Report, July 2005. Available at:, last accessed December 6, 2009.

Texas Transportation Institute, Operations-Oriented Performance Measures for Freeway Management Systems: Year 1 Report, April 2007, FHWA/TX-07/0-5292-1. Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

Transportation Research Board, NCHRP Report 606: Forecasting Statewide Freight Toolkit, (Washington, DC: 2008). Available at:, last accessed February 25, 2010.

Transportation Research Board, "Glossary of Regional Transportation Systems Management and Operations Terms," Transportation Research Circular, Number E-C133, April 2009. Available at:, last accessed December 6, 2009.

Transportation Research Board, "Freeway Management During Emergencies and Evacuations," Freeway Operations Committee Research Circular. Available at:

U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA, "3rd National Surface Transportation Weather Symposium," July 25 - 27, 2007, Vienna, VA. Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Applying Analysis Tools in Planning for Operations, FHWA-HOP-10-001 (Washington, DC: 2009). Available at:, last accessed February 25, 2010.

U.S Department of Transportation, "Clarus Initiative: A National Surface Transportation Weather Observing and Forecasting System" Website. Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, The Collaborative Advantage: Realizing the Tangible Benefits of Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration A Reference Manual, FHWA-HOP-08-001 (Washington, DC: 2007). Available at:, last accessed February 25, 2010.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Coordinated Freeway and Arterial Operations Handbook, FHWA-HRT-06-095 (Washington, DC: 2006). Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA/FTA, An Interim Guidebook on the Congestion Management Process in Metropolitan Transportation Planning, FHWA-HOP-08-008 (Washington, DC: 2008). Available at:, last accessed February 25, 2010.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA/FTA, Management & Operations in the Metropolitan Transportation Plan: A Guidebook for Creating an Objectives-Driven, Performance-Based Approach Interim Draft, FHWA-HOP-08-007 (Washington, DC: 2007). Available at:, last accessed February 25, 2010.

U.S Department of Transportation and American Transportation Research Institute, "Measuring Travel Time in Freight-Significant Corridors," FHWA-HOP-05-036 (Washington, DC: 2005). Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Monitoring Urban Freeways in 2003: Current Conditions and Trends from Archived Operations Data (Texas Transportation Institute: 2004). Available at:, last accessed on February 25, 2010.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, "Planned Special Events: Checklists for Practitioners," FHWA-HOP-06-113 (Washington, DC: 2006). Available at:, last accessed February 26, 2010.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Regional Concept for Transportation Operations: The Blueprint for Action – A Primer, FHWA-HOP-07-122 (Washington, DC: 2007). Available at:, last accessed December 6, 2009.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Regional Transportation Operations Collaboration and Coordination – A Primer for Working Together to Improve Transportation Safety, Reliability, and Security, FHWA-OP-03-008 (Washington, DC: 2003). Available at:, last accessed December 6, 2009.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Travel Time Reliability: Making It There On Time, All The Time (Washington, DC: 2006). Available at:, last accessed on October 20, 2009.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Office of Operations, Travel Time Reliability Measures – Operations Performance Measurement. Available at:, last accessed December 6, 2009.

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, "Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program" Website. Available at:, last accessed February 25, 2010.

Victoria Transport Policy Institute, "Performance Evaluation Practical Indicators For Evaluating Progress Toward Planning Objectives," TDM Encyclopedia, January 2010. Available at:, last accessed February 25, 2010.

MPO Planning Documents

Anchorage Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions, Anchorage Bowl 2025 Long-Range Transportation Plan with 2027 Revisions (Anchorage, AK: April 2007). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Atlanta Regional Commission, Envision6, 2030 Regional Transportation Plan (Atlanta, GA: September 2007). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Champaign County Regional Planning Commission, Long Range Transportation Plan 2025 (Urbana, IL: December 2004). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, Transportation Operations Master Plan (July 2009). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Denver Regional Council of Governments, 2035 Metro Vision Regional Transportation Plan (Denver, CO: December 2007). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Metro Regional Government, Final Draft 2035 Regional Transportation Plan (Portland, OR: September 2009). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Metroplan Orlando, 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan (Orlando, FL: September 2009). Available

at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Transportation 2035: Change in Motion (Oakland, CA: April 2009). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments, OKI 2030 Regional Transportation Plan (Cincinnati, OH: June 2008). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada, Regional Transportation Plan 2009-2030 (Las Vegas, NV: November 2008). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Regional Transportation Commission of Washoe County, 2040 Regional Transportation Plan (Reno, NV: November 2008). Available at: last accessed March 1, 2010.

Rochester-Olmsted Council of Governments, Rochester-Olmsted Council of Governments 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan: 2007 Amendments (Rochester, MN: September 2005 with 2007 amendments). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, 2030 Regional Transportation Plan for Southeast Michigan (Detroit, MI: June 2008). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Syracuse Metropolitan Transportation Council, 2020 Long Range Transportation Plan, 2007 Update (Syracuse, NY: June 2007). Available at:, last accessed March 1, 2010.

Safety Resources

Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, NCHRP 17-36: First Edition Highway Safety Manual (HSM), In Production.

Transportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Report 500, Volumes 1 - 17, Guidance for Implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan, 2003-2005. Available at

U.S. Department of Transportation, FHWA, Desktop Reference for Crash Reduction Factors, September 2008. Publication Number FHWA-SA-08-011. Available at:

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