Scenario Planning Program

What is Scenario Planning?

Scenario planning is an approach that can help transportation professionals prepare for the future, whether on a statewide, regional, or community scale. The approach provides a framework for developing a shared vision for the future by analyzing various factors, testing alternatives, and extensively involving stakeholders, including the public, business community, and elected officials. It is an enhancement of, not a replacement for, the traditional transportation planning process.

The Transportation Planning Capacity Building (TPCB) Scenario Planning Program, jointly offered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), serves as a resource for agencies interested in learning more about or using scenario planning. There are a number of ways to get involved in the Program—from requesting more information from a TPCB Scenario Planning Program contact to connecting to a peer agency with scenario planning experience to putting on your own customized webinar or workshop with FHWA and FTA support.

Can My Agency Participate in the TPCB Scenario Planning Program?

The TPCB Scenario Planning Program encourages many different agencies to participate and learn more about scenario planning, including:

  • Councils of Government (COGs)
  • Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
  • Other transportation decisionmakers
  • Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs)
  • State Departments of Transportation (DOTs)
  • Transit Agencies
  • Tribal Governments

Don't see your type of agency listed above? Call 202-366-0329 or email a TPCB Scenario Planning Program Manager (contacts listed below) to determine if your agency is eligible for scenario planning technical assistance.

Have a Question?

For more information on the TPCB Scenario Planning Program or to learn more about FHWA and FTA's scenario planning technical assistance opportunities, contact:

Submit Your Request for
Scenario Planning
Technical Assistance

submit your request for technical assistance

Want more information?
discuss then apply to the peer program

What Types of Scenario Planning Technical Assistance are Available?

The TPCB Scenario Planning Program offers many different, free resources for agencies interested in scenario planning or in need of scenario planning technical assistance:

  • On-call Technical Assistance. Interested in using scenario planning but not sure where to start? Have a specific question about scenario planning? TPCB Scenario Planning Program contacts are available to help answer your scenario planning questions and provide as-needed technical assistance.
  • Peer-to-Peer Sharing. The TPCB Scenario Planning Program has a wide range of program contacts. If you are interested in learning from or connecting to a peer agency, you may wish to consider peer-to-peer sharing. This option is a more informal version of the customized webinars and workshops that connects you to peer agencies with scenario planning experience.   
  • Customized webinars or workshops.
    Ready to get started with scenario planning? Want to learn directly from peer agencies that have used scenario planning successfully? Consider hosting a customized webinar or on-site workshop. Webinars are free for participants. The TPCB Scenario Planning Program typically pays for travel, accommodations, and incidental expenses associated with on-site workshops. Host agencies may be asked to provide in-kind serves such as a meeting room/facility. Interested agencies are encouraged to apply for a webinar or workshop if they have a clearly identified approach for using scenario planning. If selected for a webinar or workshop, TPCB Scenario Planning Program contacts will work directly with you to plan and organize the event, including identifying the peer agencies you would like to invite.

Visit Our Website!

Want to learn more about scenario planning generally or about past webinars and workshops? FHWA maintains a scenario planning website that provides a variety of scenario planning resources, tools, and examples from across the country.

Learn more at:

For more information about the TPCB program, please email

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