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Non-Regulatory Supplement - Federal-Aid Policy Guide, Transmittal 35

Junkyard Screening, Policy Clarification

Federal-Aid Policy Guide
February 16, 2006, Transmittal 35
NS 23 CFR 751

Non-Regulatory Supplement

  1. JUNKYARD SCREENING, POLICY CLARIFICATION (23 CFR 751.9(a)(1) AND 751.13(c)). FHWA regulations require that junkyards must be screened "so as not to be visible from the main traveled way". The point in time at which effective control is required is subject to administrative interpretation. 23 CFR 751.13(c) requires that where screening is used, it must effectively screen the junkyard "upon completion of the screening project". This means that when natural plantings are used, completion of the project could occur when the plantings used reach maturity. Such projects should be monitored to ensure effective control. See the attachment for NS 23 CFR 751 regarding Advisory Guidelines for Implementation of the Junkyard Control Program.

Updated: 9/5/2014
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