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DOT Disability Resource Center Disability Services Handbook


This Handbook describes the services provided by the DOT Disability Resource Center. The Handbook is designed to be easily navigated on the web, with searchable terms and clickable links to sections and references.

The chapters are meant to stand each on its own, to make it easier for users to search and find relevant information. As such, similar information appears across multiple sections so users can avoid having to peruse the document to answer a specific question.

This document is intended to be dynamic in nature and is subject to change as individual services or processes are updated. It is, therefore, a good idea to check the latest version of the document on the web for information, even if you have previously printed a copy for personal use. A revision date will always appear just after the title at the beginning of the document.

Questions, comments, or feedback concerning this document and the information herein can be directed to the Disability Resource Center via e-mail at

A special note about terminology: Where possible, this handbook uses language conventions and terminology that is widely accepted as positive and culturally appropriate within the disability community. (Capitalizing the letter “d” in Deaf is an example of these conventions.) We have made every effort to use positive, appropriate terms.

Table of Contents

1.1 Terms and Definitions
   4.2.1 Disability Determination by Supervisor/Decision Maker
   4.2.2 Needs Analysis
   4.2.3  Develop a Consensus on Accommodation(s)
   4.2.4  Assistance & Referral with Out of Scope Accommodation Requests
   4.2.5  Written Agreement of Accommodation(s) Provided
   4.2.6  Acquisition of Items/Services
   4.2.7  Accommodation Request Closure Notification
   4.2.8  Accommodation Request Follow-up
   4.3.1 Assistive Technology Training Security Escorts for Assistive Technology Trainers
   4.3.2 Assistive Technologies Purchased Through CAP
   4.3.3 Property Agreements
   4.6.1 Overview of Sign Language Services
   4.6.2 Information needed for all interpreting requests
   4.6.3 Event Planning
   4.6.4 Reasonable Accommodation Process for Interpreting Services
   4.6.5 Things to Know About DRC’s Sign Language Interpreting Services
   4.6.6 Requests for DOT Headquarters and FAA DC locations
   4.6.7 Format for Headquarters Sign Language Interpreting Requests
   4.6.8  Late Requests
   4.6.9  Modifications to Requests
   4.6.10  Cancellations
   4.6.11  On-Going/Recurring Requests
   4.6.12  Request Confirmations
   4.6.13  Sign Language Services for Field Offices and the Greater United States
   4.6.14  Security Escort for Sign Language Interpreting Service Providers
   4.7.1  Security Escorts for CART Service Providers
   4.8.1  PAS on Travel (Service Provided Through DRC Contract)
   4.8.2  Invitational Travel for PAS
   4.8.3  Security Escorts for Personal Assistance Service Providers
   4.9.1 Scope of Reader Services
   4.9.2 Requesting Reader Services as a Reasonable Accommodation
   4.9.3 Limitations of Reader Services
   4.9.4  Security Escorts for Reader Services Providers
6.1 Employment of Persons with Disabilities – Departmental Selective Placement Program
6.2 OA Selective Placement Coordinators
10.1  Ergonomic Chairs
10.2  Monitors and Other Computer Equipment
10.3  Keyboards
10.4  Personal Use Items
10.5  Architectural/Infrastructure Modifications as a Reasonable Accommodation
10.6  Job Restructuring, Teleworking, Reassignment
   10.6.1  Provision of Assistive Technologies in the Telework Environment
10.7 On-Demand or Full-time PA, Reader or Sign Language Interpreter
Updated: Wednesday, March 4, 2015
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