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Title Crashworthiness of passenger trains : safety of high-speed ground transportation systems
Record ID 8406
Personal Name
Marquis, Brian; Severson, Kristine J.; Tyrell, David C.
Source DOT/FRA/ORD-97/10
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Publisher Federal Railroad Administration (U.S. Department of Transportation) information
Publication Date 19980200
Abstract The results of analyses conducted to determine the effectiveness of structural and interior train design strategies in protecting occupants during collisions are presented. Structural design approaches considered include the conventional design approach of requiring a uniform minimum longitudinal strength, and the crash-energy management design approach which provides for sacrificial crush zones in the unoccupied areas of the train. Interior protection strategies considered include occupant restraint and compartmentalization. The analyses show that for typical train-to-train collisions at closing speeds above 70 mph, the crash-energy management design is more effective than the conventional design in preserving the occupant volume. For closing speeds below 70 mph, both strategies are equally effective in preserving occupant volume. The crash-energy management design results in gentler secondary impacts for train-to-train collisions than the conventional design for occupants in cars behind the first coach car, at all speeds analyzed. Estimates of the probability of fatality resulting from secondary impacts are presented for each of the interior configurations and restraint systems modeled. These estimates are based upon the Head Injury Criteria (HIC), chest deceleration and axial neck load criteria that are used in assessments of automotive vehicle crashworthiness. The analysis results indicate that compartmentalization is as effective as a lap belt in minimizing probability of fatality for the 50th percentile male simulated when the seats are arranged in forward-facing rows.
TRT Terms Railroad safety information; Crashworthiness information; High speed ground transportation information; Collisions information; Occupant protection devices information; Passenger trains information; Restraint systems information; Design information
General Subjects Occupant protection; Occupant restraint
Classification NTL - RAIL TRANSPORTATION - High Speed Ground Transportation;
United States
TRIS Online
Accession No
Report Number DOT-VNTSC-FRA-97-4
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://www.fra.dot.gov/downloads/Research/ord9710.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database Other Transportation Web Sites
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