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Title Analysis of occupant protection strategies in train collisions
Record ID 22655
Personal Name
Tyrell, David C.; Severson, Kristine J.; Marquis, Brian P.
Source Presented at the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Nov. 12-17, 1995, San Francisco, CA.
Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S. Department of Transportation)
Publisher Federal Railroad Administration (U.S. Department of Transportation) information
Publication Date 19951100
Abstract A study of the occupant dynamics and predicted fatalities due to secondary impact for passengers involved in train collisions with impact speeds up to 140 mph is described. The principal focus is on the effectiveness of alternative strategies for protecting occupants in train collisions, including friendly interior arrangements and occupant restraints. Head Injury Criteria (HIC), chest deceleration, and axial neck load were used to evaluate interior performance; the probability of fatality resulting from secondary impacts was evaluated for each of the interior configurations and restraint systems modeled based on these criteria. The results indicate that compartmentalization can be as effective as a lap belt in minimizing probability of fatality for the 50th percentile male simulated. Compartmentalization is an occupant protection strategy that requires seats or restraining barriers to be positioned in a manner that provides a compact, cushioned protection zone surrounding each occupant. When occupants are allowed to travel large distances before impacting the interior, restrained occupants have a much greater chance of survival. Fatalities from secondary impacts are not expected in any of the scenarios modeled if the occupant is restrained with a lap belt and shoulder harness.
TRT Terms High speed trains information; High speed ground transportation information; Collisions information; Crashworthiness information; Railroad safety information; Injuries information; Fatalities information; Survival information
General Subjects Axial neck load; Chest deceleration; Compartmentalization; Head injury criteria (HIC)
NTL - RAIL TRANSPORTATION - High Speed Ground Transportation;
United States
Resource type Research Paper
URL http://ntl.bts.gov/lib/22000/22600/22655/asmeint2.pdf
Format PDF
Language: English
Database NTL Digital Repository
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