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Print the Fuel Economy Guide

Find and Compare Cars from 1984 to the Present

Our Find-a-Car feature provides up-to-date fuel economy information, as well as environmental and safety data, for many model years.

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Find a Car, web services, and the Guide are updated weekly with new vehicles and fuel cost estimates.

Other Ways to View Fuel Economy Information

1997-2014 Fuel Economy Guides Download and print the fuel the Fuel Economy Guide for older model years.

Order a printed copy. Note that published guides are not as up-to-date as the downloadable versions.

Download the data. Data for model years 1984 to present are available in formats such as Adobe Acrobat (PDF), Microsoft Excel, CSV, and XML.

Use Find-a-Car Developer Tools. Our web services and downloads can be used to integrate fuel economy information into your website and applications.