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Core ITD

What is Core ITD?

Core ITD: A management framework and system architecture to guide an ITD deployment and to carry out ITD capabilities in the areas of safety information exchange, credentials administration, and electronic screening.


Core ITD requirements are as follows:

  • An organizational framework for cooperative system development has been established among State agencies and motor carriers.
  • A State ITD System Design that conforms to the ITD Architecture has been established and can evolve to include new technology and capabilities.
  • All the elements of the three Core ITD capability areas have been implemented using applicable architectural guidelines, operational concepts, and standards.


At a high level, deployment of Core ITD capabilities refers to three capability areas:

  • Electronically collecting and exchanging safety performance and credentials information within each State and among States, Federal agencies, and motor carriers.
  • Deploying technology to identify and electronically screen commercial vehicles at mainline speeds.
  • Using Web sites or computer-to-computer exchange for motor carrier companies to apply for, review, and pay registration fees and returns on fuel taxes with State agencies, and for States to participate in the International Registration Plan (IRP) ( and International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) ( clearinghouses.

Specifically, the Core ITD capabilities are:

Safety Information Exchange

  • Inspection reporting using Aspen (or equivalent) by all certified inspectors. Aspen data are sent to the Safety and Fitness Electronic Records system (SAFER) directly or indirectly.
  • Connection to the SAFER system to provide exchange of interstate carrier and vehicle data snapshots among States.
  • Implementation of a Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window system (CVIEW), or CVIEW equivalent, for exchange of intrastate and interstate data within the State, and connection to SAFER for exchange of interstate data through snapshots.


  • Utilization of the SAFER option for exchange of inter- and intrastate data through snapshots.

Credentials Administration

  • Automated electronic processing via Web-based or computer-to-computer solutions from carrier to State (processing includes carrier application, State application processing, credential issuance, and tax filing) of at least IRP and IFTA credentials, ready to extend to other credentials (intrastate, titling, Oversize/Overweight [OS/OW], carrier registration, HazMat). Note: Processing does not necessarily include e-payment.
  • Update SAFER with interstate credential information as actions are taken.
  • Connection to IRP and IFTA Clearinghouses.
  • At least 10 percent of the transaction volume handled electronically.
  • Ready to bring on more carriers as carriers sign up.
  • Ready to extend to branch offices where applicable.

Electronic Screening

  • Use of snapshots to support screening decisions.
  • Implementation at a minimum of one fixed or mobile inspection site.
  • Ready to replicate at other sites.
Updated: Wednesday, October 19, 2016
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