Public Involvement Techniques

Foreward  |   Table of Contents
Chapter 1  |   Chapter 2  |   Chapter 3  |   Chapter 4  |   Index of Techniques

Table of Contents

people having meeting - copyright: / Dan Burden
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This page provides an outline of guide contents and links to all of the main sections in each chapter. Back and forward buttons, as well as links for subsections, are provided within chapter section pages to help you navigate through the guide. You can also always select the Table of Contents link to return to the full outline.
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PDF file logo Foreword (109 KB)

Chapter 1 - Informing People Through Outreach and Organization PDF file logo Chapter 1 (1.1 MB)

1 - Introduction

1.A - Including People Who Are Underserved by Transportation

1.A.a - Ethnic, Minority, and Low-Income Groups

1.A.b - People with Disabilities

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1.B - Bringing a Core Participation Group Together

1.B.a - Community-Based Organizations

1.B.b - Civic Advisory Committees

1.B.c - Citizens on Decision and Policy Boards

1.B.d - Collaborative Task Forces

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1.C - Providing Substantive Information and Establishing Methods of Communication

1.C a - Mailing Lists

1.C.b - Public Information Materials

1.C.c - Key Person Interviews

1.C.d - Briefings

1.C.e - Video Techniques

1.C.f - Telephone Techniques

1.C.g - Media Strategies

1.C.h - Speakers' Bureaus and Public Involvement Volunteers

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1.D - Taking Initial Action Steps

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Chapter 2 - Involving People Face-to-Face Through Meetings PDF file logo Chapter 2 (559 KB)

2 - Introduction

2.A - Determining the Type of Meeting

2.A.a - Public Meetings/Hearings

2.A.b - Open Houses/Open Forum Hearings

2.A.c - Conferences, Workshops, and Retreats

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2.B - Selecting an Organizing Feature for a Meeting

2.B.a - Brainstorming

2.B.b - Charrettes

2.B.c - Visioning

2.B.d - Small Group Techniques

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2.C - Taking Initial Action Steps

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Chapter 3 - Getting Feedback from Participants PDF file logo Chapter 3 (568 KB)

3 - Introduction

3.A - Establishing Places People Can Find information and Interact

3.A.a - On-line Services

3.A.b - Hotlines

3.A.c - Drop-in Centers

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3.B - Designing Programs to Bring Out Community Viewpoints and Resolve Differences

3.B.a - Focus Groups

3.B.b - Public Opinion Surveys

3.B.c - Facilitation

3.B.d - Negotiation and Mediation

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3.C - Taking Initial Action Steps

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Chapter 4 - Using Special Techniques to Enhance Participation PDF file logo Chapter 4 (1.3 MB)

4 - Introduction

4.A - Holding Special Events

4.A.a - Transportation Fairs

4.A.b - Games and Contests

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4.B - Changing a Meeting Approach

4.B.a - Improving Meeting Attendance

4.B.b - Role Playing

4.B.c - Site Visits

4.B.d - Non-Traditional Meeting Places and Events

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4.C - Finding New Ways to Communicate

4.C.a - Interactive Television

4.C.b - Interactive Video Displays and Kiosks

4.C.d - Visualization Techniques

4.C.d - Teleconferencing

4.C.e - Mapping Through Geographic Information Systems

4.C.f - 3D Visualization

4.C.g - Visual Preference Surveys

4.C.h - Handheld Instant Voting

4.C.i - Plan or Text Markup Software

4.C.j - Remote Sensing Applications

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4.D - Taking Initial Action Steps

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