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TrAMS Training


FTA will continue to provide training webinars and resources to help grantees become familiar with using the new grant management platform. Sessions will include live demonstrations and question-and-answer periods as time permits. 

  • We encourage you to sign up for TrAMS Alerts (enter your email address and choose ‘TrAMS’ from the list of topics) to get announcements about registration for additional training opportunities and news about TrAMS.
  • For help with presentations and recordings, including captioned versions, email us through FTA's Contact Us tool (choose "TrAMS" from category drop-down list).  
  • Check out our tips for optimal webinar viewing.
  • Information is subject to change as modifications or corrections to the system are implemented. Please contact your regional office if you need clarification

Past Sessions

Title: TrAMS Basics
Description: Getting access to and logging onto TrAMS the first time, the basics of navigating the TrAMS system, tips and tricks, an overview of the TrAMS workflow and tasks. 
Presentation: Basics of TrAMS
Recording: Session 1 of TrAMS Basics

Title: User Manager/User Role
Description: New TrAMS User Roles and how they work within the TrAMS workflow to carryout actions within TrAMS. Details the responsibilities of the User Manager.
Presentation: Recipient User Roles Training
Recording: User Manager / User Roles

Title: Recipient Profile /Migrated TEAM Information
Description: A quick navigational overview and detail about what is included in your recipient organization profile, where to find your TEAM information in TrAMS, what to expect regarding your TEAM information, changes in the view/print of your awards, actions recipients should take during the first weeks after TrAMS deployment and a demo of executing C&A's.
Presentation: Recipient profile and TEAM Info in TrAMS
Recording: Recipient Profile / Migrated TEAM Information

Title: Managing Your Civil Rights Programs
Description: The new Civil Rights Module, where to find your civil rights information and how to submit new information to FTA. This session is geared toward civil rights officers in your organizations. Please note that DBE reporting will be covered in a separate session. 
Presentation: Managing Your Civil Rights Program

Title: New TrAMS Applications/Super Grants
Description: Differences between TrAMS grants and TEAM awards and how to create a brand new TrAMS application for FTA consideration. This session is good for staff responsible for the input and submission of applications as well as anyone who might help develop grant applications to better understand the new format of FTA applications. 
Presentation: New TrAMS Applications/Super Grants

Title: Milestone Progress Reports (MPRs) and Federal Financial Reports (FFRs)
Description: How to prepare and submit  FFRs and MPRs for FTA review. This session is good for anyone who needs to know how to search for and view FFRs or MPRs, needs to know how to complete their reports, or needs information from these reports. Anyone with the FFR Reporter or MPR Reporter role should attend. 
Presentation: Milestone and Financial Reports

Title: TEAM Close Outs Final FFR/MPR
Description: How to file a close out request of a TEAM award migrated to TrAMS, budget reconciliation and final reports, deobligations, and submissions. This session should be attended by anyone who completes final reports or close-out requests (FFR/MPRs) and submits them to FTA. This includes individuals assigned the FFR/MPR reporter, and the submitter or developer roles. Captioning available
Presentation: Closeout Amendments and Final FFR and MPRs

Title: Budget Revisions (TEAM Awards)
Description: How to complete a budget revision to a TEAM award in TrAMS. This session should be attended by individuals who manage awards and/or your project manager.
Presentation: TEAM Budget Revisions Stakeholder Session​

Title: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Reporting
DescriptionSession will cover how to complete the DBE Report in TrAMS, the appropriate User Role, and the Task and Workflow applied to completing your DBE Report in TrAMS. We will cover how to search and review prior reports, search and print applications and a brief overview of the Recipient Profile and Civil Rights Module. The session will not cover what to include in each field, however we will demonstrate how rules have been entered in the module to aid in providing accurate values in the form. For more information about what each field of the form requires, please refer to your Regional Civil Rights Officer.
Presentation: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Reporting

Title: Amendments to TEAM Awards in TrAMS
DescriptionSession will cover how to complete an amendment on a TEAM award migrated to TrAMS and the types of amendments that can be carried out to your TEAM awards. The session will briefly discuss when amendments to TEAM awards are acceptable. Amendments to new TrAMS awards will be discussed in a separate session.
Presentation:  TEAM Amendments in TrAMS

Updated: Friday, October 21, 2016
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