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How the Center for Innovative Finance Support Office Does Business...

Center for Innovative Finance Support Fact Sheet graphic

Center for Innovative Finance Support

The Center for Innovative Finance Support QUICK FACTS

Includes experts on tolling, pricing, public-private partnerships, project finance, and project delivery

Provides one-stop shopping for Center for Innovative Finance Support techniques

Coordinates research and provides policy for Center for Innovative Finance Support program areas


Center for Innovative Finance Support

Mark Sullivan

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In this time of declining revenues and increasing fiscal requirements, it is imperative that the transportation industry be equipped with the knowledge and tools needed to evaluate project finance, revenue, and procurement options at the right time in the program delivery process. By being knowledgeable about a wide range of options, both traditional and non-traditional, State and local highway agencies can better ensure that critical projects are adequately funded, delivered on schedule, and that continuing needs for the preservation and efficient operation of the system are taken into account.

The traditional process used to deliver highway projects typically does not include early consideration of alternative finance, revenue, and procurement approaches. Often, the right questions are not asked at the right time. Given limited experience in the United States with innovative strategies, such as congestion pricing and public-private partnerships, State and local governments may be reluctant to experiment with new ways of doing business. In some cases, governments may lack the necessary legal authorities to implement certain strategies, thus requiring that enabling legislation be enacted.

The Center for Innovative Finance Support (formerly Innovative Program Delivery) offers a comprehensive suite of resources to assist the transportation community in considering innovative program delivery strategies.

The Center for Innovative Finance Support Resources

Transbay Terminal in San Francisco, CA

Technical Expertise to help address the business, financial, administrative, public acceptance, political, and institutional issues associated with the program delivery process and innovative project finance, tolling and pricing, and public-private partnership strategies.

Research to help the industry better understand and apply innovative strategies such as congestion pricing and public-private partnerships.

Capacity Building programs, such as the The Center for Innovative Finance Support Academy, to provide the skill set and tools needed to effectively evaluate and apply alternative program delivery options.

Awareness programs to include partnership building with a wide variety of stakeholder communities to establish interest in innovative program delivery practices.

TIFIA Credit Assistance to help innovative projects clear funding hurdles by providing low-cost, flexible, and long-term financing.

Capital Beltway in Northern VA

Project Delivery Resources, providing expertise, research, and technical assistance and best practices for project cost estimates, financing, and management plans, as well as assistance for FHWA Divisions in carrying out their statutory oversight and stewardship responsibilities.

In delivering the program, the Center for Innovative Finance Support partners with FHWA's Division Offices to serve as a resource for innovative project delivery processes and practices to our State and local partners. The Office also plays a coordinating and convening role in bringing together related activities underway in other FHWA offices. For example, the Center for Innovative Finance Support works closely with other FHWA offices to implement the Federal tolling and pricing programs. Additionally, the Center for Innovative Finance Support has the lead agency role in assisting our partners in implementing Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVEEs) and State Infrastructure Bank (SI B) programs, coordinating with the Chief Financial Officers and Division Finance Staff to provide technical assistance and assist Divisions with carrying out their stewardship responsibilities for those programs.

Project and Program Delivery: A Systems Approach

The Center for Innovative Finance Support assists States in developing a more holistic view of project development, bringing in revenue and financial considerations at an early stage, and considering long-term maintenance needs. The Center for Innovative Finance Support also conducts the Critical Project Review process, helping projects overcome hurdles encountered during the project development and delivery process. Finally, the Center for Innovative Finance Support helps States consider their overall program in terms of project delivery strategies as well as funding and financing alternatives.

The Center for Innovative Finance Support offers professional capacity building through the Center for Innovative Finance Support Academy in the following areas:

  • Center for Innovative Finance Support Strategies
  • Public-Private Partnerships
  • Tolling and Other Revenue Generation Strategies
  • Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVEEs)
  • State Infrastructure Banks
  • Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA)
  • Major Projects, Cost Estimates, and Financial and Project Management Plans

The FHWA Center for Innovative Finance Support helps State and local transportation officials consider innovation in revenue sources, financial tools, and procurement.

For more information, see the Web site

Program Areas of the Center for Innovative Finance Support

The Center for Innovative Finance Support provides a one-stop source for expertise, guidance, research, decision tools, and publications on program delivery innovations. Our Web page, workshops, and other resources help build the capacity of transportation professionals to deliver innovation.

Project Delivery

The Center for Innovative Finance Support's Project Delivery team covers cost estimate reviews, financial planning, and project management and assists FHWA Divisions with statutory requirements for major projects (e.g., cost estimate reviews, financial plans, and project management plans).

Project Finance

The Center for Innovative Finance Support's Project Finance program focuses on alternative financing, including State Infrastructure Banks (SIBs), Grant Anticipation Revenue Vehicles (GARVEEs), and Build America Bonds (BABs).

Public - Private Partnerships

The Center for Innovative Finance Support's P3 program covers alternative procurement and payment models (e.g., toll and availability payments), which can reduce cost, improve project quality, and provide additional financing options.


The Center for Innovative Finance Support's Revenue program focuses on how governments can use innovation to generate revenue from transportation projects (e.g., value capture, developer mitigation fees, air rights, and road pricing).


The Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program provides credit assistance for significant projects. Many surface transportation projects - highway, transit, railroad, intermodal freight, and port access - are eligible to apply for assistance.

Federal Highway Administration | 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE | Washington, DC 20590 | 202-366-4000
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