Top OQ Issues to Date (2004)
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Dec 2, 2004
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Top OQ Issues to Date
Office of Pipeline Safety

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Written Program
    • Operators did not have a written program when inspected
    • The written program was in place after 4/27/01 (or) operators were not following the requirements of their written program 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Abnormal Operating Conditions
    • AOCs were not identified
    • AOC recognition & reaction were not part of qualification process (or)
    • AOC reactions were not specified for the identified AOCs

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Contractor Qualification
    • Inadequate processes in written program for handling contractor qualifications
    • Contractor qualifications not reviewed
    • Contractors performed covered tasks without being qualified (or)
    • Contractors qualified by WPHR 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Field Implementation of OQ Program Requirements (Protocol 9)
    • Individuals not qualified to perform covered tasks
    • Inadequate O&M procedures
    • Qualifications do not match procedures 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Field Implementation of OQ Program Requirements (Protocol 9) (ContÂ’d)
    • Individuals not familiar with equipment used to perform covered task
    • Poor gas practices, and
    • Use of unapproved equipment 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Records
    • Inadequate
    • Incomplete
    • Incorrect (or)
    • Non-existent qualification records 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Evaluation Methods
    • Evaluation methods inadequate to measure knowledge and skills for covered tasks
    • Evaluation process employed questionable practices (or) 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Evaluation Methods (Cont'd)
    • Evaluation processes were unacceptable
      • Performed own evaluation
      • Regarded examinations upon post-test

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Work Performance History Review (WPHR)
    • Inadequate/no supporting documentation for WPHR qualification decision
    • Individuals qualified solely by WPHR after 10/26/99 (or) 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Work Performance History Review (WPHR) (Cont'd)
    • No qualification on AOCs if WPHR used as sole method

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Covered Task List
    • No documentation of CT list development
    • Tasks required by regulations missing from CT list (or)
    • Excavation activities not addressed in CTs 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Management of Change
    • Not addressed in written program at all
    • Insufficient detail/inadequate description of process
    • Contractor communications not addressed (or)
    • Changes that trigger requalification not identified 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Reevaluation Intervals
    • Not addressed in written program (or)
    • Intervals of 7 to 10 years used without justification 

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Top OQ Issues to Date

  1. Training
    • Not addressed in written programs 

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