80 FR 61610
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Oct 13, 2015
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Docket No. PHMSA-2010-0229

80 FR 61610

Pipeline Safety:  Safety of Hazardous Liquid Pipelines.

SUMMARY:  This rulemaking addresses effective procedures that hazardous liquid operators can use to improve the protection of High Consequence Areas (HCA) and other vulnerable areas along their hazardous liquid onshore pipelines.  PHMSA will be considering whether changes are needed to the regulations covering hazardous liquid onshore pipelines, whether other areas should be included as HCAs for integrity management (IM)  protections, what the repair timeframes should be for areas outside the HCAs that are assessed as part of the IM program, whether leak detection standards are necessary, valve spacing requirements are needed on new construction or existing pipelines, and if PHMSA should extend regulation to certain pipelines currently exempt from regulation.

DATES: Submit comments on the subject of this NPRM on or before January 8, 2016.