Detailed Justification for Salaries and Administrative Expenses

Detailed Justification for Salaries and Administrative Expenses

What Do I Need to Know Before Reading This Justification?

  • The core of RITA's mission is to coordinate research across the USDOT to maximize and leverage the taxpayers' $1.2 billion annual investment in transportation research, development and technology (RD&T) activities.
  • The "Salaries and Administrative Expenses" line item provides resources for the staff funded by the RITA General Fund account. These staff support "the coordination, facilitation, and review of the Department's research and development programs and activities" as originally described in the Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Improvement Act.

What Is the Request and What Will We Get for The Funds?

FY 2012 Salaries and Administrative Expenses
Budget Request

Program Activity FY 2010 Actual FY 2012 Request Change FY 2010-2012
Salaries and Administrative Expenses 6,971 7,600 629
Total $6,971 $7,600 $629

The salaries and administrative expenses program provides for 26 FTE. The staff primarily supports the Research, Development and Technology (RD&T) program and provides administrative support necessary to implement RITA's coordination mission. In addition, these funds support administrative expenses including: travel, training, rent, working capital, IT support and E-government initiatives.

The funding increase of $.629M funds increases to rent and the working capital fund.

What is This Program?

Strategic Goals: Safety, State of Good Repair, Economic Competitiveness, Livable Communities, Environmental Sustainability and Organizational Excellence.