File Naming Convention  |  Active Projects  |  Completed Projects 

Active Projects File Name Prefixes

The following table lists all active projects in WFLHD.  Select a prefix to generate a listing of sample file names.

Alaska  |  Idaho  |  Montana  |  Oregon  |  Washington  |  Wyoming
ak-b-afo201401 AK BLM AFO 2014(1) CTF Alternate Entrance Alignment Planning
dc0917 AK DEN 2009(17) Kwethluk Airport Road Improvements Construction
dc0908 AK DEN 2009(8) Manokotak Heights Road Repair Construction
ak-13501 AK DOT 135(1) Glenn Highway: MP 66.5 - 92 (FP14) (SHELF) Development
ak-13502 AK DOT 135(2) Glenn Highway Chickaloon Bridge Construction
ak-13503 AK DOT 135(3) Glenn Highway Chickaloon Grade MP 77 - 79 (SUSPENDED) Development
ak-13504 AK DOT 135(4) Glenn Highway: Long Lake MP 84 - 92 Planning
ak-13505 AK DOT 135(5) Glenn Highway: West Chickaloon Grade (ADVANCE) Development
ak-13506 AK DOT 135(6) Glenn Highway: Kings River Bridge Development
ak-f-cnf101501 AK FS CNF 1015(1) Russian River Campground Access Phase 1 Development
ak-f-cnf101502 AK FS CNF 1015(2) Russian River Campground Access Phase 2 (SUSPENDED) Development
ak-f-tnf00201 AK FS TNF 2(1) Auke Recreational Roadway Development
ak-t-fort100201 AK IRR FORT 1002(1) Ivars Road Bridge Replacement Construction
dena01041 AK NPS DENA 10(41) Repave Denali Park Road MP 3.4 To 14.9 Construction
dena01044 AK NPS DENA 10(44) Repave Denali Park Road MP 3.4 to 14.9, Phase II Development
kefj01004 AK NPS KEFJ 10(4) Herman Leirer Road (Exit Glacier Road) Flood Mitigation Construction
klgo01001 AK NPS KLGO 10(1) Repair Dyea Flats Road and Slide Cemetery Road Construction
sitk201301 AK NPS SITK 2013(1) Replace Indian River Bridge Construction
af04005 AK PFH 40(5) Kake to Seal Point Paving (SHELF) Development
af04310 AK PFH 43(10) Deweyville Trailhead to Neck Lake Road Construction
af05801 AK PFH 58(1) Neck Lake Road Reconstruction (SHELF) Development
af05901 AK PFH 59(1) Snug Harbor Road Paving and Bike Trail Construction
dena01026 AK PRA DENA 10(26) Rock Creek Culvert   (Old PRMS: DE1026) Construction
dena01028 AK PRA DENA 10(28) Replace Culverts on 15 Miles of Paved Park Road   (Old PRMS: DE1028) Construction
dena01033 AK PRA DENA 10(33) Pedestrian Crossing of Savage River (SUSPENDED) (FP14) Planning
dena01034 AK PRA DENA 10(34) Eagle's Nest Corner at MP 67.5 Construction
dena01035 AK PRA DENA 10(35) Denali Park Road Paving, MP 0 to 3.8 (FP-14) Development
dena01036 AK PRA DENA 10(36) Removal of Ghiglione Bridge (SHELF) Planning
dena01038 AK PRA DENA 10(38) Upper Hogan Creek Drainage Construction
ak-a1478131 AK TAZLINA 0013(1) Tazlina Bike and Pedestrian Pathway Development
ak-t-chic201301 AK TTP CHIC 2013(1) Dene 'Tene' Pedestrian Path (FP03) Development
ak-f206001 AK USFS 2060(1) Naukati Road Reconstruction Construction
az-p-pp201607 AZ NPS PP 2016(7) Pavement Preservation Arizona Development
az-t-navn646101 AZ TR NAV N6461(1) Dennehotso Bridge and Roadway Construction
ia-p-pres01501 IA NPS PRES 15(1) Pavement Preservation Iowa Construction
Alaska  |  Idaho  |  Montana  |  Oregon  |  Washington  |  Wyoming
id-a2014004 ID AMFALLS MARINA(1) Marina Road SH-39 to Pacific Road Planning
id-a2158061 ID BOUNDARY 5806(1) Riverside Road Improvements (ADVANCE) Planning
id-a2013004 ID CANYON 2013(1) Riverside Road & Lakeshore Drive Rehabilitation (SHELF) Development
id-a2014007 ID CASCADE LS DR(1) Lakeshore Drive Phase II Development
id-03301 ID DOT 33(1) Idaho Teton Centennial Trail Development
id-09301 ID DOT 93(1) Lost Trail Pass Slope Stabilization Planning
id-a5557621 ID KOOTENAI 5762(1) Bunco Road Improvements (ADVANCE) Planning
crmo201606 ID NPS CRMO 2016(6) Pavement Preservation Craters of the Moon Development
if02107 ID PFH 21(7) Warren Wagon Road Development
if02410 ID PFH 24(10) Davey's Bridge   (Old PRMS: IF2410) Construction
if02413 ID PFH 24(13) Banks-Lowman Rockfall Hazard Mitigation, Phase 1 Construction
if02415 ID PFH 24(15) Banks-Lowman Rockfall Hazard Mitigation, Phase 4 Planning
if02603 ID PFH 26(3) Ketchum-Challis Highway (Pebble Beach Section) Development
if02601 ID PFH 26-1(1) Ketchum-Challis Hwy (Warm Spring Section)   (Old PRMS: IF0261) Construction
if05009 ID PFH 50(9) Avery Landing Construction
if06002 ID PFH 60(2) Manning Crevice Bridge Construction
if09101 ID PFH 91(1) Williams Creek (Shoup) Bridge Replacement Development
if09801 ID PFH 98(1) Goose Lake Road Reconstruction Construction
if06703 ID PFH CDP 67(3) Grangemont Road Construction
il-p-pres01501 IL NPS PRES 15(1) Pavement Preservation Illinois Development
mn-p-pres01501 MN NPS PRES 15(1) Pavement Preservation Minnesota Development
Alaska  |  Idaho  |  Montana  |  Oregon  |  Washington  |  Wyoming
mt-a2013017 MT BEAVERHEAD 273(1) Elk Lake Road Construction (ADVANCE) Development
mt-b-w251001 MT BLM W 2510(1) Ruby Creek Road and Day Use Facility Construction
mt-a2015017 MT BOR 2015(1) Fresno Reservoir Road Surface Preservation Project Planning
mt-d1502 MT DAR 15(2) Defense Access Road By Mile Stanford Construction
mt-d1852 MT DAR 18(52) Minuteman Missile Base Roads 18(52) Construction
mt-d1353 MT DOD 13(53) Minuteman Missile Base Roads 13(53) Construction
mt-d1357 MT DOD 13(57) DAR 2013 Monarch Culvert Replacement Construction
mt-d1654 MT DOD 16(54) Minuteman Missile Base Roads 16(54) Development
mt-1420301 MT DOT 14203(1) Maiden Road (SHELF) Planning
mt-23601 MT DOT 236(1) MT 236 South of Big Sandy Development
mt-54301 MT DOT 543(1) North of Jordan Development
mt-54401 MT DOT 544(1) Biddle East Planning
mt-56903 MT DOT 569(3) North of Moose Cr North Planning
mt-08601 MT DOT 86(1) Bozeman to Bridger Mountains Trail (ADVANCE) Development
mt-a2013020 MT FLATHEAD 543(1) Pleasant Valley Road Relocation Construction
mt-a2013023 MT FLATHEAD 917(1) Blacktail Road Surface Improvement County Section Construction
mt-a2015003 MT FLATHEAD 917(2) Blacktail Road Surface Improvements Phase 2 Development
mt-r-cmr201501 MT FWS CMR 2015(1) Route 425 Recreation Area (SUSPENDED) Planning
glac104102 MT GLAC 1041(2) Apgar Loop Reconstruction Planning
mt-a2013022 MT MCCONE 2013(1) Rock Creek Roads Stabilization Construction
yell01102 MT NPS YELL 11(2) North Entrance Development
mt-d1458 MT OMAD 14(58) Minuteman Missile Base Roads 14(58) Construction
md1850 MT OMAD 18(50) Minuteman Missile Base Roads 18(50) Construction
mt-a2013003 MT PARK 2013(1) Gardiner Gateway, Phase 1 Construction
mt-a6720132 MT PARK 2013(1)B Gardiner Gateway, Phase 2 Construction
mt-a2015004 MT PARK 63(1) Tom Miner Creek Road Capital Improvements Project Development
mt-a2015015 MT PARK NF 486(1) Mill Creek Road Surface Preservation Project Development
mf10101 MT PFH 101(1) West Fork Rock Creek Road Reconstruction Construction
mf09801 MT PFH 98-1(1) Rimini Road Construction
mt-a2013018 MT PHILLIPS 201(1) Old Highway 2 and Bridge Replacement Development
glac01022 MT PRA GLAC 10(22) Avalanche to West Tunnel   (Old PRMS: GL1022) Construction
glac01030 MT PRA GLAC 10(30) West Entrance to Avalanche - Phase 10 Development
glac01040 MT PRA GLAC 10(40) GTSR Rising Sun to St. Mary - Phase 13 Construction
glac01403 MT PRA GLAC 14(3) Rehabilitate Many Glacier Road Slide (FP14) Development
glac01404 MT PRA GLAC 14(4) Rehabilitate Many Glacier Road (Inside Park) Development
libi01002 MT PRA LIBI 10(2) Little Bighorn Park Road (SHELF) Development
mt-a2015011 MT SILVERBOW 8495(1) Moulton Road Safety and Realignment Project Corridor Study Development
mt-a2013009 MT STILLWATER 207(1) West Rosebud Creek Road Reconstruction Development
mt-a2013008 MT SWEETGRASS 210(1) Main Boulder River Road Improvements Development
Alaska  |  Idaho  |  Montana  |  Oregon  |  Washington  |  Wyoming
or-a2013013 OR BAKER 520(1) Granite Hill Highway Reconstruction Construction
or-eb1513202 OR BLM ERFO 151-3202 Peavine Road Repair Construction
or-eb1513301 OR BLM ERFO 151-3301 Wells Creek Landslide Planning
or-b-med201501 OR BLM MED 2015(1) Quartz Creek Culvert Replacement Medford District Development
or-b-rb33063201 OR BLM RB 330632(1) Cow Creek, Ph 1 Construction
or-b-sal4072701 OR BLM SAL 040727(1) Nestucca River Back Country Byway Road Network Development
or-a5132203 OR BLMERFO 151-3203 Medford District Roads 2015 Development
or-a4720161 OR DETROIT 2016(1) Detroit Area Visitor Portal, Bikeway and Day Use Enhancements Planning
or-14001 OR DOT 140(1) OR 140 Klamath County Boat Marina to Lakeshore Drive Planning
or-02001 OR DOT 20(1) US 20 Lower Sunken Grade Slide Repair MP 55.4 Development
or-02602 OR DOT 26(2) Mirror Lake Trailhead Relocation Development
or-03601 OR DOT 36(1) OR 36: Florence-Eugene Highway to Greenleaf Creek Planning
or-10001 OR DOT CRGNSA 100(1) Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail (FP14) Development
or-a2013012 OR DOUGLAS 1(1) Tiller Trail Highway MP 40.20 - 40.41 Construction
oe0711101 OR FS ERFO 071-1101 Oregon Highway 35 Betterment (White River) Construction
oe9711802 OR FS ERFO 97-18(2) FDR 33, 3347, 3347020 Siskiyou National Forest   (Old PRMS: ER7182) Construction
or-r-orco201401 OR FWS ORCO 2014(1) Two Rivers Peninsula Parking Lot Development
or-r-orco201502 OR FWS ORCO 2015(2) Alder Island Parking Lot Development
of10204 OR PFH 102(4) Cody Road - Wamic Market Grade Reconstruction Construction
of12401 OR PFH 124-1(1) Beaver Creek Road   (Old PRMS: OF1241) Construction
of14604 OR PFH 146(4) Palmer Junction - MP 0.0 to 15.1 Development
of16319 OR PFH 163(19) Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail: Starvation Creek to Lindsey Creek Construction
of16321 OR PFH 163(21) Multnomah Falls Viaducts Repairs Planning
of24701 OR PFH 247(1) Skyliners Road Improvements Construction
of24702 OR PFH 247(2) Skyliners Road Trailhead Enhancements Construction
of04613 OR PFH 46(13) Fall Creek Bridge Replacement (FP14) Development
or-l201301 OR PLD 2013(1) Celilo Park Safe Access, Rest Area, and Recreation Improvements (OR-29) (SUSPENDED) Development
crla01401 OR PRA CRLA 14(1) Rehabilitate West Rim Drive and East Rim Drive Construction
or-a0577801 OR TILLAMOOK B780(1) Cape Meares Road Relocation Development
or-a6346021 OR WALLOWA 4602(1) Wallowa Mountain Loop Road Reconstruction Planning
or-a2015012 OR WASCO 104(1) Rail Hollow Overlay Construction
or-a6720151 OR WASH 2015(1) Hagg Lake Perimeter Road Project Planning
ut-p-pres01501 UT NPS PRES 15(1) Pavement Preservation Utah Construction
Alaska  |  Idaho  |  Montana  |  Oregon  |  Washington  |  Wyoming
wa-a2015022 WA CLALLAM 92210(1) East Beach Road Development
wa-40101 WA DOT 401(1) Dismal Nitch/Megler Safety Rest Area and Access Improvement Development
we0712023 WA FS ERFO 071-2023 Suiattle Rive Road MP 6.0 - MP 14.4 Construction
wa-ef1512101 WA FS ERFO 151-2101 FDR 2922 Repair Development
wa-ef1612301 WA FS ERFO 161-2301 McDaniel Lake Road Repair Planning
wa-r-will06701 WA FWS WILL 67(1) Reikkola Parking Lot Construction
wa-a2013020 WA JEFF 91420(1) Upper Hoh River Road Phase 2 Development
wa-a2015011 WA KITTITAS (1) Teanaway Road Hydraulics Improvements Planning
wa-a2015020 WA LEWIS 707(1) Cispus Road Improvements Construction
wa-ep1514001 WA NPS ERFO 151-4001 Whiskey Bend Road Repair Construction
mora01201 WA NPS MORA 12(1) Rehabilitate Mather Memorial Parkway, Sunrise Road to Cayuse Pass Planning
mora12301 WA NPS MORA 123(1) Rockfall Mitigation at SR123 Development
noca10104 WA NPS NOCA 101(4) Cascade River Road MP 21.8 Boston Creek Construction
noca02001 WA NPS NOCA 20(1) Skagit River Bridge Repair Development
olym01110 WA NPS OLYM 11(10) Sol Duc Hot Springs Campground Bridge Construction
olym01109 WA NPS OLYM 11(9) Rehabilitate Route 11, Lake Crescent Road (US Hwy 101) (FP14) Development
olym201301 WA NPS OLYM 2013(1) Spruce Railroad Trail Construction
olym201501 WA NPS OLYM 2015(1) OLYM Pavement Markings 2015 Construction
olym201503 WA NPS OLYM 2015(3) Olympic Hot Springs Road Rehabilitation Planning
olym201504 WA NPS OLYM 2015(4) Spruce Railroad Trail Tunnel Segment C Development
wa-p-pres01501 WA NPS PRES 15(1) Pavement Preservation Olympic Construction
wa-p-pres01502 WA NPS PRES 15(2) Pavement Preservation Olympic Phase II (SUSPENDED) Development
wf20303 WA PFH 203(3) Wynoochee Road, Phase III   (Old PRMS: WF2033) Construction
wf02901 WA PFH 29-1(1) Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Road Construction
mora01406 WA PRA MORA 14(6) Nisqually to Paradise Road, Phase I Construction
mora01407 WA PRA MORA 14(7) Nisqually to Paradise Road, Phase II Construction
noca01006 WA PRA NOCA 10(6) Stehekin Valley Road; Phase 2 (FP03) (ADVANCE) Development
olym01202 WA PRA OLYM 12(2) Hurricane Ridge Road, Phase II (SHELF)(ON HOLD) Development
wa-a2015008 WA RIDGE MAIN (1) Main Avenue Access Improvements Development
wa-r-ridg10002 WA RRP RIDG 100(2) River S Bridge Replacement (FP14) Development
wa-a2013021 WA SKAGIT 40076(1) Hard Creek Bridge Repairs Construction
Alaska  |  Idaho  |  Montana  |  Oregon  |  Washington  |  Wyoming
grte201501 WY NPS GRTE 2015(1) Four Bridges Development
grte70004 WY NPS GRTE 700(4) Improve Safety at Gros Ventre Junction with a Modern Roundabout Development
grte70005 WY NPS GRTE 700(5) Grand Teton Pathways, Phase V Connection Development
grte90601 WY NPS GRTE 906(1) Blacktail Ponds Mill & Overlay Construction
wy-p-pres01501 WY NPS PRES 15(1) Pavement Preservation Wyoming Construction
yell01022 WY NPS YELL 10(22) Canyon to Tower, Phase 3 (ADVANCE) (FP14) Development
yell01023 WY NPS YELL 10(23) West Thumb to Old Faithful (SUSPENDED) (ADVANCE) (FP14) Development
yell01024 WY NPS YELL 10(24) Grand Loop Road, Norris to Golden Gate, Phase 3 Planning
yell01202 WY NPS YELL 12(2) Yellowstone River Bridge Planning
yell01311 WY NPS YELL 13(11) East Entrance Road, Fishing Bridge to Indian Pond Development
yell01401 WY NPS YELL 14(1) Lewis River Bridge Planning
yell201502 WY NPS YELL 2015(2) Yellowstone 3 Parking Lots (not separate project) Planning
grte70002 WY PLD GRTE 700(2) Grand Teton Park Pathways, Phase III Construction
grte01012 WY PRA GRTE 10(12) Outside Highway Craighead Hill to Cunningham Cabin Construction
grte21701 WY PRA GRTE 217(1) Deadmans Bar Road, Parking Area and Ramp Improvements Development
yell01016 WY PRA YELL 10(16) Grand Loop Road, Canyon to Tower, Phase 2   (Old PRMS: YE1016) Construction
yell01017 WY PRA YELL 10(17) Grand Loop Road, Norris to Golden Gate, Phase 1 Construction
yell01019 WY PRA YELL 10(19) Grand Loop Road, Norris to Golden Gate, Phase 2 Construction
yell01021 WY PRA YELL 10(21) Isa Lake Bridge Replacement Construction

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