Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Travel Demand Management Publications and Reference Materials

  • Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) Briefs
    • ATDM Program Brief: The International Influence on ATDM in the United States (HTML, PDF 2.1MB)
    • ATDM Analysis Brief: Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)-ATDM Project Overview (HTML, PDF 331KB)
    • ATDM Program Brief: An Introduction to Active Transportation and Demand Management (HTML, PDF 819KB)
    • ATDM Program Brief: Active Parking Management (HTML, PDF 1.3MB)
  • Carpool and Vanpool Projects (23 CFR 656.5)
  • Commuter Choice Primer—An Employer's Guide to Implementing Effective Commuter Choice Programs - This Primer is intended to be a concise, user-friendly reference guide for employers and transportation professionals to developing and implementing work site commuter choice programs. A digital tool called the Commuter Choice Decision Support System is packaged with the Primer to enable an employer to actually develop and test out a various commuter choice programs that fit their situation.
  • Integrating Demand Management into the Transportation Planning Process: A Desk Reference (HTML, PDF 22MB) - The document has been developed to serve as a desk reference on integrating demand management into the transportation planning process.
  • Managing Demand Through Travel Information Services - This brochure highlights the opportunities and benefits for using traveler information services to manage demand during periods of congestion, including congestion during commute periods, special events, and emergencies. The brochure presents the diversity of traveler information systems in use around the country and overseas and how State and local agencies are using traveler information as a demand management tool. The results are summarized in an easy to read, colorful, format.
  • Mitigating Traffic Congestion: The Role of Demand-side Strategies (HTML, PDF, 17MB) - This report builds upon previous work done on travel demand management in the early 1990's to present a newer, more contemporary, perspective on what managing demand in the 21st Century really means. In the overview section, the report frames the case that managing travel demand today is about providing travelers, regardless of whether they drive alone, with choices of location, route, and time, not just mode. The report presents many examples and case studies that demonstrate how demand is managed under a broader set of situations and conditions for commute and non-commuter types of trips.
  • Smartphone Applications To Influence Travel Choices: Practices and Policies (HTML, PDF 3MB) - This primer provides an overview of current practices in this emerging field and looks toward the future in the evolution and development of smartphone applications for the transportation sector.
  • Shared Mobility: Current Practices and Guiding Principles (HTML, PDF 2.1MB) - This primer provides an introduction and background to shared mobility; discusses the government’s role; reviews success stories; examines challenges, lessons learned, and proposed solutions; and concludes with guiding principles for public agencies. The primer provides an overview of current practices in this emerging field, and it also looks toward the future in the evolution and development of shared mobility.

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