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Apr 9, 1990
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The purpose of this Alert Notice is to advise all operators of natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines located in offshore waters of recurring safety problems involving marine vessel operations and to alert you that exposed pipelines pose a threat to the safety of the crews of fishing vessels in shallow coastal waters and to other marine operations in shipping lanes and deeper offshore waters. The Notice reminds operators of offshore pipelines of the requirements of federal agencies regarding the safety of pipelines. The Notice is sent to all pipeline operators to alert them of similar problems that may occur in inland navigable waterways. Also, OPS is alerting the commercial fishing industry of the potential of unburied offshore pipelines by sending this Notice to Louisiana Shrimp Association, Texas Shrimp Association, Southeastern Fisheries Association, National Fish Meal & Oil Association, and Concerned Shrimpers of America. Pipeline operators or mariners aware of any portion of a submerged pipeline should report that information to the appropriate US Coast Guard District.