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Model Guideline for State Ignition Interlock Programs

Product #: 811 859

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There is strong scientific evidence from several countries that show alcohol ignition interlocks, while in use, are effective tools to reduce drunk driving among both first and repeat offenders.1 2 For this reason, the development and implementation of a breath alcohol ignition interlock program is an essential component of a comprehensive highway safety impaired driving program in each State.

Each State has its own impaired driving laws which influence the delivery of impaired driving programs and policies. While almost all States have an ignition interlock program, they are each unique and at different stages of development. States vary in terms of the agencies involved in the delivery of interlock programs, their structures, authority, and operational practices.

Throughout this guideline, the term ignition interlock refers to breath alcohol ignition interlock devices. Ignition interlock manufacturer refers to the business entity that produces ignition interlock devices. An ignition interlock vendor refers to the business entity which distributes ignition interlocks in a State or jurisdiction. The ignition interlock service center refers to the physical structure where interlocks are installed, serviced, and removed. A technician refers to the individual who performs the installation, servicing, and removal of the ignition interlock. Driving while impaired (DWI) offenders refer to individuals who have been convicted of DWI and are required to have an ignition interlock installed in their vehicle.