Call Before You Dig
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America's expanding economy is creating new communities in rural areas where pipelines previously existed out of harm's way, putting people closer to what was once an "out of sight, out of mind" infrastructure. Accompanying these communities are also newer pipelines used for providing localized energy distribution and consumption.

Digging is one of the leading causes of injuries and deaths associated with incidents from these pipelines. Fortunately, this problem is almost entirely preventable. PHMSA invests considerable resources in ensuring communities understand how to practice effective pipeline damage prevention techniques to minimize the possibility of associated injuries.

Guidance for implementing safe and effective damage prevention for underground utilities was established by the Common Ground Alliance (CGA), a national organization representing all underground utility stakeholders. Calling before you dig is the first rule to remember when conducting underground related activities, no matter what the job is. The law requires you to phone the "One-Call" center at 8-1-1 at least two days prior to conducting any form of digging activity. This notification provides utility operators the sufficient amount of time needed to mark any underground utilities located in the area and dramatically reduces the possibility of personal injury.

Through efforts by the CGA, PHMSA, and others with an invested interest in the protecting underground infrastructure, communities across the country are able to use a new, easy to remember number to 'call before you dig.'  As required by Congress, the new "8-1-1" number eliminates the need for each state One-Call notification system to use different numbers.  The new number helps serve public interest by minimizing confusion over which number to call before engaging in digging activities. 

For more information, read the PHMSA Focus Special Edition, Spring 2007 or visit the Call 8-1-1 website at