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3rd Quarter 2015 Airline Financial Data

Press Release Number: 
BTS 56-15
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Media Contact: 
Dave Smallen, 202-366-5568

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U.S. scheduled passenger airlines reported an after-tax net profit of $9.3 billion in the third quarter of 2015, up from $5.5 billion in the second quarter of 2015 and up from $3.1 billion in the third quarter of 2014, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) reported today (Table 1).

U.S. Scheduled Service Passenger Airlines After-Tax Profit
(Net Income) 3Q 2014-3Q 2015

Table Version | Excel

U.S. Scheduled Service Passenger Airlines After-Tax Profit (Net Income) 3Q 2014-3Q 2015

The third quarter of 2015 is the 10th consecutive quarter the 25 U.S. scheduled service passenger airlines reported an after-tax net profit as a group. It was also the highest quarterly after-tax net profit since the first quarter of 2006.

In addition to the after-tax net profit of $9.3 billion based on net income reports, the scheduled service passenger airlines reported $8.8 billion in pre-tax operating profit in the third quarter of 2015, up from $8.2 billion in the second quarter of 2015 and up from $5.5 billion in the third quarter of 2014. The airlines reported a pre-tax operating profit - as a group - for the 18th consecutive quarter (Tables 1, 3).

Net income (after tax) and operating profit (pre-tax) are two different measures of airline financial performance. Net profit or loss may include non-operating income and expenses, nonrecurring items or income taxes. Operating profit or loss is calculated from operating revenues and expenses before taxes and other nonrecurring items.

Total operating revenue for all U.S. passenger airlines in the July-September third-quarter of 2015 was $45.2 billion. Airlines collected $34.1 billion from fares, 75.4 percent of total third-quarter operating revenue (Table 4).

Total operating expenses for all passenger airlines in the third-quarter of 2015 were $36.4 billion, of which fuel costs accounted for $7.1 billion, or 19.4 percent, and labor costs accounted for $11.9 billion, or 32.6 percent (Table 4).

In the third quarter, passenger airlines collected a total of $1.0 billion in baggage fees, 2.3 percent of total operating revenue, and $755 million from reservation change fees, 1.7 percent of total operating revenue. Fees are included for calculations of net income, operating revenue and operating profit or loss (Table 4).

Baggage fees and reservation change fees are the only ancillary fees paid by passengers that are reported to BTS as separate items. Other fees, such as revenue from seating assignments and on-board sales of food, beverages, pillows, blankets, and entertainment are combined in different categories and cannot be identified separately.

See airline financial data press releases and the airline financial databases  for historic data.

Totals for Scheduled Passenger Airlines with the Highest Operating Revenue

As a group, the 10 U.S. scheduled passenger airlines with the highest operating revenue in the third quarter of 2015 reported an after-tax net profit of $9.1 billion in the third quarter of 2015, up from a profit of $5.4 billion in the second quarter of 2015 and up from a profit of $3.0 billion in the third quarter of 2014 (Table 2). These airlines carried 82.2 percent of U.S. airlines’ scheduled service passengers in the third quarter and accounted for 98.3 percent of the scheduled passenger airline after-tax net profit (Table 2). 

In addition to the after-tax net income reports, the 10 airlines reported a $8.6 billion pre-tax operating profit in the third quarter of 2015, up from a profit of $8.0 billion in the second quarter and up from a $5.3 billion pre-tax operating profit in the third quarter of 2014 (Table 3). 

The third quarter of 2015 was the first quarter for which American Airlines and US Airways reported a combined number following their merger.

Margins for All Scheduled Passenger Airlines

As a group, all U.S. scheduled passenger airlines reported a combined net income margin of 20.5 percent in the third quarter of 2015, up from a net margin of 6.9 percent in the third quarter of 2014. Net margin is the net income or loss as a percentage of operating revenue. These airlines reported an operating profit margin of 19.5 percent in the third quarter of 2015, up from 12.1 percent in the third quarter of 2014. Operating margin is the operating profit or loss as a percentage of operating revenue (Table 4).

Reporting notes

Additional airline financial data can be found on the BTS website, including industry statistics for other individual low-cost and regional airlines. See tables for operating profit/loss, operating revenue and fuel cost and consumption. See the BTS financial databases for more detailed data.

By regulation, for the quarter ending Sept. 30, airlines that operate at least one aircraft that has more than 60 seats or the capacity to carry a payload of passengers, cargo and fuel weighing more than 18,000 pounds must report financial data to BTS by Nov. 10. The airline filings are subject to a process of quality assurance and data validations before release to the public.

Revised carrier data and late data filings will be made available monthly on TranStats on the Monday following the second Tuesday of the month. All data are subject to revision. BTS will release fourth-quarter 2015 data on May 2.

U.S. scheduled passenger airlines reported an after-tax net profit of $9.3 billion in the third quarter of 2015, up from $5.5 billion in the second quarter of 2015 and up from $3.1 billion in the third quarter of 2014, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) reported today (Table 1).

The third quarter of 2015 is the 10th consecutive quarter the 25 U.S. scheduled service passenger airlines reported an after-tax net profit as a group. It was also the highest quarterly after-tax net profit since the first quarter of 2006.

In addition to the after-tax net profit of $9.3 billion based on net income reports, the scheduled service passenger airlines reported $8.8 billion in pre-tax operating profit in the third quarter of 2015, up from $8.2 billion in the second quarter of 2015 and up from $5.5 billion in the third quarter of 2014. The airlines reported a pre-tax operating profit - as a group - for the 18th consecutive quarter (Tables 1, 3).

Net income (after tax) and operating profit (pre-tax) are two different measures of airline financial performance. Net profit or loss may include non-operating income and expenses, nonrecurring items or income taxes. Operating profit or loss is calculated from operating revenues and expenses before taxes and other nonrecurring items.

Total operating revenue for all U.S. passenger airlines in the July-September third-quarter of 2015 was $45.2 billion. Airlines collected $34.1 billion from fares, 75.4 percent of total third-quarter operating revenue (Table 4).

Total operating expenses for all passenger airlines in the third-quarter of 2015 were $36.4 billion, of which fuel costs accounted for $7.1 billion, or 19.4 percent, and labor costs accounted for $11.9 billion, or 32.6 percent (Table 4).

In the third quarter, passenger airlines collected a total of $1.0 billion in baggage fees, 2.3 percent of total operating revenue, and $755 million from reservation change fees, 1.7 percent of total operating revenue. Fees are included for calculations of net income, operating revenue and operating profit or loss (Table 4).

Baggage fees and reservation change fees are the only ancillary fees paid by passengers that are reported to BTS as separate items. Other fees, such as revenue from seating assignments and on-board sales of food, beverages, pillows, blankets, and entertainment are combined in different categories and cannot be identified separately.

See airline financial data press releases and the airline financial databases  for historic data.

Totals for Scheduled Passenger Airlines with the Highest Operating Revenue

As a group, the 10 U.S. scheduled passenger airlines with the highest operating revenue in the third quarter of 2015 reported an after-tax net profit of $9.1 billion in the third quarter of 2015, up from a profit of $5.4 billion in the second quarter of 2015 and up from a profit of $3.0 billion in the third quarter of 2014 (Table 2). These airlines carried 82.2 percent of U.S. airlines’ scheduled service passengers in the third quarter and accounted for 98.3 percent of the scheduled passenger airline after-tax net profit (Table 2). 

In addition to the after-tax net income reports, the 10 airlines reported a $8.6 billion pre-tax operating profit in the third quarter of 2015, up from a profit of $8.0 billion in the second quarter and up from a $5.3 billion pre-tax operating profit in the third quarter of 2014 (Table 3). 

The third quarter of 2015 was the first quarter for which American Airlines and US Airways reported a combined number following their merger.

Margins for All Scheduled Passenger Airlines

As a group, all U.S. scheduled passenger airlines reported a combined net income margin of 20.5 percent in the third quarter of 2015, up from a net margin of 6.9 percent in the third quarter of 2014. Net margin is the net income or loss as a percentage of operating revenue. These airlines reported an operating profit margin of 19.5 percent in the third quarter of 2015, up from 12.1 percent in the third quarter of 2014. Operating margin is the operating profit or loss as a percentage of operating revenue (Table 4).

Reporting notes

Additional airline financial data can be found on the BTS website, including industry statistics for other individual low-cost and regional airlines. See tables for operating profit/loss, operating revenue and fuel cost and consumption. See the BTS financial databases for more detailed data.

By regulation, for the quarter ending Sept. 30, airlines that operate at least one aircraft that has more than 60 seats or the capacity to carry a payload of passengers, cargo and fuel weighing more than 18,000 pounds must report financial data to BTS by Nov. 10. The airline filings are subject to a process of quality assurance and data validations before release to the public.

 Revised carrier data and late data filings will be made available monthly on TranStats on the Monday following the second Tuesday of the month. All data are subject to revision. BTS will release fourth-quarter 2015 data on May 2.


Table 1. Quarterly U.S. Scheduled Service Passenger Airlines Financial Reports

Reports from 25 airlines in 3Q 2015

(Millions of dollars)

  3Q 2014 4Q 2014 1Q 2015 2Q 2015 3Q 2015 Dollar Change 3Q2014-3Q2015
Net Income 3,119 241 3,115 5,515 9,268 6,149
Operating Profit/Loss 5,475 1,971 5,096 8,155 8,832 3,357
Operating Revenue* 45,287 40,910 39,135 43,944 45,201 -85
Fares 34,474 30,579 29,416 33,249 34,090 -384
Baggage Fees 960 879 864 962 1,019 59
Reservation Change Fees 759 744 768 773 755 -3
Operating Expenses 39,812 38,938 34,044 35,788 36,370 -3,443
Fuel 11,411 10,950 7,188 7,926 7,071 -4,340
Labor 10,483 10,265 10,366 10,969 11,868 1,385

Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Form 41; Schedules P1.2 and P6

* Passenger airline operating revenue includes two other categories. 1) Transport-related is revenue from services which grow from and are incidental to the air transportation services performed by the air carrier. Examples are in-flight onboard sales (food, liquor, pillows, etc), code share revenues, revenues from associated businesses (aircraft maintenance, fuel sales, restaurants, vending machines, etc). 2) Miscellaneous operating revenue includes pet transportation, sale of frequent flyer award miles to airline business partners and standby passenger fees. See the P1.2 database


Table 2. Quarterly Large Airline Systemwide (Domestic + International) Net Income

Ranked by 3Q 2015 Operating Revenue

(millions of dollars)

Rank Airline 3Q 2014 4Q 2014 1Q 2015 2Q 2015 3Q 2015 Dollar Change 3Q2014-3Q2015
1 Delta 362 -703 748 1,490 1,319 958
2 AA-US Combined 955 439 808 1,465 1,722 767
  American 466 178 569 1,052 N/A N/A
  US Airways 490 261 239 414 N/A N/A
3 United 933 -9 509 1,193 4,776 3,843
4 Southwest 329 190 453 608 584 256
5 JetBlue 79 87 137 152 198 119
6 Alaska 192 147 145 228 268 76
7 Hawaiian 38 15 33 50 71 33
8 Spirit 67 58 69 80 103 36
9 SkyWest 32 -11 17 31 37 6
10 Frontier 58 25 31 54 29 -29
10-Carrier Total 3,044 239 2,951 5,352 9,107 6,063
All Passenger Airlines 3,119 241 3,115 5,515 9,268 6,149

Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Form 41; Schedule P1.2

Note: American and US Airways began combined reporting with 3Q 2015 data


Table 3. Quarterly Large Airline Systemwide (Domestic + International) Operating Profit/Loss

Ranked by 3Q 2015 Operating Revenue

(millions of dollars)

Rank Airline 3Q 2014 4Q 2014 1Q
Dollar Change 3Q2014-3Q2015
1 Delta 1,409 -772 1,399 2,477 2,222 813
2 AA-US Combined 1,264 840 1,202 1,957 2,003 739
  American 698 345 760 1,206 N/A N/A
  US Airways 566 495 441 752 N/A N/A
3 United 1,185 626 741 1,446 1,900 715
4 Southwest 614 620 780 1,085 1,225 611
5 JetBlue 163 161 244 282 350 187
6 Alaska 314 240 238 362 433 118
7 Hawaiian 106 77 72 92 156 50
8 Spirit 100 90 109 112 157 57
9 SkyWest 64 -5 37 59 68 4
10 Frontier 96 39 50 88 99 3
10-Carrier Total 5,315 1,916 4,871 7,962 8,612 3,297
All Passenger Airlines 5,475 1,971 5,096 8,155 8,832 3,357

Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Form 41; Schedule P1.2

Note: American and US Airways began combined reporting with 3Q 2015 data


Table 4. Quarterly U.S. Scheduled Passenger Airlines Revenue, Expenses and Profits

Reports from 25 airlines in 3Q 2015

(millions of dollars)

  3Q 2014 3Q 2015 Change 2014-2015 % Change % of 3Q 2015 Revenue or Expense Total
Operating Revenue          
Passenger Fares (scheduled/charter) 34,474.0 34,089.7 -384.3 -1.11 75.42
Cargo 782.4 707.9 -74.5 -9.53 1.57
Baggage 960.0 1,018.9 58.9 6.13 2.25
Reservation Changes 759.0 755.2 -3.8 -0.50 1.67
Transport-Related* 7,283.5 7,166.8 -116.7 -1.60 15.86
Other** 1,028.0 1,462.5 434.5 42.27 3.24
Total Operating Revenue 45,286.9 45,201.0 -85.9 -0.19 100.00
Operating Expense          
Fuel 11,411.1 7,071.1 -4,340.0 -38.03 19.44
Labor 10,482.8 11,868.0 1,385.2 13.21 32.63
Rentals 2,137.9 2,165.2 27.3 1.28 5.95
Depreciation & Amortization 1,784.6 1,892.5 107.9 6.05 5.20
Landing Fees 744.0 757.0 13.0 1.75 2.08
Maintenance Materials 761.8 645.6 -116.2 -15.26 1.78
Transport-Related* 5,226.6 4,606.4 -620.2 -11.87 12.67
Other*** 7,263.4 7,363.7 100.3 1.38 20.25
Total Operating Expense 39,812.2 36,369.6 -3,442.7 -8.65 100.00
Profits or Losses          
Operating Profit 5,475.1 8,831.6 3,356.5 61.31 N/A
Operating Margin**** (%) 12.1 19.5 7.4 N/A N/A
Nonoperating Income/(Expense)# -1,625.9 1,178.7 2,804.7 -172.50 N/A
Pre-Tax Income 3,849.1 7,652.8 3,803.7 98.82 N/A
Income Tax Benefit/(Expense) -730.4 1,615.4 2,345.8 -321.17 N/A
Other Income/(Expense) 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A N/A
Net Income 3,118.7 9,268.2 6,149.5 197.18 N/A
Net Margin## (%) 6.9 20.5 13.6 N/A N/A

Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Form 41; Schedules P1.2 and P6

* Transport-Related is revenue/expenses from services which grow from and are incidental to the air transportation services performed by the air carrier. Examples are in-flight onboard sales (food, liquor, pillows, etc), code share revenues, revenues and expenses from associated businesses (aircraft maintenance, fuel sales, restaurants, vending machines, etc).

** Other revenue includes miscellaneous operating revenue (including pet transportation, sale of frequent flyer award miles to airline business partners and standby passenger fees) and public service revenues subsidy.

*** Other expense includes purchase of materials such as passenger food and other materials; and purchase of services such as advertising, communication, insurance, outside flight equipment maintenance, traffic commissions and other services.

**** Operating margin is the operating profit or loss as a percentage of operating revenue

# Nonoperating Income and Expense includes interest on long-term debt and capital leases, other interest expense, foreign exchange gains and losses, capital gains and losses and other income and expenses.

## Net margin is the net income or loss as a percentage of operating revenue.