FMCSA - Federal Motor Carrier Safety Adminstration

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State Data

Data-driven safety systems are vital to informing decisions that improve safety on the Nation’s roads—FMCSA relies on the States for accurate and comprehensive data on eligible crashes and inspections to focus resources to further reduce crashes. We can’t do it without you.

Each month, States are rated on reporting of safety data—this page provides States with a robust resource to view their ratings and measures, and learn how to improve data quality performance.

Select your State to view your rating:

Data current as of September 23, 2016

FMCSA & State users:

Data Quality Improvement Resources

Use DataQs to request and track a review of Federal and State data issued by FMCSA that you believe may be incomplete or incorrect.

Connect with a Data Quality Specialist for insight on training and tools to understand and improve data quality.

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Login Now FMCSA & State users

Complete data quality results are available to FMCSA and State users who are logged into A&I Online. Once logged in, you will have full access to reports and tools for improving safety data.

Continue to the FMCSA Portal to log in. Click on "A&I (SMS)" from the list of 'Available FMCSA Systems' and then on "Data Quality" to return to this module.