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Transportation Planning Update Newsletter

Spring 2016

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DOT & FHWA Leadership

Secretary Foxx: $1.4 Billion for TIFIA Over 5 Years

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx announced the availability of credit assistance for critical infrastructure projects across the country through the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) program. The Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act authorizes $1.435 billion in capital over five years for the TIFIA credit assistance program.

Historically, one dollar of TIFIA Program funds supported a TIFIA loan of approximately $14 and resulted in infrastructure investment of up to $40, when taking into account other State, local, and private sector investments. Secretary Foxx encouraged States and cities across the country to submit letters of interest for direct loans, loan guarantees, and standby lines of credit through TIFIA. To date, the TIFIA program has provided $22.7 billion in credit assistance to support more than $82.5 billion in transportation infrastructure investments to help build 56 major transportation projects around the country.

A wide range of surface transportation infrastructure is eligible for TIFIA credit assistance, including Table of Contents continues on page 2 U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Transit Administration Transportation Planning Update U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Spring 2016 Transportation Planning Capacity Building Program highways, passenger and freight rail, public transit, intermodal freight facilities, and international bridges and tunnels. The FAST Act expands eligibility to include transit-oriented development and the capitalization of a rural projects fund within a State infrastructure bank.

"The TIFIA credit program has a strong record of success in stimulating local economies and bringing critical transportation projects to communities that need them," said Secretary Foxx. "This year, the added flexibility and streamlined review process should make it easier for a variety of applicants to take advantage of the funding opportunities, and to bring significant infrastructure developments to their neighborhoods."

The TIFIA Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) is available at the link below.

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Secretary Foxx: Smart Cities and the Opportunity Gap

Last December, DOT launched the Smart City Challenge to address some of the long-term and emerging trends affecting our Nation's transportation system that are identified in the Beyond Traffic draft report. We have tasked cities with using intelligent transportation technologies like connected, autonomous, and electric vehicles and urban automation to reduce congestion, keep travelers safe, respond to climate change, and support economic vitality. In addition, we have asked how can cities nationwide use transportation technology and innovation to bridge the growing opportunity gap. In April, representatives from our seven Smart Cities Challenge Finalists and partners at Paul G. Allen's Vulcan Inc., Mobileye, Autodesk, NXP, Alphabet's Sidewalk Labs, and Amazon Web Services came to DOT Headquarters for the first of several sessions to show us how.

The results of ideas and brainstorms sessions included the development of prepaid transit cards that would let residents in poverty-stricken neighborhoods pay a bus fare or call an Uber. The goal behind this was to increase mobility and give better access to health care or job opportunities that are outside of their immediate community. There was a proposal by one city to install free Wi-Fi and gunfire-locating ShotSpotter technology at bus stations, in hopes of leveraging their new bus rapid transit line and make historically underserved neighborhoods a more desirable place to live.

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FHWA Names Waidelich Executive Director

Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau recently notified agency employees that Walter "Butch" Waidelich, Jr. will be FHWA's new Executive Director, in which he will function as the Chief Operating Officer. Waidelich takes over the position from Anthony Furst, the Associate Administrator for Safety, who filled in as Acting Executive Director starting last Oct. 12. Furst will now take on the role of Director of Innovative Program Delivery. Longtime Executive Director Jeff Paniati left the agency to become CEO of the Washington, DC-based Institute of Transportation Engineers.

Since becoming a member of the agency's career senior executive service in 2008, Waidelich led the creation of the FHWA's risk-based oversight posture and championed the integration of risk management.

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Cabinet Leaders Push for Ports

A trio of U.S. cabinet members - Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, and Labor Secretary Tom Perez - jointly penned a blog post that touted the economic benefits of investing in ports' freight-handling infrastructure as an important link with the broader transportation network. Calling them "engines of economic development and American competitiveness," the cabinet chiefs said U.S. ports and the inland marine transportation system "are essential drivers of the American economy" that daily handle millions of tons of domestic and international cargo.

"But ports, like our highways and bridges, face challenges," they wrote. "As a country, we are investing too little, and as container ships grow larger and larger, more cargo must be unloaded into increasingly tight spaces. And ports face unique operational challenges as they move ever-expanding volumes of cargo between ships, trucks, and rail lines… Expanding trade will continue to put pressure on the existing system, increasing congestion and threatening U.S. economic competitiveness."

Nationwide over the next five years, the authors wrote, "ports anticipate investing an average of $30 billion per year in new facilities and infrastructure. These investments can catalyze major economic development, especially if undertaken in close coordination with city and State governments and complemented by investments in public transportation and workforce development."

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Budget & Spending

$266 Million to Improve Bus Service Nationwide

The USDOT's FTA announced the opportunity to apply for approximately $266 million in competitive grant funding for bus programs nationwide. The funding consists of $211 million in grants for buses and bus facilities projects, as well as $55 million specifically for FTA's Low and No Emission (Low-No) bus program, which promotes technologically-advanced and environmentally-friendly buses. These investments will help advance the President's vision for a cleaner, 21st century transportation system that reduces carbon emissions while expanding transportation options for families.

Eligible projects include those that replace, rehabilitate, lease, and purchase buses and related equipment as well as projects to purchase, rehabilitate, construct or lease bus-related facilities, such as buildings for bus storage and maintenance. FTA will award the grants to eligible transit agencies, State DOTs, and Tribes on a competitive basis. Projects will include the need for investment in bus transit systems, benefits to the community, implementation of low and no-emission technologies, and integration with local and regional long-term planning.

Contact: Ben Lockshin, (202) 366-8061,

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New FAST Act Grants for Funding and Technology

As part of the FAST Act, FHWA opened the process for two 5-year grant programs. The first program will allow States to test alternative revenue mechanisms for the Highway Trust Fund, while the second program provides grants for "cutting-edge" technologies that improve transportation safety, efficiency, system performance, and return on investment.

The FHWA's new Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives grant program will fund projects to test the design, implementation, and acceptance of user-based alternative revenue mechanisms. The grants are only available to States or groups of States. The 5-year FAST Act provides $15 million in fiscal 2016 and $20 million a year for 2017-20.

The FHWA said the advanced technology grants "are intended to improve the return-on-investment of safety, efficiency, system performance, and infrastructure improvements, including the enhanced use of existing transportation capacity." It said the awards may go to projects that use real-time traveler information, traffic data collection and dissemination, vehicle-to-infrastructure, and various intelligent transportation technologies. Secretary Foxx said the $60 million in advanced tech grants "will take technological innovation to a new level and help to make the entire transportation network more reliable for commuters, businesses, and freight shippers."

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Expanding Port Infrastructure

DOT Secretary Anthony Foxx believes that "we find ourselves at a critical moment in our Nation's transportation history. In the next 30 years, our Nation will need to accommodate 70 million more people and a 45 percent increase in freight. This growth will especially increase demands on our ports and waterways."

Thanks to new transportation legislation in the FAST Act, the Department is able to make $4.5 billion available over the next 5 years through the FASTLANE grant program. The National Highway Freight Program over the next 5 years will add $6.3 billion in formula funding that port authorities can access by working with their MPOs and State DOTs. As Secretary Foxx has noted, port projects must aim to improve our infrastructure and economy, foster innovation, and create access to opportunity.

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Final Round of SHRP 2 Implementation Assistance

In June, FHWA and AASHTO will announce the latest recipients of financial and technical assistance through SHRP 2's second Implementation Assistance Program. This seventh and final round offers assistance opportunities for 13 SHRP 2 products and product bundles, including one product in the Capacity focus area. This SHRP 2 Solution, PlanWorks, is a systematic web-based resource that supports collaborative decision making in long-range transportation planning, programming, corridor planning, and environmental review. Using PlanWorks can help agencies deliver projects that meet environmental, community, and mobility needs.

An estimated $7.8 million will be applied in Round 7 to projects using innovative planning and implementation tools developed through years of specialized research. Six previous rounds disbursed $122 million in financial opportunities to 98 separate agencies. More than 350 SHRP 2 projects are underway across all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

"We're looking forward to announcing the recipients of Round 7 of the Implementation Assistance Program, and providing even more transportation agencies with support implementing SHRP 2 Solutions," said Carin Michel, FHWA's SHRP 2 Implementation Manager. "The SHRP 2 program is very much at the peak of its implementation activities; we've seen great results, and we've got much more to come as we work with agencies to incorporate these innovative practices as part of their regular business model."

Contact: Carin Michel,

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Performance-Based Planning

Transportation Performance Management Survey

The primary goal of the National Transportation Performance Management (TPM) Implementation Review is to gather information about the application of performance management, performance based-planning and programming principles, and other MAP-21 performance provisions at State DOTs and MPOs. The National TPM Implementation Review will seek to provide quantitative and coded qualitative data from open-ended questions that can spur further discussion of the resource and guidance needs of transportation agencies.

In the TPM Implementation Review online survey, each set of performance area questions will be self-contained. This will allow each responding agency the option to delegate sections of the survey to appropriate experts. The designated survey contact for that agency will have the ability to review the entire survey before submitting it to FHWA.

The review will collect data from State DOT and MPO staff regarding:

Contact: Michael Nesbitt, (202) 366-1179,

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Every Day Counts

Safety Design Model Update

The FHWA released version 11.1.0 of the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM), a suite of software analysis tools for evaluating safety and operational effects of geometric design decisions. Version 11.1.0 includes a new Crash Modification Factors Report as part of the Crash Prediction Module output. It also features enhancements to the Policy Review Module, including new policy checks for bike lane width on rural two-lane highways, and stopping sight distance and decision sight distance on rural multilane highways. IHSDM supports the Data-Driven Safety Analysis initiative as part of FHWA's Every Day Counts 3 efforts. The IHSDM Crash Prediction Module serves as a faithful implementation of Highway Safety Manual Predictive Methods for two-lane rural highways, multilane rural highways, urban and suburban arterials, freeways, and ramps/interchanges. The complete IHSDM suite consists of six modules and is available for free download.

Contact: Abdul Zineddin, (202) 493-3288,

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Smarter Work Zones

Many transportation departments use project coordination as a strategy to minimize the work zone traffic impacts of projects in a corridor, network, or region. Project coordination is one of two smarter work zone strategies FHWA is promoting in Every Day Counts 3.

One example is the work zone tool to streamline project coordination, developed by the District DOT in Washington, DC. The software-based Work Zone Project Management System integrates construction schedules, identifies congestion hot spots, analyzes traffic impacts, and generates mitigation strategies.

A second example is a regional project coordination process that the Washington State DOT facilitates among multiple agencies in the Puget Sound area. The process enables maintenance staff, for example, to schedule work during already-planned lane closures to expedite work, reduce traffic impacts, and save money.

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Data News

National Transit Map Initiative Launched

The USDOT has launched an initiative to create a National Transit Map, which is a critical missing element in the National Spatial Data Infrastructure. The National Transit Map will display stops, routes, and schedules for all participating transit agencies. DOT is asking transit agencies to voluntarily permit DOT to collect General Transit Feed Specification data from their websites on a periodic basis, allowing for the incorporation of routing and schedule data into the National Transit Map that will ultimately help planners identify and address gaps in access to public transportation.

To participate in the National Transit Map, transit agencies must register their data with DOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) and agree to the standard terms of use. Beginning March 31, the first National Transit Map Collection Day, BTS will download and begin processing the data sets that agencies have registered for inclusion in the first release of the National Transit Map later this year.

Contact: Dave Smallen, (202) 366-5568,

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Seat Belt Use in 2015

Seat belt use in 2015 reached 88.5 percent, up from 70.7 percent in 2000. The U.S. National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration has released a fact sheet that details seat belt use in the United States in 2015. This result is from the National Occupant Protection Use Survey (NOPUS), which is the only survey that provides nationwide probability-based observed data on seat belt use in the United States.

Seat belt use has been an increasing trend since 2000, accompanied by a steady decline in the percentage of unrestrained passenger vehicle occupant fatalities during daytime. The 2015 survey also found that seatbelt use for occupants in the West is higher than in other regions. Seat belt use continued to be higher in the States in which vehicle occupants can be pulled over solely for not using seat belts ("primary law States") as compared with the States with weaker enforcement laws ("secondary law States") or without seat belt laws.

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Pothole Damage Costs $3 Billion a Year

A new AAA motor club study found that pothole damage has cost U.S. drivers $15 billion in vehicle repairs over the last 5 years, or about $3 billion annually. The group also said a survey found middle- and lower-income individuals are the drivers most worried about potholes, with the highest levels of concern from respondents in households with annual incomes below $75,000.

"In the last 5 years, 16 million drivers across the country have suffered pothole damage to their vehicles," said John Nielsen, AAA's Managing Director of Automotive Engineering and Repair. "On average, American drivers report paying $300 to repair pothole-related vehicle damage," Nielsen said. "Adding to the financial frustration, those whose vehicles incurred this type of damage had it happen frequently, with an average of three times in the last 5 years." AAA said that every year it responds to more than four million calls for flat tire assistance, many the result of damage caused by potholes.

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Bike-Share Stations in the U.S.

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology at the USDOT has released a technical brief that summarizes data about the bike-share stations around the United States. The data was taken from the the Bureau of Transportation Statistics' Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database.

A total of 2,655 bike-share stations operate in 65 U.S cities. Of the 2,655 bike-share stations, 86.3 percent (2,291) connect to another scheduled public transportation mode within 1 block. Transit bus is the most typical connection, with 84.2 percent (2,236) of bike-share stations located a block or less from a transit bus stop. In the 11 cities served by heavy rail and bike-share, 46 percent of the stations served by heavy rail connect with a bike-share station (208 stations).

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News From FHWA

Operations Benefit Cost Analysis Tools and Training

The USDOT Planning for Operations (P4O) Program supports the integration of transportation systems management and operations strategies into the planning process for the purpose of improving transportation system efficiency, reliability, and options. This program is led by the Office of Operations and Office of Planning, Environment, & Realty of the FHWA in coordination with the FTA, who work with MPOs, State and local DOTs, transit agencies, and other organizations to maximize the performance of existing infrastructure through multimodal and multi-agency programs and projects.

In January 2016, P4O posted a new version of the Tool for Operations Benefit Cost Analysis (TOPS-BC). Benefit-cost analysis (BCA) is a systematic process for calculating and comparing benefits and costs of a project to 1) determine if it is a sound investment and 2) see how it compares with alternate projects.

BCA determines the value of a project by dividing the net present value of incremental monetized benefits related to a project by the net present value of incremental costs of that project. In the objectives-driven, performance-based approach to planning for operations, BCA screens and identifies management and operations (M&O) projects or strategies that meet operations objectives. It also supports inclusion and prioritization of M&O strategies in the transportation plan and metropolitan/State transportation improvement program.

Contact: Wayne Berman, (202) 366-4069,; Harlan Miller, (202) 366-0847,; Jim Hunt, (717) 221-4422,

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Freight Peer Exchange: Keeping Counties Moving

Keeping Counties Moving: Innovations in Transportation Peer Exchange was a 2-day, small-group interactive event that explored freight transportation and the role counties play in freight infrastructure planning and investments. The event was hosted by the National Association of Counties (NACo) with support from the FHWA, Alameda County, Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC), and the Port of Oakland, on March 24-25 in Alameda County.

County leaders from across the Nation heard presentations and engaged in discussion such as global shipping trends, economic competitiveness, technological innovations, and goods movement planning at both the county and megaregion levels. Presenters included FHWA Administrator Greg Nadeau, FHWA Office of Planning Team Leader James Garland, Alameda County Supervisor Honorable Scott Haggerty, and ACTC Executive Director Art Dao. Attendees also toured the Port of Oakland - a major Pacific gateway port and the 5th largest container port in the United States.

Contact: Jack Morgan, NACo, (202) 942-4274,

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Freight: An Economic Engine for Counties

The National Association of Counties (NACo) recently released an issue brief entitled "Keeping Counties Moving: Freight Transportation as an Economic Engine" with support from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This publication describes how freight transportation planning and investments can drive local and regional economic development and provide key best practice takeaways for county leaders through case studies of four counties: Murray County, GA; Shelby County, TN; Broward County, FL; and Wayne County, WV. These counties have leveraged multi-sector partnerships, public and private funding, and regional planning activities to link freight planning with economic development strategies to promote competitiveness, create jobs, and invest in local communities.

Contact: Jack Morgan, NACo, (202) 942-4274,

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Border Master Plan for New Mexico - Chihuahua

The New Mexico DOT, in collaboration with FHWA, participated in the completion of the New Mexico - Chihuahua Regional Border Master Plan (BMP). The February 2016 BMP was the final plan of six southern regional border master plans, as directed by the U.S. - Mexico Joint Working Committee for Transportation Planning. Stakeholders include FHWA, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, General Services Administration, New Mexico DOT, area MPOs, Mexico Secretariat of Communications and Transportation, Mexico Secretariat of Exterior Relations, and other regional and local agencies on both sides of the border.

The BMP provides a comprehensive and prioritized assessment of transportation needs along the New Mexico - Chihuahua border, including at the Land Ports of Entry (LPOEs). The plan includes a comprehensive list and prioritized assessment of the transportation and POE needs that support international trade as well as improve cross-border travel and the quality of life for the residents and visitors of each region in both the United States and Mexico.

Contact: Sylvia Grijalva, (602) 510-7986,

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Border Wait-Time Study for Santa Teresa, NM

A Border Wait-Time (BWT) and Crossing Time Study is commencing for commercial trucks at the Santa Teresa Port of Entry (POE) in New Mexico. This POE has the highest volume of commercial trucks crossing into New Mexico from Mexico. Crossing and wait times for commercial motor vehicles are key indicators of border transportation needs and international supply-chain performance.

Members of the U.S.-Mexico Joint Working Committee for Transportation Planning (JWC) are implementing automated border crossing and delay time measuring systems at major POEs along the U.S.-Mexico border. The goal is to have 95 percent of commercial truck traffic included in the monitoring and near real-time dissemination of border wait times along the entire U.S.-Mexico border. This most recent New Mexico study aligns with the 95 percent goal and means all four southern border States have BWT technology in place.

Contact: Sylvia Grijalva, (602) 510-7986,

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Border Passenger Vehicle Workshop for U.S., Canada

HEPP's Border and Interstate Team hosted a Passenger Vehicle Intercept Workshop on April 12, 2016, in Lewiston, NY, at the office of the Niagara Falls Bridge Commission. The purpose of the workshop was to share passenger vehicle intercept data with government and private planning agencies that deal with data collection and traffic demand modeling between the United States and Canada. The FHWA originally commissioned the passenger vehicle intercept research project with the purpose of providing data on cross-border movement. U.S. planning agencies usually do not have access to such high-quality data.

Contact: David Franklin, (708) 283-3540,

Border Master Plan Peer Exchange for Canada

HEPP's Border and Interstate Team hosted a Regional Border Master Planning Peer Exchange in Bellingham, WA, on June 8-9, 2016, in cooperation with the Transportation Border Working Group, Whatcom Council of Governments, Washington State DOT, Transport Canada, and the British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. Representatives from southern U.S.-Mexican border States attended to share recent border master planning efforts and to provide insight on the challenges and opportunities of establishing a border master planning process across international boundaries.

The peer exchange focused on border planning efforts along the U.S.-Canadian border by convening Federal, State, Provincial, and regional government agency practitioners to share experiences and best practices in developing strategies for continual national-level support of regional cross-border planning and coordination. Additionally, participants toured two of the Cascade Gateway border crossings to illustrate some of the concepts that participants discussed during the peer exchange.

Contact: David Franklin, (708) 283-3540,

Civil Rights Virtual Symposium

In March, DOT's Departmental Office of Civil Rights held its annual Civil Rights Virtual Symposium, entitled "Speaking with One Voice: Accelerating Access to Opportunity." The symposium connected over one thousand civil rights experts, industry officials, and key stakeholders focused on sharing strategies on increasing access and opportunity throughout our Nation's transportation infrastructure.

Twelve sessions spread over 3 days explored emerging issues relating to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, environmental justice, accessibility for persons with disabilities, the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, and achieving a diverse and inclusive workplace.

In a session entitled "Building Transportation Equity: Identifying Title VI Issues Throughout the Transportation Project Cycle," experts emphasized that issues of access and equity should be considered at the beginning of the transportation decision-making process to ensure that no one community is disproportionately burdened by proposals. Two sessions focused on strategies for ensuring full participation in DOT's signature DBE program and best practices for partnership. The symposium closed with a tribute to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, an iconic civil rights event in American and transportation history. Federal Executive Institute's Dr. Marcia Ledlow highlighted strategic lessons from that historic moment that could achieve further change today.

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Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions

For years, wildlife-vehicle collisions (WVCs) have endangered the driving public and wildlife along the Nation's roadways, but policymakers and practitioners have had little information on the size and scope of the problem. To better understand the challenge, in 2005 legislators directed the USDOT Secretary of Transportation to conduct a National study evaluating WVCs.

With funding from FHWA, the Western Transportation Institute (WTI) at Montana State University conducted a national study on WVCs mitigation methods in response to the legislative directive. WTI concluded that implementation of WVCs mitigation methods was stagnant because there was (1) little reliable information on mitigation measures; (2) no standardized performance measures for tracking reductions in WVCs; (3) inconsistent location-specific WVCs data; and (4) no WVCs data present in crash models.

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Freeway Cap Parks Reconnect Communities

In many cities, multilane highways bisect communities, disrupting connections to jobs, necessities, and amenities. Freeway cap parks - recreational parks built overtop high-density roadways - can rebuild lost connections and reduce the noise, pollution, and blight that freeways may impose on communities.

Freeway cap parks are not a new concept. In the late 1970s, Seattle, WA, created Freeway Park, a 5.2-acre green space built over Interstate 5, transforming a dangerous highway into a public park. The Rose Kennedy Greenway in Boston, MA, is another freeway cap park that provides recreational space in an area fragmented by roadways. Previously, 1.5 miles of elevated freeway ran through downtown Boston, separating the North End and Fort Point Channel neighborhoods from the rest of the city. From the early 1990s to 2000, the Big Dig relocated Interstate 93 underground and built a greenway at street level. The area now features five parks that host art exhibitions, food trucks, concerts, and a carousel.

Freeway cap parks have recently increased in popularity. Two projects include the Park Over the Highway in St. Louis, MO, and Klyde Warren Park in Dallas, TX. Both parks resulted from coordination among many stakeholder groups and partner agencies, along with support from a variety of funding sources. These projects and their predecessors represent a locally driven and federally supported movement to reestablish community connections that have been lost due to past highway projects.

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Climate Change Adaptation Guide

The ability of transportation agencies to effectively manage, operate, and maintain a safe, reliable transportation system is being threatened by a changing climate. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change, and long-term climatological trends are slowly but inexorably changing how transportation systems need to be planned, designed, operated, and maintained. A new normal is evolving, and State DOTs are turning their focus toward building resilience.

This guide provides information and resources to help transportation operations and maintenance staff incorporate climate change into their planning and ongoing activities. Adjustments to transportation system management and operations (TSMO) and maintenance programs, ranging from minor to major changes, can help to minimize the current and future risks to effective TSMO and maintenance.

Contact: Laurel Radow, (202) 366-2855,

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Bicycle Networks and Resurfacing Projects

Installing bicycle facilities during roadway resurfacing projects is an efficient and cost-effective way for communities to create connected networks of bicycle facilities. The FHWA's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program has released a workbook, Incorporating On-Road Bicycle Networks into Resurfacing Projects, that provides guidance to transportation agencies for integrating bicycle facilities into their resurfacing program, including methods for fitting bicycle facilities onto existing roads, cost considerations, and case studies. The FHWA's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program promotes safe, comfortable, and convenient walking and bicycling for people of all ages and abilities. The FHWA supports pedestrian and bicycle transportation through funding, policy guidance, program management, and resource development.

The workbook provides recommendations for how roadway agencies can integrate bicycle facilities into their resurfacing program. The workbook also provides methods for fitting bicycle facilities onto existing roadways, cost considerations, and case studies. The workbook does not present detailed design guidance, but highlights existing guidance, justifications, and best practices for providing bikeways during resurfacing projects.

Contact: Dan Goodman, (202) 366-9064,

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Freeway Shoulders for Travel

Part-time shoulder use is a common practice in some European countries and has been gaining interest in the United States. The FHWA has released a guide entitled "Use of Freeway Shoulders for Travel - Guide for Planning, Evaluating, and Designing Part-Time Shoulder Use as a Traffic Management Strategy (Shoulder Use Guide)." There are currently over 30 shoulder use installations in operation across the country covering 14 States. While there is much variety in these applications, the most frequent approach to date is the use of freeway shoulders by transit vehicles during peak period times of the day. Despite the growing interest, there is a lack of guidance and standards to help practitioners through the process of evaluating potential shoulder use implementations.

Part-time shoulder use converts paved roadside shoulders to an area used for travel during portions of the day as a congestion relief strategy. It is sometimes known as temporary shoulder use or hard shoulder running, and is typically implemented on freeways. Alternative, part-time shoulder use can be a cost-effective solution to improving operations and safety by providing additional capacity when it is needed most, while preserving the use of a shoulder as a refuge area during the majority of the day. In some cases, shoulder use applications can serve as an interim solution to highway capacity constraints while agencies further study and/or acquire the necessary resources for adding general-purpose travel lanes.

This guide synthesizes information and best practices. It also outlines a process and covers a range of issues including planning, design, implementation, and day-to-day operation that will help agencies advance shoulder use concepts in their states in a more consistent manner.

Contact: Jim Hunt, (717) 221-4422;; or Greg Jones, (404) 562-3906,; from the Office Operations; or Robert Mooney (202)-366-2221, from the Office of Infrastructure

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Safety Performance Management Measures

The FHWA issued its "final rule" to set the performance management measures that State DOTs and MPOs must track to assess how they are using Federal funds and meeting targets under the Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program.

This safety regulation covers the first of three sets of performance measures the FHWA is generating under MAP-21. The others, expected later this year, will be in the areas of bridge and pavement condition, development of asset management plans, and the metropolitan and statewide planning process.

Matthew Hardy, AASHTO's Program Director for Planning and Performance Management, said State DOTs have been expecting the performance measures for years.

"Overall, the national-level performance measures being developed by the USDOT are intended to provide the public more transparency into how State agencies implement the federal-aid highway program in order to achieve performance targets established for various goal areas," he said, "and better enable transportation leaders to make data-driven decisions on where and how to spend program funds."

Federal Highway Administrator Gregory Nadeau said the rules "will enhance a data-driven approach to making safety decisions, improve collaboration across a wide range of safety partners, and provide transparency for the American public. Most importantly, the rules will help save lives as States set and report on safety targets."

Contact: Susanna Hughes-Reck, (202) 366-1548,

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FHWA Planning Spotlight

Clemons New CA Director for Program Development

Tashia Clemons began her new position as the Director for Program Development in FHWA's California Division Office. She will be working with CALTRANS leading a multidisciplinary team that includes right-of-way specialists, transportation planners, air quality specialists, environmental protection specialists, and community planners. Clemons was previously a Transportation Specialist in the Office of Transportation Performance Management. She joined FHWA in 1993 through the 24-month Highway Engineering Training Program as an Environmental Protection Specialist. Clemons has 15 years of division office work experience, which has provided her a broad background in transportation planning, NEPA, and Tribal coordination. She has extensive knowledge in the areas of asset management and transportation performance management. Clemons has a proven team leadership record as the Planning and Program Manager in the DelMar Division, developing curriculum for employee capacity building with the Performance Management unit, and leading the development of the Performance Management NPRMS. She has a broad background working with stakeholders such as State DOTs, MPOs, Resource Agencies, AASHTO, and TRB.

Contact: Tashia Clemons, (916) 498-5001,

Professional Development Opportunities Sought

The FHWA is seeking developmental assignment opportunities in transportation planning for Professional Development Program (PDP) participants. The PDP provides participants with 2 years of formal training, hands-on experience, and leadership development to prepare them for assignments as journey-level professionals in various technical disciplines. The FHWA covers the salary and expenses of the participants during the developmental assignments, which typically last 8-12 weeks. Participants in the 2016 PDP class will come on board by September.

The FHWA will advertise additional PDP positions in August/September. The FHWA personnel can post internal assignments on the clearinghouse at the link below. External assignments are often at MPOs or State DOTs. External organizations can contact a planner in their FHWA division office to discuss potential opportunities.

Contact (FHWA staff only): Serena Matthews-Parrish, (202) 366-1201

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Informal Mentoring Toolkit Now Available

The Planning Leadership Council is pleased to announce a new tool for FHWA planners interested in professional development. As part of the FHWA Planning Discipline's goal to establish networking opportunities for FHWA planners, the Informal Mentoring Toolkit provides resources to help planners build relationships among fellow FHWA planners to foster professional and personal growth. It's another resource in addition to the 1-year Planning Mentoring Program.

The Informal Mentoring Toolkit consists of the following:

Yolanda Morris of the SC Division found it "very rewarding and invaluable." Sheri Lares of the ND Division appreciated the "opportunity to work with a personable, professional, knowledgeable, approachable individual."

The Informal Mentoring Toolkit is available to FHWA staff via the Planning Discipline SharePoint site listed below.

Contact: Theresa Hutchins, (360) 753-9402,; Jocelyn Jones, (410) 962-2486,;

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Critical Job Elements for FHWA Planners

The Planning Leadership Council (PLC) recently updated the Template Critical Job Elements (CJEs) for FHWA Planners to reflect FHWA's Strategic Implementation Plan for 2016/17 along with new or revised agency initiatives and priorities. The Template CJEs are designed to serve as a guide to assist FHWA planners and their managers in the development of annual critical job elements (CJEs) as part of the agency's unit and individual performance planning process. The template is based on the Planning CORE Function concept and reflects those activities required by law for which FHWA is obligated to act upon, and those activities necessary to support effective stewardship and oversight of the Federal program.

In addition to the template CJEs, the PLC provided frequently asked questions to help guide planners through the process of developing and using CJEs to reflect their specific roles and responsibilities. The Template CJEs for FHWA Planners is available to FHWA staff via the Planning Discipline SharePoint site at the link below.

Contact: Theresa Hutchins, (360) 753-9402,; or Jocelyn Jones, (410) 962-2486,;

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2017 Transportation Planning Excellence Awards

The Transportation Planning Excellence Awards (TPEA) Program is a biennial awards program developed by FHWA and FTA and cosponsored by the American Planning Association. The program provides a unique opportunity to recognize and celebrate the outstanding transportation planning practice performed by planners and decision-makers in communities across the country. The FHWA and FTA will be accepting project nominations from June 1 to July 1, 2016. To learn more about the TPEA Program, contact the individuals below.

Contact: Rae Keasler, (202) 366-0329,; or Tonya Holland, (202) 493-0283,

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News from FTA

Innovative Infrastructure Investment

In her blog, FTA Acting Administrator Therese McMillan says that innovative infrastructure investment expands opportunity. "We highlight the ways in which transportation has connected us as a Nation. Just think, before our highway system, that cross-country road trip you are planning for the summer would have been nearly impossible. But ... in my speech at the Center for American Progress, I sought to inform on how past transportation infrastructure decisions have divided us. Nothing in our built environment is accidental. And it's no different in transportation - intentional design can be seen in all forms of transportation infrastructure - transit systems, airports, railroads and ports. But this intentional design is especially evident in our Nation's highway system."

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Transit-Oriented Development Technical Aid

The FTA will provide nine cities with technical assistance designed to encourage economic development around existing or planned transportation projects. The FTA chose the cities through a competitive process. The aid will vary, ranging from multi-day visits to targeted 1-day workshops. The nine recipient cities are Stamford, CT; Honolulu, HI; Moline, IL; Louisville, KY; Kansas City, MO; Oklahoma City, OK; San Antonio, TX; Lynnwood, WA; and Richmond, VA. "This initiative will help these nine communities create stronger neighborhoods around their transit service," said FTA Senior Adviser Carolyn Flowers, who is currently heading the FTA. The assistance, the agency said, will help "create opportunities that jumpstart local economies and strengthen communities, with a focus on boosting disadvantaged areas."

U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx said: "Helping local leaders leverage their transit investments to attract more affordable housing, commercial development, and jobs is a critical priority" for his department and that "in these communities, people will now more easily get to where they need to go without relying solely on cars."

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Transit Agencies and Land Use Decision Making

The Transportation Research Board's "Transit Cooperative Research Program Report 182: Linking Transit Agencies and Land Use Decision Making: Guidebook for Transit Agencies" is designed to help transit agencies address the connections among transit, land use planning, and development decision making.

The report addresses improved transit and land use decision making by providing transit agencies with tools to help them become more effective at the decision-making table. The tools, which build on successful transit and land use decision-making experiences throughout the United States, can help transit agencies self-assess their readiness to participate effectively in the land use decision making process and help improve their interactions with key stakeholders in the process, including local governments and developers.

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News from Federal Partners

Smart Growth for Small Cities and Towns

Many communities are finding success cultivating a competitive advantage by using their unique assets to attract new investment and support existing businesses. What distinguishes smart growth economic development from conventional economic development is the emphasis on building on these existing community assets, rather than pursuing jobs or tax base growth without particular regard for location or synergies among existing assets. The U.S. EPA has released a report that provides a step-by-step guide for small- and mid-sized cities to develop an economic growth strategy, including through addressing the available transportation options.

This smart growth economic development tool is a step-by-step guide to building a place-based economic development strategy. The tool is intended for small and mid-sized cities, particularly those that have limited population growth, areas of disinvestment, and/or a struggling economy.

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EPA Diesel Grants Yield Billions in Health Benefits

The EPA said that since 2008 it has issued 642 grants totaling $570 million, which grant recipients have used to retrofit or replace nearly 73,000 diesel engines. The EPA estimates its clean diesel awards generate as much as $13 of public health benefits for every dollar spent on projects. EPA estimates the program has saved more than 450 million gallons of fuel, avoiding nearly 15,000 tons of particulate matter emissions (or soot), and far more of nitrogen oxides that help create smog and acid rain.

Janet McCabe, the EPA's Acting Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation, said the EPA program "is making a visible difference in communities that need it most through the funding of cleaner trucks, buses, trains and other heavy equipment." The agency has issued the majority of the awards to replace truck and bus engines, but also provided grants to upgrade locomotive and marine engines. The EPA still estimates that more than 1 million of the older-model "legacy fleet engines will remain in operation in 2030," but said applications from fleet owners for the engine grants have exceeded available funds.

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News from State Partners

Economic Impacts of Multimodal Improvements

Among possible transportation improvements, some may be far more effective than others in helping Maryland's economy, preserving existing jobs, attracting employers with desirable jobs to the State, improving productivity and stimulating long-term economic development. The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) planners and engineers are increasingly expected to consider such benefits but lack sufficient tools. The Maryland SHA has released a report entitled "Estimating the Economic Impacts of Multimodal Improvements" that quantifies the broader economic impacts of different types of transportation infrastructure investments, such as a new inter-county connector highway, express toll lanes, and an additional lane on an existing highway.

Existing methods for evaluating the benefits of transportation projects focus largely on travel time savings and crash reductions, but are not designed for estimating other important benefits, such as the consumer surplus resulting from transportation improvements and the impacts of projects on employment, regional economic activity, and development.

The objective of this research was to develop a tool for SHA to quantify the broader economic benefits of different types of transportation infrastructure investment projects. The methods and tool developed are suitable for integration with the evaluation methods, processes, and software currently used by SHA, and applicable to evaluating projects at different scales, including spot, segment, corridor and statewide system levels. The tool consistently evaluates projects across various modes, for passenger and freight transportation, as well as in urban, suburban, and rural areas.

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News From Other Partners

Robert Puentes New Eno Center President and CEO

On April 11, 2016, Robert J. Puentes officially began his tenure with the Eno Center for Transportation as the 13th President and CEO. Puentes, who is succeeding Dr. Joshua Schank, previously held the position of Senior Fellow and Director of the Metropolitan Infrastructure Initiative at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. While with the Brookings Institution, Puentes' work focused on a variety of topics concerning metropolitan growth and development, including sustainable transportation, infrastructure finance, access to opportunity, and urban planning.

For many years, Puentes has been one of the leading experts on transportation issues. Eno is excited to incorporate his research and policy experience into its reputation as an impartial thought leader and source of education and development for professionals throughout the transportation industry.

Contact: Ann Henebery, (202) 879-4700,

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Roundabout Practices

Over the past 25 years, traffic roundabouts have gone from nonexistent in the United States to being found in every State. In that time, State agencies have continued to update their roundabout policies, guidance, and practices. "TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Synthesis 488: Roundabout Practices" summarizes roundabout policies, guidance, and practices within State DOTs as of 2015. The intent of the synthesis is twofold: to be a useful reference to agencies that are creating or updating roundabout and/or intersection control policies; and to provide updated information about current roundabout practices.

From 1990, when the first roundabout in the United States was constructed, to 2013, approximately 3,200 roundabouts are estimated to have been built. In general, roundabouts have been constructed at an increasing rate each year, and by 2010, all 50 States and the District of Columbia had a roundabout. Single-lane roundabouts have consistently been the most common type constructed, although the ratio of multilane roundabouts to single-lane roundabouts has increased slightly over the last decade. Agency policies, guidance, and practices regarding the selection and design of roundabouts vary across the United States. Currently, 11 States formally require the analysis of roundabout alternatives, and 19 additional States encourage the analysis of roundabout alternatives.

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Driverless Vehicles in the Legal Environment

Sometime within the next decade, driverless vehicles will join conventional vehicles, which are operated by human drivers, on the roads of the United States. TRB's "National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Legal Research Digest 69: A Look at the Legal Environment for Driverless Vehicles" explores legal policy issues that may be associated with driverless vehicles. It provides an introduction to how civil and criminal liability may adhere to driverless vehicles, the implications of these vehicles for privacy and security, how these vehicles are likely to become subject to and potentially alter prevailing automobile insurance regimes, and other related topics.

How many people will decide to forego human driving for driverless vehicles is a matter of wide speculation. Many drivers will likely stay with conventional cars for a time. After all, given advancing technology, in the near future conventional vehicles will be highly automated, capable of limited self-driving, partially autonomous, and probably connected. Nevertheless, even if driverless vehicles are adopted only gradually and partially, their introduction onto roadways still will have numerous legal ramifications.

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Training & Workshops

NHI Courses

Designing for Pedestrian Safety

NEPA and the Transportation Process

Advanced Seminar on Transportation Project Development: Navigating the NEPA Maze

Federal-Aid Highways 101 (State Version)

NTI Courses

Securing Community Mobility (Direct Delivery)

Securing Community Mobility (Train the Trainer)

Introduction to Transit Service Planning

Comprehensive ADA Paratransit Eligibility

Paratransit Management and Operations

TRB Events

11th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management

Automated Vehicles Symposium 2016

Resource Conservation and Recovery Summer Conference

International Conference on Demand Responsive Transportation

APA Events

Policy and Advocacy Conference

Daniel Burnham Forum on Big Ideas

Planners' Day on Capitol Hill

NADO Events

National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Create. Challenge. Change. Economic Development Conference for the Denver Region

2016 Annual Training Conference

APTA Events

Multimodal Operations Planning Workshop

State Public Transportation Partnerships/Transit Midwest Conference

APTA Annual Meeting


Performance Measures to Evaluate New and Established Practices

Street Design and Planning in Suburban Contexts

BTS Webinar: Geospatial Data and Analysis for Transportation

Calendar of Events

Safety Analysis of Freeway Segments and Interchanges

First International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete

National Association of Counties Conference & Exhibition

Comprehensive Bikeway Design 2.0

2016 AASHTO Subcommittee on Transportation Systems Management and Operations Annual Meeting

Institute of Transportation Engineers Annual Meeting and Exhibit

Comprehensive Bikeway Design 1.0

International Open Streets Summit

2016 Special Committee on Transportation Security and Emergency Management (SCOTSEM)

5th IENE International Conference on Ecology and Transportation

National Working Summit on Transportation in Rural America: Moving Rural America

Advancing Safe Transportation Systems to Enhance Economic Development and Quality of Life

2016 AASHTO Subcommittee on Transportation Communications

National Conference on Rural Public and Intercity Bus Transportation

NRITS (National Rural Intelligent Transportation Systems) Conference

CitiesAlive: 14th Annual Green Roof & Wall Conference Rising to the Stormwater Challenge!

Staff Updates

Staff Changes

From Office To Office
FHWA Offices
Corbin Davis TN HQ HEPP
Andrew Emanuele MN MN
Justin Morgan UT TX
Cheng Yan CA VA

Staff Retirement - FHWA

Larry Heil retired from Indiana

Upcoming Events

The Transportation Planning Update is published three times a year according to the following schedule:

We welcome your submissions. We can accept articles, announcements and other relevant materials up to two months prior to the publication month. Please submit your contributions to:


Visit the calendars posted on the following websites for upcoming transportation events:


FHWA Planning, Environment and Realty:

FHWA Resource Center:

Transportation Research Board:

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Updated: 6/15/2016
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