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Solicitation Now Open

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program's 17.1 solicitation is open through December 21, 2016. It opened October 19, 2016.

How to Apply

  • Read the 17.1 solicitation for information about the 17.1 topics and about proposal requirements.
  • Review the 17.1 Technical and Administrative Questions.
    • If you do not see the answer to your question(s), submit additional technical or administrative questions to the U.S. DOT SBIR Program Office at
    • The office will only answer questions submitted by email on or before 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday, December 6, 2016
    • All questions and answers will be posted as soon as they are received and answered by our experts.
  • Submit a proposal through our secure site.

You must submit 3 separate files for your proposal (see guidelines and requirements in the solicitation):

We will notify all applicants of their proposal status by March 19, 2016 (90 days after the close of the solicitation).

Solicitation Topics 

AgencyTopic NumberTopic

Federal Highway Administration

17.1-FH1Accurate and Rapid Measurement of Adsorption Capacity of Fly Ash in Concrete Mixtures

Federal Highway Administration

17.1-FH2Rapid Assessment of Air Void System in Fresh Concrete
Federal Railroad Administration17.1-FR1Methods for Remanufacturing Creosote-Railroad Ties
Federal Railroad Administration17.1-FR2 Broken Rail Detection from Flashing Rear End Device
Federal Railroad Administration17.1-FR3 Resilient Wayside Structures to Reduce Severity of Passenger Equipment Collisions and Derailments
Federal Railroad Administration17.1-FR4 Smart Phone Application for Onboard Railroad Passenger Information System
Federal Transit Administration17.1-FT1 Train Crowding and Information Dissemination for Transit Users
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration17.1-NH1 Detection of THC Use in Drivers
Office of the Secretary of Transportation – Research17.1-OS1System and Supply Chain for Recycling Lithium-ion batteries in the Transportation System

Technical and Administrative Questions

We will accept technical and administrative questions through 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Tuesday, December 6, 2016. We may not answer questions submitted after that time. Submit questions to Only emailed questions will be answered.

U.S. DOT does not provide information on techncial points of contact for the topics in the solicitation. Contact with U.S. DOT relative to this solicitation during the Phase I proposal preparation and evaluation period is restricted to the DOT's SBIR Program Office. All technical and administrative questions relative to the 17.1 solicitation must be submitted via email to

Questions and answers will be posted on this U.S. DOT SBIR Program website.

For general SBIR Program inquiries not pertaining to this solicitation, please contact:

U.S. DOT’s SBIR Hotline at 617-494-2051 or

Pre-Proposal Webinar

pre-proposal webinar for small businesses interested in applying to the U.S. DOT SBIR 17.1 solicitation will be held on Monday, October 24, 2016, at 1:30 p.m. (ET).

Updated: Wednesday, October 19, 2016
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