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Florida High-Speed Rail Corridor: Tampa-Orlando

Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision

The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) proposes to develop Florida High Speed Rail (FHSR) in the Tampa – Orlando – Miami corridor. This first phase FHSR Project would complete the section between Tampa and Orlando.

The Notice of Availability Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for this project was published on September 5, 2003. Public hearings on the DEIS were held October 7, 8 and 9, 2003 in the project area. The comment period on the DEIS ended on October 20, 2003.

The FRA released the Final EIS for the Tampa to Orlando High Speed Rail project in July 2005, and the Notice of Availability was published by U.S. EPA in the Federal Register on August 5, 2005.

The FRA completed the Final Environmental Impact Statement Reevaluation and a Record of Decision/Section 4(f) Determination (ROD) in May 2010.

Record of Decision/Section 4(f) Determination

Final Environmental Impact Statement Reevaluation (Appendix A to the ROD)

Reevaluation of the FEIS   
Reevaluation Appendix A – Tech Memo
Reevaluation Appendix B – Concept Plans
Reevaluation Appendix C – Technical Analysis Memoranda
Reevaluation Appendix D – Supporting Memoranda
Reevaluation Appendix E – Public Involvement

ROD Appendix B—Mitigation and Commitments
ROD Appendix C—Public Involvement/Comment Summary

Final EIS (2005)

Download the Final EIS 

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    Washington, DC 20590
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