Focus on Congestion Relief

Federal Highway Administration Contacts

By Subject Area

Traffic Congestion

  • Rich Taylor, Operations Performance Measures and Management / Congestion Mitigation Coordinator: 202-366-1327
  • Steve Clinger, Operations Deployment Team Leader: 202-366-2168
  • Wayne Berman, Congestion Management and Pricing Team Leader: 202-366-4069
  • Bob Rupert, Transportation Information Team Leader / 511: 202-366-2194

Traffic Incident Management

  • Paul Jodoin, Traffic Incident Management: 202-366-5465

Work Zone Management

  • Paul Pisano, Work Zone Management and Safety Team Leader: 202-366-1301

Road Weather Management Program

Traffic Management for Planned Special Events

  • Laurie Radow, Traffic Management for Planned Special Events: 202-366-2835

Traffic Analysis Tools

  • John Halkias, Systems Management Team Leader: 202-366-2183

Access Management

Arterial Management

  • Eddie Curtis, Arterial Systems Management and Operations: 404-562-3920

Freeway Management and HOV Facilities

  • Neil Spiller, Freeway Management and Traffic Operations: 202-366-2188

Value Pricing

Public Private Partnerships