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Environmental Reviews

Initial Development of Alternatives Technical Memorandum Appendix B

  • 08
  • Jul
  • 2016
AUTHOR: Federal Railroad Administration
SUBJECT: Environmental Protection
KEYWORDS: Initial Development of Alternatives Technical Memorandum Appendix B
ABSTRACT: This memo describes the process used to develop the screening criteria that will be used to establish the set of alternatives to be carried forward into the Service‐level Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Texas‐ Oklahoma Passenger Rail Study (TOPRS). The major products associated with the Alternatives Analysis task are outlined below, along with the goals the criteria were designed to meet. In addition, the process used to develop the list of criteria is described. The key steps of the process included a brainstorming session among the project task leads, development of an initial list of criteria, metrics and refinement from task leads, alignment with the project Purpose and Need, and final review and edits by the project management team.
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