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California HST - San Francisco to San Jose

Environmental Impact Statement

The preparation of the Tier 2 / project-level San Francisco–San Jose High Speed Train (HST) Project EIR/EIS will involve development of preliminary engineering designs and assessment of environmental effects associated with the construction, operation, and maintenance of the HST system, including track, ancillary facilities and stations, along the previously selected San Francisco– San Jose corridor.  Previous FRA decisions were made about this section of the HST system with the Bay Area to Central Valley Program EIR/EIS.

Notice of Intent: California High Speed Train Project : San Fransisco to San Jose

As the California High Speed Rail Authority has extended the scoping period to April 6, 2009, comments on the scope of the EIS will be accepted beyond the date indicated in the Notice of Intent through April 6th, 2009.

For more information see the the California High Speed Rail Authority website at

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