CPF 1-2001-1005W
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May 29, 2001
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May 29, 2001


Mr. Reed Robinson
Vice President, Field Services
Columbia Gas Transmission Company
P.O. Box 1273
1700 MacCorkle Avenue, SE
Charleston, WV 25325-1273

CPF No. 1-2001-1005W

Dear Mr. Robinson:

During the period of January 17-18, 2001, a representative of the Eastern Region, Office of Pipeline Safety OPS, pursuant to Chapter 601 of 49 United States Code, conducted an onsite pipeline safety
inspection of your pipeline records at Charleston, West Virginia.

As a result of the inspection, it appears that you have committed probable violations as noted below of pipeline safety regulations, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 192.

The items inspected and the probable violations are:

  1. § 192.555(e), in that an examination of your records for the intended up-rating of portions of Line VA in Virginia from Big Ridge to Gala to Bickers that occurred during September 16-21,
    1998, indicated that the pressure was slowly ramped to the new operating pressure, without establishing and pausing at incremental pressure steps during the process.
  2. § 192.553(a)(1), in that an examination of those same records indicated that the segments were checked for leaks, but not during prescribed incremental pressure steps.

Under 49 United States Code, § 60122, you are subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 for each violation for each day the violations persists up to a maximum of $500,000 for any related series of violations.

We have reviewed the circumstances and supporting documents involved in this case, and have decided not to assess you a civil penalty. We advise you, however, that should you not correct the circumstances leading to the violations, we will take enforcement action when and if the continued violations comes to our attention.

You will not hear from us again with regard to the noted inspection and our subsequent action. Because of the good faith that you have exhibited up to this time, we expect that you will act to bring your pipeline (and/or your operations) into compliance with pipeline safety regulations.


William H. Gute
Director, Eastern Region
Office of Pipeline Safety


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