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Frequently Asked Questions: Budget & Policy

1) Question:
I’ve been looking for information on FTA’s budget to Congress but I can’t find it?
The information you requested can be found at http://www.dot.gov/bib2009/budgetestimates/fta.pdf
2) Question:
Where can I find information on federal funding for transit?
There are multiple references to various sources of funding for transit, as well as FTA’s assessment of transit conditions, performance, and investment needs. All of which can be found in the Department of Transportation’s biannual Conditions and Performance Report at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/2006cpr/index.htm
3) Question:
Where can I find information on reauthorization as it pertains to SAFETEA-LU?
A listing of all SAFETEA-LU activities can be found at: http://www.fta.dot.gov/index_4696.html

Didn't find the answer you were seeking? Submit Question or Comment.

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