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Get Involved! — A Campaign Marketing Toolkit

trs banner

Car crashes are a leading cause of death for children 1 to 13 years old. Many times deaths and injuries can be prevented by proper use of car seats, booster seats, and seat belts. The toolkit shows you how to download our PSAs for free and provides tips on how you can use campaign material both online and in your community.

Campaign Background
Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet

Outreach Tips
How to Get PSAs Placed
How To Get PSAs Placed
Digital Outreach Pitch Materials
Digital Outreach Pitch Materials

Earned Media
Sample Proclamation
Proclamation Letter
Sample Proclamation Letter
Talking Points
Talking Points
Additional Statistics
Additional Statistics
Press Release
Sample Press Release
Press Release -
Pre Event
Sample Press Release - Pre Event
Press Release -
Post Event
Sample Press Release - Post Event

Social Media
Twitter Chat Flyer
Twitter Chat Flyer

CPS Week

We're counting down for Child Passenger Safety Week, and we want you to join us! We've included dates with the images as a suggested calendar for posting. Our 2016 countdown begins Saturday, August 27, and ends on National Seat Check Saturday, September 24.

JPGs are between 250 KB and 400 KB

August 27
Social Media Image Aug. 27
August 28
Social Media Image Aug. 28
August 29
Social Media Image Aug. 29
>> More

August 30
Social Media Image Aug. 30
August 31
Social Media Image  Aug. 31
September 1
Social Media Image Sept. 1
September 2
Social Media Image Sept. 2
September 3
Social Media Image Sept. 3
September 4
Social Media Image Sept. 4
September 5
Social Media Image Sept. 5
September 6
Social Media Image Sept. 6
September 7
Social Media Image Sept. 7
September 8
Social Media Image Sept. 8
September 9
Social Media Image Sept. 9
September 10
Social Media Image Sept. 10
September 11
Social Media Image Sept. 11
September 12
Social Media Image Sept. 12
September 13
Social Media Image Sept. 13
September 14
Social Media Image Sept. 14
September 15
Social Media Image Sept. 15
September 16
Social Media Image Sept. 16
September 17
Social Media Image Sept. 17
September 18
Social Media Image Sept. 18
September 19
Social Media Image Sept. 19
September 20
Social Media Image Sept. 20
September 21
Social Media Image Sept. 21
September 22
Social Media Image Sept. 22
September 23
Social Media Image Sept. 23
September 24
Social Media Image Sept. 24

Know It Alls
Know It All
The Future
The Future
Question Everything
Question Everything

These spots are for Internet use only. They are NOT for broadcast use. Due to size restrictions, we cannot upload broadcast quality spots to the web. To download national and localized broadcast quality HD and SD TV files, please visit PSA Central .

Let Me Ask You
Age Means Everything
You Do So Much
Know It Alls

For high-quality radio files: visit PSA Central and select the Child Passenger Safety campaign and your desired medium, call 1-800-933-772, or e-mail and ask for Child Passenger Safety campaign materials.

Web Banners
Secure His Future
Boy Web Banner
Secure Her Future
Girl Web Banner
Bottle Web Banner
Know For Sure

If you wish to have these customized or retagged, contact NHTSA @ 202-366-3587 or

*Please note that the web banners don't click through to the landing page when previewing from this toolkit. You will need to download them then and associate the landing page with the banner when embedding/using on your site.

Secure His Future - Print Preview
Secure His Future
Secure His Future - Print Preview
Black & White
Secure Her Future
Secure Her Future - Print Preview
Black & White
Car Seat Installation Checklist
Car Seat Install Checklist - PDF 135 KB Car Seat Install Checklist-Short - PDF 135 KB
Booster Seat Installation Checklist
Booster Seat Install Checklist - PDF 116 KB Booster Seat Install Checklist-Short - PDF 110 KB

Stacking Toy
Stacking Toy
Car Seat Recommendations:
Choosing the Right Car Seat
Chart of car seat recommendations
There's A Time
There's A Time - Print Preview
It's Too Late
It's Too Late - Print Preview
Black & White

Bus Shelter
Secure His Future
Secure His Future - Bus Shelter Preview
Secure Her Future
Secure Her Future - Bus Shelter Preview
Popsicle Bus Shelter
Stacking Toy
stacking toy
Secure His Future
Secure His Future - Billboard Preview
Secure Her Future
Secure Her Future - Billboard Preview
Know For Sure
Not the Time
Not the Time

These assets expire on 9/10/16. For retag please contact NHTSA at 202-366-3587 or .

Due to size restrictions, we cannot upload high resolution outdoor ads to the web. For high-quality print and outdoor files: visit PSA Central and select the Child Passenger Safety campaign and your desired medium; or call 1-800-933-772 or e-mail and ask for Child Passenger Safety campaign material. If you'd like to implement the web banners using DART, please contact for details, with "Child Passenger Safety banners" in the subject line.

Additional Resources