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Apr 25, 2007
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Topic: Require HMEP recipients to conduct training exercises with railroads and other transporters of hazardous materials operating within their jurisdictions as a means of evaluating State, regional, and local emergency hazardous materials response plans.

NTSB Recommendation: Require and verify that States and their communities that receive funds through the Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness grant program conduct training exercises and drills with the joint participation of railroads and other transporters of hazardous materials operating within their jurisdictions as a means of evaluating State, regional, and local emergency hazardous materials response plans.

PHMSA Action: Examining ways to improve the availability of information for emergency responders and strategies for enhancing emergency response planning and training efforts, including more targeted use of HMEP grant funds. Also encouraging states to conduct training with the joint participation of railroads and other transporters of hazardous materials.

Latest PHMSA Response: Letter to NTSB 04/04/2011

NTSB Status: CR

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