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Sep 2, 2011
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Topic:   Cargo Tank Performance Standards

NTSB Recommendation:  Conduct a comprehensive analysis of all available accident data on U.S. Department of Transportation specification cargo tanks to identify cargo tank designs and the associated dynamic forces that pose a higher risk of failure and release of hazardous materials in accidents. Once such cargo tanks have been identified, study the dynamic forces acting on susceptible structures under varying accident conditions and develop performance standards to eliminate or mitigate these risks.

PHMSA Action:  On October 1, 2012, PHMSA initiated a 6-month special study to improve the data quality on cargo tank rollover incidents that occur after the study start date. PHMSA will review the 5800.1 forms submitted to us during this time period to ensure quality of data, and will conduct follow-up to ensure completeness of information and to request additional information. The study will also provide supplemental information such as the cargo tank type (e.g., circular).

Latest PHMSA Response: Letter to NTSB 04/24/2013

NTSB Status:  OAA