Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations

Quick Response Freight Manual II

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration

Office of Freight Management and Operations
Phone: 202-366-9210
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September 2007
Publication #FHWA-HOP-08-010
EDL #14396

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Table of Contents

Acknowledgments / Notice / Quality Assurance Statement / Technical Report Documentation Page


Part A

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Freight Demand – Controlling Factors


Part B

3.0 Simple Growth Factor Methods

4.0 Incorporating Freight into “Four-Step” Travel Forecasting

5.0 Commodity Models

6.0 Hybrid Approaches

7.0 Economic Activity Models


Part C

8.0 Model Validation

9.0 Existing Data

10.0 Freight Data Collection

11.0 Applications Issues

12.0 Case Studies

13.0 Intermodal Considerations in Freight Modeling and Forecasting

Appendix A.  Freight Glossary

Appendix B.  Commodity Classifications


List of Tables

Table 3.1 Linear Growth Regression

Table 3.2 Compound Growth Regression

Table 3.3 Daily Truck-Trip Rates Used in Factoring Truck Trips

Table 3.4 Results of TH 10 Forecast Daily Trucks

Table 4.1 Truck Trips Rates

Table 4.2 Average Truck Trip Lengths

Table 4.3 Travel Behavior Characteristics for All Commercial Service Vehicles Using the Aggregate Demand Method

Table 4.4 Travel Behavior Characteristics for All Commercial Service Vehicles Using the Network-Based Quick Response Method

Table 4.5 Indiana Freight Model Variables Used in Trip Generation

Table 4.6 Indiana Freight Model Production Equations

Table 4.7 Indiana Freight Model Attraction Equations

Table 4.8 Florida Freight Model Commodity Groups

Table 4.9 Florida Freight Model Production Equations

Table 4.10 Attraction Equations

Table 4.11 Wisconsin Freight Model Trip Production and Attraction Regression Models

Table 4.12 Florida Freight Model Productions and Attractions for Ports and Terminals

Table 4.13 Wisconsin Freight Model Freight Outbound Special Generators and Tonnages

Table 4.14 Wisconsin Freight Model Freight Inbound Special Generators and Tonnages

Table 4.15 Indiana Freight Model Trip Distribution Model Coefficients

Table 4.16 Florida Freight Model Trip Distribution Results

Table 4.17 Wisconsin Freight Model Average Trip Lengths by Commodity

Table 4.18 Indiana Freight Model Commodity Density Values for Railcars and Trucks

Table 4.19 Florida Freight Model Tonnage to Truck Conversion Factors

Table 4.20 Wisconsin Freight Model Truck Payload Factors by Commodity and Distance Class

Table 4.21 Florida Freight Model State Line Volume/Count Ratio

Table 4.22 Florida Freight Model Major Statewide Screenline Volume/Count Ratio

Table 4.23 Wisconsin Freight Model HPMS versus Model Truck VMT by Functional Class

Table 4.24 Truck Trip Generation Rates for Air Cargo Operations

Table 5.1 Georgia Freight Model Freight Analysis Framework Annual Percentage Rate of Growth

Table 5.2 Tennessee Freight Model Commodity Production to Employment Relations by Model Commodity Group

Table 5.3 Tennessee Freight Model Commodity Consumption to Employment Relations by Model Commodity Group

Table 5.4 Georgia Freight Model TRANSEARCH Tonnage Mode Split

Table 5.5 Tennessee Freight Model Estimated Payload for Commodity Groups

Table 5.6 Virginia Freight Model Truck 1 Load Factors

Table 5.7 Tennessee Freight Model Assignment Validation

Table 7.1 Dynamic Interactions in Integrated Economic Activity Modeling Framework

Table 7.2 Data Inputs for Oregon Statewide Model

Table 8.1 California DMV Vehicle Types by Commercial Vehicle Category

Table 8.2 Business and Personal Services Vehicles in California Cities

Table 8.3 Fleet Sizes across Select Cities in California

Table 8.4 Fleet Sizes across Select Cities in New York State

Table 10.1 Advantages and Limitations of Mail-Out/Mail-Back, Telephone, and Combined Telephone and Mail Surveys

Table 12.1 SAM Commodity Groups


List of Figures

Figure 4.1 “Four-Step” Process of Freight Forecasting

Figure 4.2 Goods and Modal Characteristics

Figure 5.1 Tennessee Freight Model TRANSEARCH Database Sample Frame

Figure 5.2 Tennessee Freight Model Regions and District Geography

Figure 5.3 Virginia Freight Model Commodity Flow Forecast Methodology

Figure 7.1 Steps Involved in Economic Activity Modeling Framework

Figure 7.2 Modules in the Oregon Statewide Model

Figure 7.3 Dynamic Interactions in an Integrated Land Use-Transportation System

Figure 7.4 The Cross-Cascades Corridor Spatial Input-Output Approach

Figure 7.5 Trip Generation and Distribution in the Cross-Cascade Model

Figure 8.1 Trip Length Frequency Distribution

Figure 8.2 Coincidence Ratio for Trip Distribution

Figure 8.3 Maximum Desirable Deviation in Total Screenline Volumes

Figure 8.4 Assigned versus Observed Average Daily Traffic Volumes

Figure 12.1 LAMTA Model Freight Forecasting Process

Figure 12.2 Highway Network for Florida Intermodal Statewide Highway Freight Model

Figure 12.3 Texas SAM Network

Next Section
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