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  1. How does NASA keep my report confidential?
  2. If I report a close call about someone else, will the information about that person remain confidential?
  3. What happens to the information I provided if my close call is rejected?
  4. Does the carrier see my close call report?
  5. Does PRT or FRA see my close call report?
  6. Are there any conditions under which NASA would reveal my identity?
  7. How does NASA protect my identity from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests or legal action?

  1. How does NASA keep my report confidential?
    NASA removes all personal and carrier information from a close call report so that the identity of the reporting employee or anyone mentioned in the report cannot be determined. NASA will not share any information that could enable someone to determine the person making the close call report or information that is referred to in the report on the basis of indirect identifiers such as train ID or the milepost at which an event occurred. NASA removes and returns any identifying information on reports.
  2. If I report a close call about someone else, will the information about that person remain confidential?
    Yes. All information that could identify someone is removed before it can be shared. Even if no names are given, NASA will not share any information that could enable someone to determine the person making the close call report or the person(s) referred to in the report on the basis of indirect identifiers such as train ID or the milepost at which an event occurred.
  3. What happens to the information I provided if my close call is rejected?
    NASA will destroy any information you provided either by telephone or in writing.
  4. Does the carrier see my close call report?
    No, the PRT receives C3RS summary reports from NASA with personal/carrier information removed or de-identified. Carriers agree they will not use the data to identify who else might be engaged in the same activity or to discipline and decertify employees for that behavior.
  5. Does the PRT or FRA see my close call report?
    No, the PRT receives a C3RS summary from NASA with personal/carrier information removed or de-identified. FRA receives an annual C3RS summary report with no personal/carrier information.
  6. Are there any conditions under which NASA would reveal my identity?
    No. NASA will never reveal the identity of someone making a close call report, even if a report is not accepted.
  7. How does NASA protect my identity from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests or legal action?
    In the event of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request or legal action for your close call report or interview, NASA will keep that information confidential.


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    Washington, DC 20590
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