Report Processing

Incident reports are read and analyzed by NASA C3RS's rail safety analysts. The analyst staff is composed of experienced railroad professionals. Their years of experience are uniformly measured in decades, and cover the full spectrum of railroad operations.

Each report received by the C3RS is read by a NASA rail safety analyst. The first task is to identify any hazards that might be discussed in reports. Analysts' second task is to classify reports and evaluate underlying contributing factors in each reported event. After de-identifying the report and removing all personal information, the identification strip of the report is returned to the person who submitted the report as proof of submission. The analyst’s observations and the de-identified report are incorporated into the NASA C3RS database and a de-identified summary of your report is forwarded to the appropriate Peer Review Team (PRT). The PRT analyzes the information contained in the de-identified report and may recommend an appropriate corrective action for system operations.