5-Step Examination and Assignment for New Explosives
  • Article

For all explosives except those produced by the U.S. Department of Defense or the U. S. Department of Energy, new explosives must be examined and assigned a recommended shipping description, classification, and compatibility group by an agency authorized by the Associate Administrator to do so.

This examination and recommendation involves a 5-step process:

  1. The producer of the new explosive submits appropriate data to the examining agency and requests advice on proper procedure to be followed in making a sample available for examination;
  2. The examining agency provides written instructions, including a tentative shipping description and classification, on making the sample available for examination;
  3. A sample is made available, utilizing the examining agency instructions for shipment (as permitted by 173.56(d));
  4. Test results and recommendations of the examining agency are submitted to the producer of the new explosive;
  5. The test results and recommendations are submitted to DOT in support of an application for a formal Classification of Explosives.