NHTSA Traffic Safety Programs

The Community Traffic Safety Resource Center is your support system for a nationwide network of traffic safety coalitions, partners and communities. Here you will find resources to:
  • Help to build and booster your local efforts at the community level
  • Find research materials to build community buy-in
  • Access marketing material and customized templates with local information (Power Point presentations, videos, brochures, and downloadable files)
  • Get connected via our nationwide traffic safety networks.  

E-mail the Resource Center for help with your community's traffic safety mission.

Community traffic safety coalitions - when a community takes ownership of their traffic safety problems, it's members are in the best position to make a difference. Community Traffic Safety Coalition members share a vision of saving lives and preventing injuries caused by traffic related issues and their associated costs to the community and the Nation. Their make-up is as varied and unique as the community they represent, but at a minimum include injury prevention professionals, educational institutions, businesses, hospital and emergency medical systems, law enforcement agencies, engineers, planners, and other community stakeholders working together and in partnership with their State Highway Safety Offices. See the Overview page.

What do Community Traffic Safety Coalitions Look Like?

The San Antonio Texas Traffic Jam Coalition has been working for over 20 years to reduce injuries, fatalities and the cost to its communities Texas and surrounding counties. Traffic JAM brought partners, representing a multi-county, multi-jurisdictional, and multi-discipline cast of partners, to sit at the table and resolve traffic-related issues. Contact Texas Department of Transportation for more information on their community traffic safety efforts. Click the coalition link to see current activities and program efforts conducted by Traffic Jam. Traffic Jam is only one example of the many coalitions and organizations working to make a difference at the local level to improve traffic-related problems.

Additional Resources to Enhance Your Programs

Safety in Numbers

SAFETY 1N NUM3ERS is NHTSA's new online campaign with a monthly newsletter on hot topics in traffic safety - including problem identification, people at risk, and recommended practices and solutions to mitigate injury and death on our nation's roadways. Read More

Parent's Central

PARENTS CENTRAL is located on the safercar.gov web site and is a one-stop shop with tools and resources for keeping our kids safe in and around cars.

For information on the latest traffic safety campaigns, visit TrafficSafetyMarketing.gov.

  Building coalitions
  Processes and activities
  Sustaining coalitions
  Contact us
  State coalitions and links
  Multicultural organizations
  NHTSA regions
  National partners
Town Square
  Fresh ideas  
  Coalition activities  
  Webinars and training 
Product Shop
  NHTSA calendar of events
  NHTSA campaign materials
  NHTSA materials catalog
  NHTSA image library
  Community toolkit
  Resource Library
  "Parents Central" portal
  "Safety In Numbers" newsletters