Emergency Medical Services

Screening and Brief Intervention Toolkit for the Hispanic Patient (NHMA) (Report)

Screening and Brief Intervention Toolkit for the Hispanic Patient (NHMA) (Report)

Product ID: 810 953
IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY:  Screening and brief intervention have been shown to be effective strategies for reducing impaired driving as well as alcohol misuse.  The Hispanic population, particularly Hispanic males, are at a greater risk for involvement in alcohol-related crashes and fatalities.  The Hispanic Toolkit has been developed for use in emergency rooms, trauma centers and other healthcare settings.  The primary audience for the materials is nurses, doctors, counselors, and other healthcare professionals who have an opportunity to conduct SBI with Spanish-speaking patients.  NHTSA regional offices and State Highway Safety Offices can disseminate these toolkits and promote their use in Hispanic communities to hospitals, trauma centers, doctors, and other healthcare professionals.

Number in Stock: 896
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1994 EMT-8 and 1995 Refresher (CD-ROM)

1994 EMT-8 and 1995 Refresher (CD-ROM)

Product ID: 810 511
This CD-ROM contains the instructor's guide for the EMT-Basic and EMT-Refresher National Standard curricula. The guide was designed to assist instructors and coordinators in planning and teaching the EMT-Basic and EMT-Refresher curricula. Both curricula are presented in a modular format, with up to 10 lessons per module. Electronic curricula files are provided in WordPerfect 8 and .pdf formats, for printing or viewing.

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1999 EMT· Paramedic and 2001 Refresher (CD-ROM)

1999 EMT· Paramedic and 2001 Refresher (CD-ROM)

Product ID: 809 378
This CD-ROM provides a series of files comprising the course manual for the EMT-Paramedic National Standard Curriculum, in WordPerfect 6.1 format. The manual includes an Introduction, Appendices, Clinical Competency Assessment, and a series of eight lessons. These courses provide national guidelines for training, and the minimum required technical information for certification as an EMT-Paramedic.

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1999 EMT·I and 2001 Refresher (CD-ROM)

1999 EMT·I and 2001 Refresher (CD-ROM)

Product ID: 809 379
This CD contains material in Adobe Acrobat PDF format for PC and Macintosh users that can be viewed and printed.

Number in Stock: 337
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2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 4 (Manual)

2000 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey-Volume 4 (Manual)

Product ID: 809 459
This report presents findings from a national survey pertaining to crash injury and emergency medical services.   Three color, 8.5" x 11", 75 pages.

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2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey Volume-4(Report)

2007 Motor Vehicle Occupant Safety Survey Volume-4(Report)

Product ID: 810 977
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: This is the fourth report volume from NHTSA's large-sample national telephone survey, conducted in 2007, addressing occupant protection issues.  Volume 4 presents the survey results pertaining to crash injury experience, use of the EMS system, and cell phone use while driving. IMPLICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY: The report provides data to consider when making strategic decisions about allocating health care resources.  It shows the percentage of adults injured in a crash, and the demand they placed on EMS and other health care systems for immediate and follow-up treatment.  This includes data showing hospitalization less often needed when a seat belt was worn.  The report also shows the extent of public use of the 9-1-1 emergency call system.  Other data describe the level of confidence in the EMS system, and how this varies across groups.  In addition, data on cell phone use describe the magnitude of this driver distraction behavior.

Number in Stock: 294
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Characterizing Local EMS Systems

Characterizing Local EMS Systems

Product ID: 811 824

Emergency medical services (EMS) systems are configured differently depending on several factors, including the size, demographics, geography, and politics of the local communities they serve. Although some information exists about the organization, financing, and delivery of EMS in the Nation’s 200 largest cities, there is less information available about how services are organized outside large urban areas, in which 75 percent of the nation’s population resides. There is little evidence to support alternative system designs and configurations in terms of their impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of service delivery. To this end, there is a need to document the variation in system configurations so they may be evaluated on a common basis.


Configurations of EMS Systems: A Pilot Study (Report)

Configurations of EMS Systems: A Pilot Study (Report)

Product ID: 810 911
The purpose of this study was to create a typology for classifying the configurations of EMS systems. The results indicate that EMS systems vary significantly, depending on factors such as the size, demographics, geography, and the communities they serve.

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Driver Fitness Medical Guidelines

Driver Fitness Medical Guidelines

Product ID: 811 210

Number in Stock: 23
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Emergency Medical Services Outcomes Evaluation

Emergency Medical Services Outcomes Evaluation

Product ID: 809 603
Clinical effectiveness studies to address EMS outcomes research require the development of sophisticated case-severity and effectiveness measures.  Outcomes research will allow future generations of Americans to have an EMS system that provides both quality and cost-effective EMS care.  This report describes a project that has laid the foundation for these clinical effectiveness studies to take place.  This project developed a "blueprint" or "set of tools" that EMS practioners can use to evaluate the effectiveness of EMS, or prehospital, care. 8.5" x 11", two color, 80 pages. 

Number in Stock: 260
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EMS Agenda for the Future

EMS Agenda for the Future

Product ID: 808 711
This guide proposes a vision for the future of EMS and for EMS providers to use as a roadmap in building bridges between EMS and other aspects of our health care system.  In the 21st century, EMS will be community-based health management, with the ability to identify and modify illness and injury risks, provide acute care for those with injuries or illness and contribute to the care of those with chronic conditions.  This manual discusses the 14 EMS attributes, and provides 90 suggestions for reaching future goals for EMS delivery.  Full color, 8.5" x 11", 114 pages.

Number in Stock: 1001
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EMS Education Agenda for the Future: A
Systems Approach

EMS Education Agenda for the Future: A Systems Approach

Product ID: 809 042
This report provides a conception for the future of EMS education in the new millenium, including a proposal for a structured system to educate new non-hospital emergency medical care providers. The proposed approach consists of five components for national EMS education: Core Content, Scope of Practice Model, Education Standards, Program Accreditation and Certification. Each of these components is discussed with regard to current practices and future goals. Two color, 8.5" x 11', 57 pages.

EMS National Research Agenda (Report)

EMS National Research Agenda (Report)

Product ID: 809 674
This report documents the need for EMS research and for elevating the science of EMS and pre-hospital care to the next level. Eight barriers to conducting EMS research are discussed and innovative solutions offered in the areas of developing researchers, facilitating collaboration, establishing a reliable funding stream, establishing alternative funding sources, recognizing the need for EMS research, viewing research as necessary for the improvement of patient care, creating reliable information systems, and enhancing ethical approaches to research. 8.5" x 11", three color, 56 pages.

Number in Stock: 50
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Price: $0.00

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Product ID: 810 776

Number in Stock: 1567
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EMS PIER Resource Guide (Student Manual)

EMS PIER Resource Guide (Student Manual)

Product ID: 810 512
This guide is designed to accompany the EMS PIER National Standard Curriculum (3P0094).  Readers can refer to this manual after completing the EMS PIER course, to help them in implementing PIER programs in their community.  Full color, 8.5" x 11".

Number in Stock: 3880
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EMS Update Fall 2010

EMS Update Fall 2010

Product ID: 3P0082
 NHTSA s Office of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) presents this quarterly newsletter to keep emergency care professionals up to date on its most current programs, projects, and products.  The EMS Update replaces the EMS Liaison Report with a new, more readable format.

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EMS: Consensus Statement on the Role of EMS in Primary Injury Prevention (Report)

EMS: Consensus Statement on the Role of EMS in Primary Injury Prevention (Report)

Product ID: 808 392
This consensus statement is for EMS leaders, decision-makers and providers to use in creating a culture of health promotion and safety within EMS.  The statement identifies the specific areas of injury prevention about which all EMS providers must be informed.  It identifies essential activities for EMS leaders including protecting individual EMS providers from injury, providing education on the principles of injury prevention, supporting and promoting the collection and utilization of injury prevention activities networking with prevention organizations, and participating in injury prevention interventions.  30 pages.

Number in Stock: 179
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Feasibility for an EMS Workforce Safety and health Surveillance System (Report)

Feasibility for an EMS Workforce Safety and health Surveillance System (Report)

Product ID: 810 756

The report is a qualitative study and presents the findings of a consensus process that resulted in an agreement of EMS and data system stakeholders on the utility of existing data systems, and a set of elements and characteristics of the surveillance system.  It also contains a literature review of EMS workforce illness and injury.


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First Responder. National standard Curriculum /Refresher

First Responder. National standard Curriculum /Refresher

Product ID: 808 291

First Responder:  National Standard Curriculum - August 1995 (809 291)
First Responder:  Refresher - July 1996 (809 436)

Publication is separated into folders by section, appendices, etc.

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Identification and Referral of Impaired Drivers through Emergency Department Protocols (Report)

Identification and Referral of Impaired Drivers through Emergency Department Protocols (Report)

Product ID: 809 412
This report discusses the investigation conducted to determine whether an emergency department (ED) intervention protocol could identify and refer patients with alcohol abuse or alcohol dependency (AA/AD) and result in more patients receiving treatment and evaluation for substance abuse.  Of patients treated in emergency departments following motor vehicle crashes , 15-20 % are at high risk for AA/AD, and are likely to drive after drinking.  In order to intervene with patients at high risk in the ED, a reliable and quick screening procedure and a method of intervening must be available.  An ED protocol for screening and intervention for patients at high risk of AA/AD increases the likelihood of receiving definitive treatment for AA/AD.  Three color, 8.5" x 11", 26 pages.

Number in Stock: 178
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Leadership Guide to Quality Improvement for Emergency Medical Services Systems

Leadership Guide to Quality Improvement for Emergency Medical Services Systems

Product ID: 808 623
This manual was developed to serve as a template for EMS managers who want to establish and maintain a program for continuously monitoring and improving the quality of patient care and support services in all parts of the EMS system.  It encourages EMS leaders to integrate continuous quality improvement practices as essential parts of normal EMS routines.  Full color, 8.5" x 11", 147 pages.

Number in Stock: 865
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Model State 9-1-1 Plan

Model State 9-1-1 Plan

Product ID: 811 369

The 911 system was originally built as a series of independent, local operations. This worked well for the first 40 years of its operation, as almost none of the 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) were connected. As 911 evolves into an nationally interconnected web of local and state 911 systems, consistency and uniformity in operation and technology are an important issue for state and local 911 systems to address.


National Core Content: Domain of EMS Practice (Report)

National Core Content: Domain of EMS Practice (Report)

Product ID: 809 898
The document will assist NHTSA and the EMS community with improving the EMS education system.  The National EMS Core Content presents the broad domain of knowledge and skills that encompass the out-of-hospital EMS disciplines by identifying general practices without delineating the general practices into specific EMS personnel levels.

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National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards (CD)

National Emergency Medical Services Education Standards (CD)

Product ID: 811 077F

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National Emergency Medical Services Workforce Data Definitions(Report)

Product ID: 811 720

Number in Stock: 530
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National EMS Advisory Council Annual Report

National EMS Advisory Council Annual Report

Product ID: 811 705

The National EMS Advisory Council presents this Summary Report with the hope that it promotes clear priorities, a strong vision for the future, and thoughtful and effective leadership on vital issues facing emergency medical services throughout the United States.

Some time ago, the Council members went through a systematic process to identify the topics we con sidered most important to pursue. We began with a list of more than 80 possibilities, from which emerged a short list of top priorities. The issues highlighted in this report represent fundamental concerns—some of the most challenging and important issues of our time. They have the potential to strengthen the care we provide to patients now and in the future, and significantly enhance the sustainability of EMS while enabling us
to offer even greater value to society.


National EMS Assessment

National EMS Assessment

Product ID: 811 723

This 2011 National EMS Assessment was commissioned by the Federal Interagency Committee for Emergency Medical Services (FICEMS) and funded through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The purpose of this document is to describe EMS, EMS emergency
preparedness, and 911 systems at the State and national levels using existing data sources. Additional insight on current issues within EMS and disaster preparedness is provided through the findings from four expert panels. Finally, a review and discussion of existing data sources, data needs, and opportunities for a future recurring national EMS assessment is provided.


National EMS Scope of Practice Model

National EMS Scope of Practice Model

Product ID: 810 657

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NSC - EMT-Intermediate EMT-Paramedic Curricula Overview (CD-ROM)

NSC - EMT-Intermediate EMT-Paramedic Curricula Overview (CD-ROM)

Product ID: 809 030
This CD-ROM contains WordPerfect files comprising the text of the curricula overview for both the EMT-Intermediate and EMT-Paramedic National Standard Curricula. These curricula overviews present the requirements for certification for EMT-Paramedic and EMT-Intermediate, and provide a description of the course curriculum for each certification program.

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Preparing for Pandemic Influenza (CD)

Preparing for Pandemic Influenza (CD)

Product ID: 810 775/776 (cd)
This report details statewide EMS guidelines for planning EMS response to pandemic influenza. Topics include continuity of operations, education, treatment protocols, decontamination and workforce protection. It combines existing guidelines and disaster response plans with current research and input from stakeholder organizations.  

Number in Stock: 1620
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Preparing for Pandemic Influenza: Recommendations for Protocol Development for 9-1-1 Pwerso

Preparing for Pandemic Influenza: Recommendations for Protocol Development for 9-1-1 Pwerso

Product ID: 810 775
-1-1 PSAPs are the public's point of access to emergency services. Call taking and dispatch must be coordinated with EMS to ensure an efficient response to requests for emergency medical care. In a pandemic worker illness and absenteeism will affect PSAPs ability to respond to transportation-related injuries. A comprehensive pandemic plan may significantly reduce the impact of an outbreak.

Number in Stock: 480
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Progress on Evidence-Based Guidelines for Prehospital Emergency Care

Progress on Evidence-Based Guidelines for Prehospital Emergency Care

Product ID: 811 643

Since 2008, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) Office of Emergency Medical Services and the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) Program (Health Resources and Services Administration), have been fortunate to work with EMS stakeholders to create and pilot test a model for developing and implementing evidence-based guidelines (EBGs) for prehospital emergency care. NHTSA is pleased to share the progress (Appendix A) of the project with the EMS community.


Public Information, Education and Relations for EMS - Injury Prevention Modules

Public Information, Education and Relations for EMS - Injury Prevention Modules

Product ID: 809 520
This product was first published in 1986, with subsequent revisions serving as a tool to advance EMS System functions at the State and local levels. The PIER Injury Prevention Modules are part one of a two-part revision of PIER, and focus specifically on comprehensive primary injury prevention as practiced by EMS personnel.  The textbook contains 5 modules; black and white; 220 pages, 3-hole-punched document.

Number in Stock: 254
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Recommendations for the Safe Transportation of Children in Ground Ambulances

Recommendations for the Safe Transportation of Children in Ground Ambulances

Product ID: 811 677

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation initiated a project in September 2008 titled “Solutions to Safely Transport Children in Emergency Vehicles.” The major objectives of this project were to:

1. Build consensus in the development of a uniform set of recommendations to safely and appropriately transport children (injured, ill, or uninjured) from the scene of a crash or other incident in an ambulance;

2. To foster the creation of best practice recommendations after reviewing the practices currently being used to transport children in ambulances; and

3. To provide consistent national recommendations that will be embraced by local, State and national emergency medical services organizations, enabling them to reduce the frequency of emergency transport of ill, injured or uninjured children who may be transported in an unsafe or inappropriate manner.

To achieve these major objectives, a working group was formed; the working group was comprised of members with experience, background, and extensive knowledge in the current practices of the emergency transportation of children in ground ambulances. The expert members of the working group were drawn from those organizations and entities involved in the health care of children and the emergency transportation of children and others in ground ambulances. It should be noted that throughout the remainder of this document, references to ambulances are limited to ground ambulances, unless otherwise stated. Also, based upon the deliberations of the working group, it was decided to use the terms “child” or “children” versus “youth” to the extent practical throughout the remainder of this document, to represent all children, starting at birth.


Safe Driving and Medical Conditions, Understanding How Health Affects Driving

Product ID: 811 849
These short videos show you how medical conditions may affect safe driving. The videos also show some actions you can take to stay safe and mobile.

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Star of Life Emergency Medical Care Symbol (Booklet)

Star of Life Emergency Medical Care Symbol (Booklet)

Product ID: 808 721

This booklet describes the administrative application and general public information related to the blue "Star of Life" emergency medical care symbol.  8.5" x 11", black and white, 12 pages.


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State EMS System Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: A Report of the FICEMS (Report)

State EMS System Pandemic Influenza Preparedness: A Report of the FICEMS (Report)

Product ID: 811 240

Number in Stock: 859
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Price: $0.00

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The Emergency Medical Services Workforce Agenda for the Future

The Emergency Medical Services Workforce Agenda for the Future

Product ID: 811 473

Number in Stock: 78
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Price: $0.00

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