California Department of Transportation

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Last Updated: Friday, February 20, 2009 12:24 PM


Division of Environmental Analysis

What's New

  • Statewide Soundwall Inventory
    • It's an interactive GIS-based map which identifies the locations and other relevant information of the soundwalls built along the California highways and freeways. Note: this map is not completed yet, as we are still collecting soundwall information.
  • Resource Agency Contact Information
    • A GIS tool that assist Caltrans staff and regional transportation planners with the identification of the location of the Resource Agency field offices. Click here for more information.

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Standard Environmental Reference logo

Standard Environmental Reference

All handbooks, manuals, legal references and guidance related to the preparation of environmental documents and technical reports are found here . . .

Training on Demand

On-line training on a variety of environmental topics can be found here. . . more

NEPA Delegation logo

National Environmental Policy Act Delegation

California is now responsible for FHWA's responsibilities under NEPA and other environmental laws for most highway projects in the state. more..

Photo of rush hour traffic

Air Quality Issues

CO non-attainment, particulate matter, ozone - the statewide Air Quality Program manages policy and conducts studies . . . more. . .

Photo of Riparian Environment

Biological Resources Issues

Caltrans evaluates the effects of its projects on the natural environment, and conducts research related to fairy shrimp, vernal pools, and the potential aquatic toxicity of asphaltic materials. . . more..

Photo of LA skyline

Community Impact Assessment

What effect will proposed transportation projects have on your community? How are disproportionate impacts for transportation projects identified by our technical experts . more...
Photo of historic Railroad Station

Cultural Resource Studies

Investigations for archaeological, architectural, and historical resources is part of the project delivery process. Learn more, and access our publications, and more . . . more. . .

EMO logo

Environmental Management Office (EMO)

The Environmental Management Office (EMO) is responsible for developing environmental policy recommendations . . . more. . .

Photo of hazardous waste sampling crew

Hazardous Waste Management

Information for site contractors, who to contact for more information . . . more. . .

Photo of Native American basket

Native American Issues

Caltrans works with Native Americans to ensure that culturally-significant issues are addressed during project delivery. Caltrans also maintains government-to-government relations with tribes . . . more. . .

Photo of Soundwall

Noise and Vibration Studies

Access the Traffic Noise Analysis Protocol and Technical Noise Supplement . . . eight different training modules are available on-line . . . download the Sound32 noise prediction program . . . more. . .

Storm Water Program Logo

StormWater Program

Find out the latest information about Caltrans dynamic and intensive statewide program to prevent stormwater pollution on highways and . . . more. . .