Year Built
Official Number
Ship Yard
National Steel and Shipbuilding
General Type
Break Bulk
Specific Type
Breakbulk (w/SEF)
Ship Length
470 feet
73 feet
Mast Height
Net Tons
6500 tons
Gross Tons
10590 tons
Cargo Capacity
Draft, Summer
28 tons
Draft, Lightweight
11.9 tons
Displacement, Summer
17570 tons
Displacement, Lightweight
6500 tons
Immersion, Summer
61.0 tons
Immersion, Lightweight
52.0 tons

Historical Narrative

The Maritime Administration's National Register Eligibility Assessment for Aide, available in the Documents section, contains a detailed history of the vessel.

Photo Descriptions
1.) Aide, portside, MARAD file photo.
2.) Aide, at dock, MARAD file photo.
3.) Aide, at dock, MARAD file photo.
4.) Aide, at dock, MARAD file photo.
5.) Aide, at dock, MARAD file photo.
6.) Aide, at dock., MARAD file photo.
7.) Aide, at dock, taken by J. Reardon on 03/08/2012, MARAD file photo.  

Historical Documents
Name Expand Download


Event: Ship Name Change
Date: 10/5/1979

Ship EXPORT AIDE changes name to AIDE
Event: Entry
Date: 10/5/1979

Event: Interim Movement
Date: 11/16/1994

Event: Cleared Historic Review
Date: 3/18/2010

Vessel Cleared NHPA Processing.
Event: Withdrawal
Date: 3/6/2012

Departed under domestic sale contract with Marine Metals, Inc. in Brownsville, TX.

Ship Imagery

Aide_Photos_Page_1.jpg Aide_Photos_Page_2.jpg Aide_Photos_Page_3.jpg Aide_Photo_Page_1.jpg Aide_Photo_Page_2.jpg Aide_Photo_Page_3.jpg 2dc35799-d25c-4984-86f0-c853b0f86617.JPG

Status Cards

78_10159AF.jpg 78_10159BF.jpg 78_10159CF.jpg 78_10159DF.jpg 78_10159EF.jpg


Date Type Name Expand Download
2/18/2010 Aide_NHRE_History.pdf Default Generic Expand Image Default Generic Download Image