Year Built
Official Number
Ship Yard
Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation
General Type
Break Bulk
Specific Type
Breakbulk (w/SEF)
Ship Length
571.9 feet
75.00 feet
Mast Height
136.4 feet
Net Tons
6810 tons
Gross Tons
11310 tons
Cargo Capacity
"42789" square feet
Draft, Summer
30.50 tons
Draft, Lightweight
13.0 tons
Displacement, Summer
20110 tons
Displacement, Lightweight
7382 tons
Immersion, Summer
68.0 tons
Immersion, Lightweight
54.0 tons

Historical Narrative

The Maritime Administration's National Register Eligibility Assessment for Cape Ann, available in the Documents section, contains a detailed history of the vessel.

Vessel Name History
1962 - 1980: African Mercury
1980 - 1980: Mercury
1980 - present: Cape Ann
Historical Documents
Name Expand Download


Event: Acquisition
Date: 12/17/1979

Trade-in title and build program
Event: Entry
Date: 3/19/1980

Entered James River Reserve Fleet
Event: Ship Name Change
Date: 12/30/1980

Ship AFRICAN MERCURY changes name to CAPE ANN
Event: Activation
Date: 11/17/1990

Activated to provide logistical support for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Event: Movement
Date: 12/1/1991

Returned to James River Reserve Fleet after service in Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 9/6/1997

Conducting sea trial
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 9/6/1997

Completed sea trial
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 9/22/1998

NO-Notice Turbo Activation 98-5
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 9/22/1998

Completed Turbo Activation 98-5
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 3/6/1999

NO-Notice Turbo Activation 99-2
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 3/7/1999

Completed Turbo Activation 99-2
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 5/25/1999

Event: Interim Movement
Date: 5/26/1999

Returned to JRRF. JRRF is now homeport.
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 11/1/2000

Tow to Stevens Technical Services in NY
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 11/3/2000

At Stevens Tech. Services for drydocking
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 1/6/2001

Conducting sea trial
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 1/7/2001

Completed sea trial
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 2/3/2001

Under tow to JRRF following deactivation
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 2/6/2001

Returned from Stevens Technical Services
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 9/14/2002

ENRTE: Norfolk VA for activation
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 9/14/2002

At Colonnas S/Y for no-notice activation
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 9/22/2002

Turbo Activation 02-03 sea trial
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 9/26/2002

Completed Turbo Activation 02-03 S/T
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 11/12/2002

Under tow to JRRF
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 11/12/2002

Event: Interim Movement
Date: 4/15/2003

ENRTE: Moon Engineering for downgrading
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 4/16/2003

At Moon Engineering for downgrading
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 5/12/2003

ENRTE: MHI S/Y in Norfolk VA to de-fuel
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 5/12/2003

In for de-fueling
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 7/22/2003

ENRTE: Under tow to JRRF
Event: Interim Movement
Date: 7/22/2003

Return from downgrading and repairs
Event: Section 106 evaluation completed.
Date: 12/18/2008

Event: Section 106 consultation completed
Date: 1/7/2009

Ship Imagery


Status Cards

682_10186AF.jpg 682_10186AB.jpg 682_10186BF.jpg 9b5472f7-34d5-4d6b-8abd-1afff7e8b4b9.png


Date Type Name Expand Download
12/18/2008 Cape_Ann_NHPA_History.pdf Default Generic Expand Image Default Generic Download Image